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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Robert Bongart (MSc MSc MA)
Merge pull request #5 from 2lambda123/pixeebot/ablesov/fix_field_name
Hardening suggestions for KasperskyLab-TinyCheck / ablesov/fix_field_name
2024-04-14 11:59:34 -05:00
Use Generator Expressions Instead of List Comprehensions 2024-04-14 16:16:32 +00:00
Sandbox Process Creation 2024-04-14 16:16:31 +00:00
Use shell=False in subprocess Function Calls 2024-04-14 16:16:31 +00:00
22 changed files with 70075 additions and 25037 deletions

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# This workflow will improvise current file with AI genereated documentation and Create new PR
name: - Revolutionizing Documentation on GitHub
branches: ["main"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Snorkell DocGen Client
uses: SingularityX-ai/snorkell-documentation-client@v1.0.0
client_id: ${{ secrets.SNORKELL_CLIENT_ID }}
api_key: ${{ secrets.SNORKELL_API_KEY }}
branch_name: "main"

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@ -1,478 +1,479 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from classes.parsezeeklogs import ParseZeekLogs
from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress
from utils import get_iocs, get_config, get_whitelist
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess as sp
import json
import pydig
import os
import re
import sys
import whois
class ZeekEngine(object):
def __init__(self, capture_directory):
self.working_dir = capture_directory
self.alerts = []
self.conns = []
self.ssl = []
self.http = []
self.dns = []
self.files = []
self.whitelist = []
# Get analysis and userlang configuration
self.heuristics_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "heuristics"))
self.iocs_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "iocs"))
self.whitelist_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "whitelist"))
self.active_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "active"))
self.userlang = get_config(("frontend", "user_lang"))
# Retreive IOCs.
if self.iocs_analysis:
self.bl_cidrs = [[IPNetwork(cidr[0]), cidr[1]]
for cidr in get_iocs("cidr")]
self.bl_hosts = get_iocs("ip4addr") + get_iocs("ip6addr")
self.bl_domains = get_iocs("domain")
self.bl_freedns = get_iocs("freedns")
self.bl_nameservers = get_iocs("ns")
self.bl_tlds = get_iocs("tld")
# Retreive whitelisted items.
if self.whitelist_analysis:
self.wl_cidrs = [IPNetwork(cidr) for cidr in get_whitelist("cidr")]
self.wl_hosts = get_whitelist("ip4addr") + get_whitelist("ip6addr")
self.wl_domains = get_whitelist("domain")
# Load template language
if not re.match("^[a-z]{2,3}$", self.userlang):
self.userlang = "en"
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), "locales/{}.json".format(self.userlang))) as f:
self.template = json.load(f)["alerts"]
def fill_dns(self, dir):
Fill the DNS resolutions thanks to the dns.log.
:return: nothing - all resolutions appended to self.dns.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "dns.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "dns.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
if record["qtype_name"] in ["A", "AAAA"]:
d = {"domain": record["query"],
"answers": record["answers"].split(",")}
if d not in self.dns:
def netflow_check(self, dir):
Enrich and check the netflow from the conn.log against whitelist and IOCs.
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
max_ports = get_config(("analysis", "max_ports"))
http_default_port = get_config(("analysis", "http_default_port"))
# Get the netflow from conn.log.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "conn.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "conn.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"ip_dst": record["id.resp_h"],
"proto": record["proto"],
"port_dst": record["id.resp_p"],
"service": record["service"],
"alert_tiggered": False}
if c not in self.conns:
# Let's add some dns resolutions.
for c in self.conns:
c["resolution"] = self.resolve(c["ip_dst"])
# Order the conns list by the resolution field.
self.conns = sorted(self.conns, key=lambda c: c["resolution"])
# Check for whitelisted assets, if any, delete the record.
if self.whitelist_analysis:
for i, c in enumerate(self.conns):
if c["ip_dst"] in [ip for ip in self.wl_hosts]:
self.conns[i] = False
elif c["resolution"] in self.wl_domains:
self.conns[i] = False
elif True in [c["resolution"].endswith("." + dom) for dom in self.wl_domains]:
self.conns[i] = False
elif True in [IPAddress(c["ip_dst"]) in cidr for cidr in self.wl_cidrs]:
self.conns[i] = False
# Let's delete whitelisted connections.
self.conns = list(filter(lambda c: c != False, self.conns))
if self.heuristics_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
# Check for UDP / ICMP (strange from a smartphone.)
if c["proto"] in ["UDP", "ICMP"]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-01"]["title"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-01"]["description"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "PROTO-01"})
# Check for use of ports over 1024.
if c["port_dst"] >= max_ports:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-02"]["title"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"], max_ports),
"description": self.template["PROTO-02"]["description"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-02"})
# Check for use of HTTP.
if c["service"] == "http" and c["port_dst"] == http_default_port:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-03"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-03"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-03"})
# Check for use of HTTP on a non standard port.
if c["service"] == "http" and c["port_dst"] != http_default_port:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-04"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-04"]["description"].format(c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "PROTO-04"})
# Check for non-resolved IP address.
if c["ip_dst"] == c["resolution"]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-05"]["title"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-05"]["description"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"host": c["ip_dst"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-05"})
if self.iocs_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
# Check for blacklisted IP address.
for host in self.bl_hosts:
if c["ip_dst"] == host[0]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-01"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], c["ip_dst"], host[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-01"]["description"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-01"})
# Check for blacklisted CIDR.
for cidr in self.bl_cidrs:
if IPAddress(c["ip_dst"]) in cidr[0]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-02"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], cidr[0], cidr[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-02"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-02"})
# Check for blacklisted domain.
for domain in self.bl_domains:
if c["resolution"].endswith(domain[0]):
if domain[1] != "tracker":
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-03"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-03"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-03"})
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-04"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-04"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-04"})
# Check for blacklisted FreeDNS.
for domain in self.bl_freedns:
if c["resolution"].endswith("." + domain[0]):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-05"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-05"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-05"})
# Check for suspect tlds.
for tld in self.bl_tlds:
if c["resolution"].endswith(tld[0]):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-06"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-06"]["description"].format(c["resolution"], tld[0]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "IOC-06"})
if self.active_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
try: # Domain nameservers check.
name_servers = pydig.query(c["resolution"], "NS")
if len(name_servers):
for ns in self.bl_nameservers:
if name_servers[0].endswith(".{}.".format(ns[0])):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ACT-01"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], name_servers[0]),
"description": self.template["ACT-01"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ACT-01"})
try: # Domain history check.
whois_record = whois.whois(c["resolution"])
creation_date = whois_record.creation_date if type(
whois_record.creation_date) is not list else whois_record.creation_date[0]
creation_days = abs(( - creation_date).days)
if creation_days < 365:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ACT-02"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], creation_days),
"description": self.template["ACT-02"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ACT-02"})
def files_check(self, dir):
Check on the files.log:
* Check certificates sha1
* [todo] Check possible binary data or APKs?
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
if not self.iocs_analysis:
bl_certs = get_iocs("sha1cert")
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "files.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "files.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
f = {"filename": record["filename"],
"ip_src": record["id.orig_h"],
"ip_dst": record["id.resp_h"],
"mime_type": record["mime_type"],
"sha1": record["sha1"]}
if f not in self.files:
for f in self.files:
if f["mime_type"] == "application/x-x509-user-cert":
for cert in bl_certs: # Check for blacklisted certificate.
if f["sha1"] == cert[0]:
host = self.resolve(f["ip_src"])
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-07"]["title"].format(cert[1].upper(), host),
"description": self.template["IOC-07"]["description"].format(f["sha1"], host),
"host": host,
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-07"})
def http_check(self, dir):
Check on the http.log:
* Blacklisted domain/tld from the Host header field.
Can be used when no DNS query have been done during the session (already cached by the device.)
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "http.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "http.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"host": record['host']}
if c not in self.http:
if self.iocs_analysis:
for c in self.http:
# If we already know the host form DNS, let's continue.
if c["host"] in [r["domain"] for r in self.dns]:
# Check for blacklisted domain.
for h in self.bl_domains:
if h[1] != "tracker":
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-08"]["title"].format(c["host"], h[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-08"]["description"].format(c["host"]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-08"})
# Check for freedns.
for h in self.bl_freedns:
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-09"]["title"].format(c["host"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-09"]["description"].format(c["host"]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-09"})
# Check for fancy TLD.
for h in self.bl_tlds:
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-10"]["title"].format(c["host"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-10"]["description"].format(c["host"], h[0]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "IOC-10"})
def ssl_check(self, dir):
Check on the ssl.log:
* SSL connections which doesn't use the 443.
* "Free" certificate issuer (taken from the config).
* Self-signed certificates.
* Blacklisted domain in the CN
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
ssl_default_ports = get_config(("analysis", "ssl_default_ports"))
free_issuers = get_config(("analysis", "free_issuers"))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ssl.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "ssl.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"host": record['id.resp_h'],
"port": record['id.resp_p'],
"issuer": record["issuer"] if "issuer" in record else "",
"validation_status": record["validation_status"],
"cn": record["server_name"] if "server_name" in record else ""}
if c not in self.ssl:
if self.heuristics_analysis:
for cert in self.ssl:
host = self.resolve(cert["host"])
# If the associated host has not whitelisted, check the cert.
for c in self.conns:
if host in c["resolution"]:
# Check for non generic SSL port.
if cert["port"] not in ssl_default_ports:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-01"]["title"].format(cert["port"], host),
"description": self.template["SSL-01"]["description"].format(host),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-01"})
# Check Free SSL certificates.
if cert["issuer"] in free_issuers:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-02"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["SSL-02"]["description"],
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-02"})
# Check for self-signed certificates.
if cert["validation_status"] == "self signed certificate in certificate chain":
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-03"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["SSL-03"]["description"].format(host),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-03"})
if self.iocs_analysis:
for cert in self.ssl:
# Check if the domain in the certificate haven't been blacklisted
# This check can be good if the domain has already been cached by
# the device so it wont appear in self.dns.
if any([cert["cn"].endswith(r["domain"]) for r in self.dns]):
for domain in self.bl_domains:
if domain[1] != "tracker":
if cert["cn"].endswith(domain[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-04"]["title"].format(domain[0], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["SSL-04"]["description"].format(domain[0]),
"host": domain[0],
"level": "High",
"id": "SSL-04"})
def alerts_check(self):
Leverage an advice to the user based on the trigered hosts
:return: nothing - all generated alerts appended to self.alerts
hosts = {}
for alert in [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.alerts}]:
if alert["host"] not in hosts:
hosts[alert["host"]] = 1
hosts[alert["host"]] += 1
for host, nb in hosts.items():
if nb >= get_config(("analysis", "max_alerts")):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ADV-01"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["ADV-01"]["description"].format(host, nb),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ADV-01"})
def resolve(self, ip_addr):
A simple method to retreive DNS names from IP addresses
in order to replace them in alerts.
:return: String - DNS record or IP Address.
for record in self.dns:
if ip_addr in record["answers"]:
return record["domain"]
return ip_addr
def start_zeek(self):
Start zeek and check the logs.
sp.Popen("cd {} && /opt/zeek/bin/zeek -Cr capture.pcap protocols/ssl/validate-certs".format(
self.working_dir), shell=True).wait()
sp.Popen("cd {} && mv *.log assets/".format(self.working_dir),
self.fill_dns(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.netflow_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.ssl_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.http_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.files_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
def retrieve_alerts(self):
Retrieve alerts.
:return: list - a list of alerts wihout duplicates.
return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.alerts}]
def retrieve_whitelist(self):
Retrieve whitelisted elements.
:return: list - a list of whitelisted elements wihout duplicates.
return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.whitelist}]
def retrieve_conns(self):
Retrieve not whitelisted elements.
:return: list - a list of non-whitelisted elements wihout duplicates.
return self.conns
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from classes.parsezeeklogs import ParseZeekLogs
from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress
from utils import get_iocs, get_config, get_whitelist
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess as sp
import json
import pydig
import os
import re
import sys
import whois
from security import safe_command
class ZeekEngine(object):
def __init__(self, capture_directory):
self.working_dir = capture_directory
self.alerts = []
self.conns = []
self.ssl = []
self.http = []
self.dns = []
self.files = []
self.whitelist = []
# Get analysis and userlang configuration
self.heuristics_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "heuristics"))
self.iocs_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "iocs"))
self.whitelist_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "whitelist"))
self.active_analysis = get_config(("analysis", "active"))
self.userlang = get_config(("frontend", "user_lang"))
# Retreive IOCs.
if self.iocs_analysis:
self.bl_cidrs = [[IPNetwork(cidr[0]), cidr[1]]
for cidr in get_iocs("cidr")]
self.bl_hosts = get_iocs("ip4addr") + get_iocs("ip6addr")
self.bl_domains = get_iocs("domain")
self.bl_freedns = get_iocs("freedns")
self.bl_nameservers = get_iocs("ns")
self.bl_tlds = get_iocs("tld")
# Retreive whitelisted items.
if self.whitelist_analysis:
self.wl_cidrs = [IPNetwork(cidr) for cidr in get_whitelist("cidr")]
self.wl_hosts = get_whitelist("ip4addr") + get_whitelist("ip6addr")
self.wl_domains = get_whitelist("domain")
# Load template language
if not re.match("^[a-z]{2,3}$", self.userlang):
self.userlang = "en"
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), "locales/{}.json".format(self.userlang))) as f:
self.template = json.load(f)["alerts"]
def fill_dns(self, dir):
Fill the DNS resolutions thanks to the dns.log.
:return: nothing - all resolutions appended to self.dns.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "dns.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "dns.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
if record["qtype_name"] in ["A", "AAAA"]:
d = {"domain": record["query"],
"answers": record["answers"].split(",")}
if d not in self.dns:
def netflow_check(self, dir):
Enrich and check the netflow from the conn.log against whitelist and IOCs.
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
max_ports = get_config(("analysis", "max_ports"))
http_default_port = get_config(("analysis", "http_default_port"))
# Get the netflow from conn.log.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "conn.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "conn.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"ip_dst": record["id.resp_h"],
"proto": record["proto"],
"port_dst": record["id.resp_p"],
"service": record["service"],
"alert_tiggered": False}
if c not in self.conns:
# Let's add some dns resolutions.
for c in self.conns:
c["resolution"] = self.resolve(c["ip_dst"])
# Order the conns list by the resolution field.
self.conns = sorted(self.conns, key=lambda c: c["resolution"])
# Check for whitelisted assets, if any, delete the record.
if self.whitelist_analysis:
for i, c in enumerate(self.conns):
if c["ip_dst"] in [ip for ip in self.wl_hosts]:
self.conns[i] = False
elif c["resolution"] in self.wl_domains:
self.conns[i] = False
elif True in [c["resolution"].endswith("." + dom) for dom in self.wl_domains]:
self.conns[i] = False
elif True in [IPAddress(c["ip_dst"]) in cidr for cidr in self.wl_cidrs]:
self.conns[i] = False
# Let's delete whitelisted connections.
self.conns = list(filter(lambda c: c != False, self.conns))
if self.heuristics_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
# Check for UDP / ICMP (strange from a smartphone.)
if c["proto"] in ["UDP", "ICMP"]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-01"]["title"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-01"]["description"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "PROTO-01"})
# Check for use of ports over 1024.
if c["port_dst"] >= max_ports:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-02"]["title"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"], max_ports),
"description": self.template["PROTO-02"]["description"].format(c["proto"].upper(), c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-02"})
# Check for use of HTTP.
if c["service"] == "http" and c["port_dst"] == http_default_port:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-03"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-03"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-03"})
# Check for use of HTTP on a non standard port.
if c["service"] == "http" and c["port_dst"] != http_default_port:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-04"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-04"]["description"].format(c["resolution"], c["port_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "PROTO-04"})
# Check for non-resolved IP address.
if c["ip_dst"] == c["resolution"]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["PROTO-05"]["title"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"description": self.template["PROTO-05"]["description"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"host": c["ip_dst"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "PROTO-05"})
if self.iocs_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
# Check for blacklisted IP address.
for host in self.bl_hosts:
if c["ip_dst"] == host[0]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-01"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], c["ip_dst"], host[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-01"]["description"].format(c["ip_dst"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-01"})
# Check for blacklisted CIDR.
for cidr in self.bl_cidrs:
if IPAddress(c["ip_dst"]) in cidr[0]:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-02"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], cidr[0], cidr[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-02"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-02"})
# Check for blacklisted domain.
for domain in self.bl_domains:
if c["resolution"].endswith(domain[0]):
if domain[1] != "tracker":
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-03"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-03"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-03"})
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-04"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-04"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-04"})
# Check for blacklisted FreeDNS.
for domain in self.bl_freedns:
if c["resolution"].endswith("." + domain[0]):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-05"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-05"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-05"})
# Check for suspect tlds.
for tld in self.bl_tlds:
if c["resolution"].endswith(tld[0]):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-06"]["title"].format(c["resolution"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-06"]["description"].format(c["resolution"], tld[0]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "IOC-06"})
if self.active_analysis:
for c in self.conns:
try: # Domain nameservers check.
name_servers = pydig.query(c["resolution"], "NS")
if len(name_servers):
for ns in self.bl_nameservers:
if name_servers[0].endswith(".{}.".format(ns[0])):
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ACT-01"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], name_servers[0]),
"description": self.template["ACT-01"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ACT-01"})
try: # Domain history check.
whois_record = whois.whois(c["resolution"])
creation_date = whois_record.creation_date if type(
whois_record.creation_date) is not list else whois_record.creation_date[0]
creation_days = abs(( - creation_date).days)
if creation_days < 365:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ACT-02"]["title"].format(c["resolution"], creation_days),
"description": self.template["ACT-02"]["description"].format(c["resolution"]),
"host": c["resolution"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ACT-02"})
def files_check(self, dir):
Check on the files.log:
* Check certificates sha1
* [todo] Check possible binary data or APKs?
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
if not self.iocs_analysis:
bl_certs = get_iocs("sha1cert")
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "files.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "files.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
f = {"filename": record["filename"],
"ip_src": record["id.orig_h"],
"ip_dst": record["id.resp_h"],
"mime_type": record["mime_type"],
"sha1": record["sha1"]}
if f not in self.files:
for f in self.files:
if f["mime_type"] == "application/x-x509-user-cert":
for cert in bl_certs: # Check for blacklisted certificate.
if f["sha1"] == cert[0]:
host = self.resolve(f["ip_src"])
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-07"]["title"].format(cert[1].upper(), host),
"description": self.template["IOC-07"]["description"].format(f["sha1"], host),
"host": host,
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-07"})
def http_check(self, dir):
Check on the http.log:
* Blacklisted domain/tld from the Host header field.
Can be used when no DNS query have been done during the session (already cached by the device.)
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "http.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "http.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"host": record['host']}
if c not in self.http:
if self.iocs_analysis:
for c in self.http:
# If we already know the host form DNS, let's continue.
if c["host"] in [r["domain"] for r in self.dns]:
# Check for blacklisted domain.
for h in self.bl_domains:
if h[1] != "tracker":
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-08"]["title"].format(c["host"], h[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["IOC-08"]["description"].format(c["host"]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "High",
"id": "IOC-08"})
# Check for freedns.
for h in self.bl_freedns:
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-09"]["title"].format(c["host"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-09"]["description"].format(c["host"]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "IOC-09"})
# Check for fancy TLD.
for h in self.bl_tlds:
if c["host"].endswith(h[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["IOC-10"]["title"].format(c["host"]),
"description": self.template["IOC-10"]["description"].format(c["host"], h[0]),
"host": c["host"],
"level": "Low",
"id": "IOC-10"})
def ssl_check(self, dir):
Check on the ssl.log:
* SSL connections which doesn't use the 443.
* "Free" certificate issuer (taken from the config).
* Self-signed certificates.
* Blacklisted domain in the CN
:return: nothing - all stuff appended to self.alerts
ssl_default_ports = get_config(("analysis", "ssl_default_ports"))
free_issuers = get_config(("analysis", "free_issuers"))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ssl.log")):
for record in ParseZeekLogs(os.path.join(dir, "ssl.log"), output_format="json", safe_headers=False):
if record is not None:
c = {"host": record['id.resp_h'],
"port": record['id.resp_p'],
"issuer": record["issuer"] if "issuer" in record else "",
"validation_status": record["validation_status"],
"cn": record["server_name"] if "server_name" in record else ""}
if c not in self.ssl:
if self.heuristics_analysis:
for cert in self.ssl:
host = self.resolve(cert["host"])
# If the associated host has not whitelisted, check the cert.
for c in self.conns:
if host in c["resolution"]:
# Check for non generic SSL port.
if cert["port"] not in ssl_default_ports:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-01"]["title"].format(cert["port"], host),
"description": self.template["SSL-01"]["description"].format(host),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-01"})
# Check Free SSL certificates.
if cert["issuer"] in free_issuers:
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-02"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["SSL-02"]["description"],
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-02"})
# Check for self-signed certificates.
if cert["validation_status"] == "self signed certificate in certificate chain":
c["alert_tiggered"] = True
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-03"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["SSL-03"]["description"].format(host),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "SSL-03"})
if self.iocs_analysis:
for cert in self.ssl:
# Check if the domain in the certificate haven't been blacklisted
# This check can be good if the domain has already been cached by
# the device so it wont appear in self.dns.
if any(cert["cn"].endswith(r["domain"]) for r in self.dns):
for domain in self.bl_domains:
if domain[1] != "tracker":
if cert["cn"].endswith(domain[0]):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["SSL-04"]["title"].format(domain[0], domain[1].upper()),
"description": self.template["SSL-04"]["description"].format(domain[0]),
"host": domain[0],
"level": "High",
"id": "SSL-04"})
def alerts_check(self):
Leverage an advice to the user based on the trigered hosts
:return: nothing - all generated alerts appended to self.alerts
hosts = {}
for alert in [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.alerts}]:
if alert["host"] not in hosts:
hosts[alert["host"]] = 1
hosts[alert["host"]] += 1
for host, nb in hosts.items():
if nb >= get_config(("analysis", "max_alerts")):
self.alerts.append({"title": self.template["ADV-01"]["title"].format(host),
"description": self.template["ADV-01"]["description"].format(host, nb),
"host": host,
"level": "Moderate",
"id": "ADV-01"})
def resolve(self, ip_addr):
A simple method to retreive DNS names from IP addresses
in order to replace them in alerts.
:return: String - DNS record or IP Address.
for record in self.dns:
if ip_addr in record["answers"]:
return record["domain"]
return ip_addr
def start_zeek(self):
Start zeek and check the logs.
""", "cd {} && /opt/zeek/bin/zeek -Cr capture.pcap protocols/ssl/validate-certs".format(
self.working_dir), shell=False).wait(), "cd {} && mv *.log assets/".format(self.working_dir),
self.fill_dns(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.netflow_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.ssl_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.http_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
self.files_check(self.working_dir + "/assets/")
def retrieve_alerts(self):
Retrieve alerts.
:return: list - a list of alerts wihout duplicates.
return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.alerts}]
def retrieve_whitelist(self):
Retrieve whitelisted elements.
:return: list - a list of whitelisted elements wihout duplicates.
return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.whitelist}]
def retrieve_conns(self):
Retrieve not whitelisted elements.
:return: list - a list of non-whitelisted elements wihout duplicates.
return self.conns

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