#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, Response, request from app.decorators import require_header_token, require_get_token from app.classes.iocs import IOCs import json ioc_bp = Blueprint("ioc", __name__) ioc = IOCs() @ioc_bp.route('/add////', methods=['GET']) @require_header_token def add(ioc_type, ioc_tag, ioc_tlp, ioc_value): """ Parse and add an IOC to the database. :return: status of the operation in JSON """ source = "backend" res = IOCs.add(ioc_type, ioc_tag, ioc_tlp, ioc_value, source) return jsonify(res) @ioc_bp.route('/add_post', methods=['POST']) @require_header_token def add_post(): """ Parse and add an IOC to the database using the post method. :return: status of the operation in JSON """ data = json.loads(request.data) ioc = data["data"]["ioc"] res = IOCs.add(ioc["ioc_type"], ioc["ioc_tag"], ioc["ioc_tlp"], ioc["ioc_value"], ioc["ioc_source"]) return jsonify(res) @ioc_bp.route('/delete/', methods=['GET']) @require_header_token def delete(ioc_id): """ Delete an IOC by its id to the database. :return: status of the operation in JSON """ res = IOCs.delete(ioc_id) return jsonify(res) @ioc_bp.route('/search/', methods=['GET']) @require_header_token def search(term): """ Search IOCs in the database. :return: potential results in JSON. """ res = IOCs.search(term) return jsonify({"results": [i for i in res]}) @ioc_bp.route('/get/types') @require_header_token def get_types(): """ Retreive a list of IOCs types. :return: list of types in JSON. """ res = IOCs.get_types() return jsonify({"types": [t for t in res]}) @ioc_bp.route('/get/tags') @require_header_token def get_tags(): """ Retreive a list of IOCs tags. :return: list of types in JSON. """ res = IOCs.get_tags() return jsonify({"tags": [t for t in res]}) @ioc_bp.route('/export') @require_get_token def get_all(): """ Retreive a list of all IOCs. :return: list of iocs in JSON. """ res = IOCs.get_all() return Response(json.dumps({"iocs": [i for i in res]}), mimetype='application/json', headers={'Content-Disposition': 'attachment;filename=iocs-export.json'})