#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess as sp import netifaces as ni import requests as rq import sys import time import qrcode import base64 import random import requests from wifi import Cell from os import path, remove from io import BytesIO from app.utils import terminate_process, read_config class Network(object): def __init__(self): self.AP_SSID = False self.AP_PASS = False self.iface_in = read_config(("network", "in")) self.iface_out = read_config(("network", "out")) self.enable_interface(self.iface_in) self.enable_interface(self.iface_out) self.enable_forwarding() self.reset_dnsmasq_leases() self.random_choice_alphabet = "abcdef1234567890" def check_status(self): """ The method check_status check the IP addressing of each interface and return their associated IP. :return: dict containing each interface status. """ ctx = {"interfaces": { self.iface_in: False, self.iface_out: False, "eth0": False}, "internet": self.check_internet()} for iface in ctx["interfaces"].keys(): try: ip = ni.ifaddresses(iface)[ni.AF_INET][0]["addr"] if not ip.startswith("127") or not ip.startswith("169.254"): ctx["interfaces"][iface] = ip except: ctx["interfaces"][iface] = "Interface not connected or present." return ctx def wifi_list_networks(self): """ The method wifi_list_networks list the available WiFi networks by using wifi python package. :return: dict - containing the list of Wi-Fi networks. """ networks = [] try: for n in Cell.all(self.iface_out): if n.ssid not in [n["ssid"] for n in networks] and n.ssid and n.encrypted: networks.append( {"ssid": n.ssid, "type": n.encryption_type}) return {"networks": networks} except: return {"networks": []} @staticmethod def wifi_setup(ssid, password): """ Edit the wpa_supplicant file with provided credentials. If the ssid already exists, just update the password. Otherwise create a new entry in the file. :return: dict containing the status of the operation """ if len(password) >= 8 and len(ssid): found = False networks = [] header, content = "", "" with open("/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf") as f: content = f.read() blocks = content.split("network={") header = blocks[0] for block in blocks[1:]: net = {} for line in block.splitlines(): if line and line != "}": key, val = line.strip().split("=") if key != "disabled": net[key] = val.replace("\"", "") networks.append(net) for net in networks: if net["ssid"] == ssid: net["psk"] = password.replace('"', '\\"') found = True if not found: networks.append({ "ssid": ssid, "psk": password.replace('"', '\\"'), "key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK" }) with open("/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf", "w+") as f: content = header for network in networks: net = "network={\n" for k, v in network.items(): if k in ["ssid", "psk"]: net += " {}=\"{}\"\n".format(k, v) else: net += " {}={}\n".format(k, v) net += "}\n\n" content += net if f.write(content): return {"status": True, "message": "Configuration saved"} else: return {"status": False, "message": "Error while writing wpa_supplicant configuration file."} else: return {"status": False, "message": "Empty SSID or/and password length less than 8 chars."} def wifi_connect(self): """ Connect to one of the WiFi networks present in the wpa_supplicant.conf. :return: dict containing the TinyCheck <-> AP status. """ # Kill wpa_supplicant instances, if any. terminate_process("wpa_supplicant") # Launch a new instance of wpa_supplicant. sp.Popen(["wpa_supplicant", "-B", "-i", self.iface_out, "-c", "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf"]).wait() # Check internet status for _ in range(1, 40): if self.check_internet(): return {"status": True, "message": "Wifi connected"} time.sleep(1) return {"status": False, "message": "Wifi not connected"} def start_ap(self): """ The start_ap method generates an Access Point by using HostApd and provide to the GUI the associated ssid, password and qrcode. :return: dict containing the status of the AP """ # Re-ask to enable interface, sometimes it just go away. if not self.enable_interface(self.iface_out): return {"status": False, "message": "Interface not present."} # Generate the hostapd configuration if read_config(("network", "tokenized_ssids")): token = "".join([random.choice(self.random_choice_alphabet) for i in range(4)]) self.AP_SSID = random.choice(read_config( ("network", "ssids"))) + "-" + token else: self.AP_SSID = random.choice(read_config(("network", "ssids"))) self.AP_PASS = "".join( [random.choice(self.random_choice_alphabet) for i in range(8)]) # Launch hostapd if self.write_hostapd_config(): if self.lauch_hostapd() and self.reset_dnsmasq_leases(): return {"status": True, "message": "AP started", "ssid": self.AP_SSID, "password": self.AP_PASS, "qrcode": self.generate_qr_code()} else: return {"status": False, "message": "Error while creating AP."} else: return {"status": False, "message": "Error while writing hostapd configuration file."} def generate_qr_code(self): """ The method generate_qr_code returns a QRCode based on the SSID and the password. :return: - string containing the PNG of the QRCode. """ qrc = qrcode.make("WIFI:S:{};T:WPA;P:{};;".format( self.AP_SSID, self.AP_PASS)) buffered = BytesIO() qrc.save(buffered, format="PNG") return "data:image/png;base64,{}".format(base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode("utf8")) def write_hostapd_config(self): """ The method write_hostapd_config write the hostapd configuration under a temporary location defined in the config file. :return: bool - if hostapd configuration file created """ try: with open("{}/app/assets/hostapd.conf".format(sys.path[0]), "r") as f: conf = f.read() conf = conf.replace("{IFACE}", self.iface_in) conf = conf.replace("{SSID}", self.AP_SSID) conf = conf.replace("{PASS}", self.AP_PASS) with open("/tmp/hostapd.conf", "w") as c: c.write(conf) return True except: return False def lauch_hostapd(self): """ The method lauch_hostapd kill old instance of hostapd and launch a new one as a background process. :return: bool - if hostapd sucessfully launched. """ # Kill potential zombies of hostapd terminate_process("hostapd") sp.Popen(["ifconfig", self.iface_in, "up"]).wait() sp.Popen( "/usr/sbin/hostapd /tmp/hostapd.conf > /tmp/hostapd.log", shell=True) while True: if path.isfile("/tmp/hostapd.log"): with open("/tmp/hostapd.log", "r") as f: log = f.read() err = ["Could not configure driver mode", "driver initialization failed"] if not any(e in log for e in err): if "AP-ENABLED" in log: return True else: return False time.sleep(1) def stop_hostapd(self): """ Stop hostapd instance. :return: dict - a little message for debug. """ if terminate_process("hostapd"): return {"status": True, "message": "AP stopped"} else: return {"status": False, "message": "No AP running"} def reset_dnsmasq_leases(self): """ This method reset the DNSMasq leases and logs to get the new connected device name & new DNS entries. :return: bool if everything goes well """ try: sp.Popen("service dnsmasq stop", shell=True).wait() sp.Popen("cp /dev/null /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases", shell=True).wait() sp.Popen("cp /dev/null /var/log/messages.log", shell=True).wait() sp.Popen("service dnsmasq start", shell=True).wait() return True except: return False def enable_forwarding(self): """ This enable forwarding to get internet working on the connected device. Method tiggered during the Network class intialization. :return: bool if everything goes well """ try: sp.Popen("echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", shell=True).wait() # Enable forwarding. sp.Popen(["iptables", "-A", "POSTROUTING", "-t", "nat", "-o", self.iface_out, "-j", "MASQUERADE"]).wait() # Prevent the device to reach the 80 and 443 of TinyCheck. sp.Popen(["iptables", "-A", "INPUT", "-i", self.iface_in, "-d", "", "-p", "tcp", "--match", "multiport", "--dports", "80,443", "-j" "DROP"]).wait() return True except: return False def enable_interface(self, iface): """ This enable interfaces, with a simple check. :return: bool if everything goes well """ sh = sp.Popen(["ifconfig", iface], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) sh = sh.communicate() if b"