#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from utils import get_iocs, get_apname, get_device import time import os import subprocess as sp import re import json class SuricataEngine(): def __init__(self, capture_directory): self.wdir = capture_directory self.alerts = [] self.rules_file = "/tmp/rules.rules" self.pcap_path = os.path.join(self.wdir, "capture.pcap") self.rules = [r[0] for r in get_iocs( "snort")] + self.generate_contextual_alerts() def start_suricata(self): """ Launch suricata against the capture.pcap file. :return: nothing. """ # Generate the rule file an launch suricata. if self.generate_rule_file(): sp.Popen(["suricata", "-S", self.rules_file, "-r", self.pcap_path, "-l", "/tmp/"]).wait() # Let's parse the log file. for line in open("/tmp/fast.log", "r").readlines(): if "[**]" in line: s = line.split("[**]")[1].strip() m = re.search( r"\[\d+\:(?P<sid>\d+)\:(?P<rev>\d+)\] (?P<title>[ -~]+)", s) self.alerts.append({"title": "Suricata rule tiggered: {}".format(m.group('title')), "description": """A network detection rule has been tiggered. It's likely that your device has been compromised or contains a malicious application.""", "level": "High", "id": "SNORT-01"}) # Remove fast.log os.remove("/tmp/fast.log") def generate_rule_file(self): """ Generate the rules file passed to suricata. :return: bool if operation succeed. """ try: with open(self.rules_file, "w+") as f: f.write("\n".join(self.rules)) return True except: return False def generate_contextual_alerts(self): """ Generate contextual alerts related to the current ssid or the device itself. """ apname = get_apname() device = get_device(self.wdir.split("/")[-1]) rules = [] # Devices names to be whitelisted (can appear in UA of HTTP requests. So FP high alerts) device_names = ["iphone", "ipad", "android", "samsung", "galaxy", "huawei", "oneplus", "oppo", "pixel", "xiaomi", "realme", "chrome", "safari"] if apname and device: # See if the AP name is sent in clear text over the internet. if len(apname) >= 5: rules.append( 'alert tcp {} any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:"{}"; msg:"WiFi name sent in clear text"; sid:10000101; rev:001;)'.format(device["ip_address"], apname)) rules.append( 'alert udp {} any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:"{}"; msg:"WiFi name sent in clear text"; sid:10000102; rev:001;)'.format(device["ip_address"], apname)) # See if the device name is sent in clear text over the internet. if len(device["name"]) >= 5 and device["name"].lower() not in device_names: rules.append('alert tcp {} any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:"{}"; msg:"Device name sent in clear text"; sid:10000103; rev:001;)'.format( device["ip_address"], device["name"])) rules.append('alert udp {} any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:"{}"; msg:"Device name sent in clear text"; sid:10000104; rev:001;)'.format( device["ip_address"], device["name"])) return rules def get_alerts(self): return [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in self.alerts}]