#!/bin/bash CURRENT_USER="${SUDO_USER}" SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" HOST="$( hostname )" IFACES="$( ifconfig -a | grep -Eo '[a-z0-9]{4,14}\: ' | grep -oE [a-z0-9]+ )" IFACE_OUT="" IFACE_IN="" LOCALES=(en fr cat es ru pt de it) welcome_screen() { cat << "EOF" _____ _ ___ _ _ /__ (_)_ __ _ _ / __\ |__ ___ ___| | __ / /\/ | '_ \| | | |/ / | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / / / | | | | | |_| / /___| | | | __/ (__| < \/ |_|_| |_|\__, \____/|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\ |___/ ----- EOF } check_operating_system() { # Check that this installer is running on a # Debian-like operating system (for dependencies) echo -e "\e[39m[+] Checking operating system\e[39m" error="\e[91m [✘] Need to be run on a Debian-like operating system, exiting.\e[39m" if [[ -f "/etc/os-release" ]]; then if [[ $(cat /etc/os-release | grep "ID_LIKE=debian") ]]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Debian-like operating system\e[39m" else echo -e "$error" exit 1 fi else echo -e "$error" exit 1 fi } set_userlang() { # Set the user language. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Setting the user language...\e[39m" printf -v joined '%s/' "${LOCALES[@]}" echo -n " Please choose a language for the reports and the user interface (${joined%/}): " read lang if [[ " ${LOCALES[@]} " =~ " ${lang} " ]]; then sed -i "s/userlang/${lang}/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] User language settled!\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[91m [✘] You must choose between the languages proposed, let's retry.\e[39m" set_userlang fi } set_credentials() { # Set the credentials to access to the backend. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Setting the backend credentials...\e[39m" echo -n " Please choose a username for TinyCheck's backend: " read login echo -n " Please choose a password for TinyCheck's backend: " read -s password1 echo "" echo -n " Please confirm the password: " read -s password2 echo "" if [ $password1 = $password2 ]; then password=$(echo -n "$password1" | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1) sed -i "s/userlogin/$login/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml sed -i "s/userpassword/$password/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Credentials saved successfully!\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[91m [✘] The passwords aren't equal, please retry.\e[39m" set_credentials fi } set_kioskmode() { echo -n "[?] Do you want to start TinyCheck in fullscreen during the system startup (aka. Kiosk mode)? [Yes/No] " read answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]] then sed -i "s/kioskmode/true/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml sed -i "s/hidemouse/true/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml sed -i "s/quitoption/true/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] TinyCheck settled in kiosk mode\e[39m" else sed -i "s/kioskmode/false/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml sed -i "s/hidemouse/false/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml sed -i "s/quitoption/false/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] TinyCheck settled in default mode, use the desktop icon to launch it.\e[39m" fi } set_update() { echo -n "[?] Do you want to be able to update TinyCheck from the frontend interface? [Yes/No] " read answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]] then sed -i "s/updateoption/true/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] You'll be able to update it from the frontend!\e[39m" else sed -i "s/updateoption/false/g" /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] You'll need to pass by the console script to update TinyCheck.\e[39m" fi } create_directory() { # Create the TinyCheck directory and move the whole stuff there. echo -e "[+] Creating TinyCheck folder under /usr/share/" mkdir /usr/share/tinycheck cp -Rf ./* /usr/share/tinycheck } get_version() { git tag | tail -n 1 | xargs echo -n > /usr/share/tinycheck/VERSION } generate_certificate() { # Generating SSL certificate for the backend. echo -e "[+] Generating SSL certificate for the backend" openssl req -x509 -subj '/CN=tinycheck.local/O=TinyCheck Backend' -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout /usr/share/tinycheck/server/backend/key.pem -out /usr/share/tinycheck/server/backend/cert.pem -days 3650 } create_services() { # Create services to launch the two servers. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Creating services\e[39m" echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Creating frontend service\e[39m" cat >/lib/systemd/system/tinycheck-frontend.service </lib/systemd/system/tinycheck-backend.service </lib/systemd/system/tinycheck-kiosk.service </lib/systemd/system/tinycheck-watchers.service < /dev/null systemctl enable tinycheck-backend &> /dev/null systemctl enable tinycheck-kiosk &> /dev/null systemctl enable tinycheck-watchers &> /dev/null } configure_dnsmask() { # Configure DNSMASQ by appending few lines to its configuration. # It creates a small DHCP server for one device. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Configuring dnsmasq\e[39m" echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Changing dnsmasq configuration\e[39m" if [[ -f "/etc/dnsmasq.conf" ]]; then cat >>/etc/dnsmasq.conf <>/etc/dhcpcd.conf < /etc/hostname sed -i "s/$HOST/tinycheck/g" /etc/hosts # Adding tinycheck.local to the /etc/hosts. echo " tinycheck.local" >> /etc/hosts } install_package() { # Install associated packages by using aptitude. if [[ $1 == "dnsmasq" || $1 == "hostapd" || $1 == "tshark" || $1 == "sqlite3" || $1 == "suricata" || $1 == "unclutter" ]]; then apt-get install $1 -y elif [[ $1 == "zeek" ]]; then distrib=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep -E "^ID=" | cut -d"=" -f2) version=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "VERSION_ID" | cut -d"\"" -f2) if [[ $distrib == "debian" || $distrib == "ubuntu" ]]; then echo "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/zeek/Debian_$version/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security:zeek.list wget -nv "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:zeek/Debian_$version/Release.key" -O Release.key elif [[ $distrib == "ubuntu" ]]; then echo "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/zeek/xUbuntu_$version/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security:zeek.list wget -nv "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:zeek/xUbuntu_$version/Release.key" -O Release.key elif [[ $distrib == "raspbian" ]]; then echo "deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:/zeek/Raspbian_$version/ /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/security:zeek.list wget -nv "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security:zeek/Raspbian_$version/Release.key" -O Release.key fi apt-key add - < Release.key rm Release.key && sudo apt-get update apt-get install zeek -y elif [[ $1 == "node" ]]; then curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash apt-get install -y nodejs elif [[ $1 == "dig" ]]; then apt-get install -y dnsutils elif [[ $1 == "pip" ]]; then apt-get install -y python3-pip fi } check_dependencies() { # Check binary dependencies associated to the project. # If not installed, call install_package with the package name. bins=("/usr/sbin/hostapd" "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq" "/opt/zeek/bin/zeek" "/usr/bin/tshark" "/usr/bin/dig" "/usr/bin/suricata" "/usr/bin/unclutter" "/usr/bin/sqlite3" "/usr/bin/pip") echo -e "\e[39m[+] Checking dependencies...\e[39m" for bin in "${bins[@]}" do if [[ -f "$bin" ]]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] ${bin##*/} installed\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[93m [✘] ${bin##*/} not installed, lets install it\e[39m" install_package ${bin##*/} fi done install_package node echo -e "\e[39m[+] Install Python packages...\e[39m" python3 -m pip install -r "$SCRIPT_PATH/assets/requirements.txt" } compile_vuejs() { # Installing packages, updating packages and compiling the VueJS interfaces echo -e "\e[39m[+] Compiling VueJS projects" cd /usr/share/tinycheck/app/backend/ && npm install && npm audit fix && npm run build cd /usr/share/tinycheck/app/frontend/ && npm install && npm audit fix && npm run build } create_desktop() { # Create desktop icon to lauch TinyCheck in a browser if [[ -d "/home/$CURRENT_USER/Desktop/" ]]; then echo -e "\e[39m[+] Create Desktop icon under /home/${CURRENT_USER}/Desktop\e[39m" cat >"/home/$CURRENT_USER/Desktop/tinycheck.desktop" < /dev/null # Removing some useless dependencies. sudo apt autoremove -y &> /dev/null } check_interfaces(){ # Get the current connected interface name. ciface="$(route | grep default | head -1 | grep -Eo '[a-z0-9]+$')" # Setup of iface_out which can be any interface, # but needs to be connected now or in the future. echo -n "[?] The interface $ciface is connected. Do you want to use it as a bridge to Internet (network/out) ? [Yes/No] " read answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]] then IFACES=( "${IFACES[@]/$ciface}" ) IFACE_OUT=$ciface echo -e "\e[92m [✔] $ciface settled as a bridge to the Internet\e[39m" else IFACES=( "${IFACES[@]/$ciface}" ) for iface in $IFACES; do config="$(ifconfig $iface)" echo -n "[?] Do you want to use $iface as a bridge to Internet (network/out) ? [Y/n] " read answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]] then IFACE_OUT=$iface IFACES=( "${IFACES[@]/$iface}" ) echo -e "\e[92m [✔] $iface settled as a bridge to the Internet\e[39m" break fi done fi # Setup of iface_in which can be a only a # Wi-Fi interface with AP mode available. for iface in $IFACES; do if echo "$iface" | grep -Eq "(wlan[0-9]|wl[a-z0-9]{20})"; then config="$(ifconfig $iface)" # Get the iface logic configuration if echo "$config" | grep -qv "inet "; then # Test if not currently connected hw="$(iw $iface info | grep wiphy | cut -d" " -f2)" # Get the iface hardware id. info="$(iw phy$hw info)" # Get the iface hardware infos. if echo "$info" | grep -qE "* AP$"; then # Know if the iface has the AP mode available. echo -n "[?] The interface $iface can be used for the Wi-Fi Access Point. Do you want to use it for the TinyCheck Access Point ? [Yes/No] " read answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]] then IFACE_IN="$iface" echo -e "\e[92m [✔] $iface settled as an Access Point\e[39m" break fi fi fi fi done if [ "${IFACE_IN}" != "" ] && [ "${IFACE_OUT}" != "" ]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Network configuration settled!\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[91m [✘] You must select two interfaces, exiting.\e[39m" exit 1 fi } create_database() { # Create the database under /usr/share/tinycheck/tinycheck.sqlite # This base will be provisioned in IOCs by the watchers sqlite3 "/usr/share/tinycheck/tinycheck.sqlite3" < "$SCRIPT_PATH/assets/scheme.sql" } change_configs() { # Disable the autorun dialog from pcmanfm if [[ -f "/home/$CURRENT_USER/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE-pi/pcmanfm.conf" ]]; then sed -i 's/autorun=1/autorun=0/g' "/home/$CURRENT_USER/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE-pi/pcmanfm.conf" fi # Disable the .desktop script popup if [[ -f "/home/$CURRENT_USER/.config/libfm/libfm.conf" ]]; then sed -i 's/quick_exec=0/quick_exec=1/g' "/home/$CURRENT_USER/.config/libfm/libfm.conf" fi } feeding_iocs() { echo -e "\e[39m[+] Feeding your TinyCheck instance with fresh IOCs and whitelist, please wait." python3 /usr/share/tinycheck/server/backend/watchers.py 2>/dev/null } reboot_box() { echo -e "\e[92m[+] The system is going to reboot\e[39m" sleep 5 reboot } if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This must be run as root. Type in 'sudo bash $0' to run." exit 1 elif [[ -f /usr/share/tinycheck/config.yaml ]]; then echo "You have a TinyCheck instance already installed on this box." echo " - If you want to update the instance, please execute:" echo " sudo bash /usr/share/tinycheck/update.sh" echo " - If you want to uninstall the instance, please execute:" echo " sudo bash /usr/share/tinycheck/uninstall.sh" exit 1 else welcome_screen check_operating_system check_interfaces create_directory get_version set_userlang set_credentials set_kioskmode set_update check_dependencies configure_dnsmask configure_dhcpcd update_config change_hostname generate_certificate compile_vuejs create_database create_services create_desktop change_configs feeding_iocs cleaning reboot_box fi