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msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000136; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1910, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/facebook_contacts\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000138; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1911, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/twitter_chat_data\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000139; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1912, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/contact_v2\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; 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"white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/install_app_v2\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000133; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1917, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/instagram_direct_messages\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000144; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1918, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/calendar_v2\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000134; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1919, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any 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msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000147; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1923, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/gmail\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000148; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1924, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/diagnostics_logs\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000149; rev:001;)"}, {"id": 1925, "type": "snort", "tag": "stalkerware", "tlp": "white", "value": "alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (content:\"/iphone/new_android_services/call_v2\";offset:4;depth:55; msg:\"STALKERWARE - HighsterSpyApp HTTP request\"; flow:established,to_server; sid:10000131; 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