477 lines
20 KiB
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2022-11-06 15:51:33 +01:00
# Version 1.0 (November 2020)
# Created by:
# John Althouse
# Andrew Smart
# RJ Nunaly
# Mike Brady
# Converted to Python by:
# Caleb Yu
# Copyright (c) 2020, salesforce.com, inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.
# For full license text, see LICENSE.txt file in the repo root or https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
from __future__ import print_function
import codecs
import socket
import struct
import os
import random
import hashlib
import ipaddress
#Randomly choose a grease value
def choose_grease():
grease_list = [b"\x0a\x0a", b"\x1a\x1a", b"\x2a\x2a", b"\x3a\x3a", b"\x4a\x4a", b"\x5a\x5a", b"\x6a\x6a", b"\x7a\x7a", b"\x8a\x8a", b"\x9a\x9a", b"\xaa\xaa", b"\xba\xba", b"\xca\xca", b"\xda\xda", b"\xea\xea", b"\xfa\xfa"]
return random.choice(grease_list)
def packet_building(jarm_details):
payload = b"\x16"
#Version Check
if jarm_details[2] == "TLS_1.3":
payload += b"\x03\x01"
client_hello = b"\x03\x03"
elif jarm_details[2] == "SSLv3":
payload += b"\x03\x00"
client_hello = b"\x03\x00"
elif jarm_details[2] == "TLS_1":
payload += b"\x03\x01"
client_hello = b"\x03\x01"
elif jarm_details[2] == "TLS_1.1":
payload += b"\x03\x02"
client_hello = b"\x03\x02"
elif jarm_details[2] == "TLS_1.2":
payload += b"\x03\x03"
client_hello = b"\x03\x03"
#Random values in client hello
client_hello += os.urandom(32)
session_id = os.urandom(32)
session_id_length = struct.pack(">B", len(session_id))
client_hello += session_id_length
client_hello += session_id
#Get ciphers
cipher_choice = get_ciphers(jarm_details)
client_suites_length = struct.pack(">H", len(cipher_choice))
client_hello += client_suites_length
client_hello += cipher_choice
client_hello += b"\x01" #cipher methods
client_hello += b"\x00" #compression_methods
#Add extensions to client hello
extensions = get_extensions(jarm_details)
client_hello += extensions
#Finish packet assembly
inner_length = b"\x00"
inner_length += struct.pack(">H", len(client_hello))
handshake_protocol = b"\x01"
handshake_protocol += inner_length
handshake_protocol += client_hello
outer_length = struct.pack(">H", len(handshake_protocol))
payload += outer_length
payload += handshake_protocol
return payload
def get_ciphers(jarm_details):
selected_ciphers = b""
#Two cipher lists: NO1.3 and ALL
if jarm_details[3] == "ALL":
list = [b"\x00\x16", b"\x00\x33", b"\x00\x67", b"\xc0\x9e", b"\xc0\xa2", b"\x00\x9e", b"\x00\x39", b"\x00\x6b", b"\xc0\x9f", b"\xc0\xa3", b"\x00\x9f", b"\x00\x45", b"\x00\xbe", b"\x00\x88", b"\x00\xc4", b"\x00\x9a", b"\xc0\x08", b"\xc0\x09", b"\xc0\x23", b"\xc0\xac", b"\xc0\xae", b"\xc0\x2b", b"\xc0\x0a", b"\xc0\x24", b"\xc0\xad", b"\xc0\xaf", b"\xc0\x2c", b"\xc0\x72", b"\xc0\x73", b"\xcc\xa9", b"\x13\x02", b"\x13\x01", b"\xcc\x14", b"\xc0\x07", b"\xc0\x12", b"\xc0\x13", b"\xc0\x27", b"\xc0\x2f", b"\xc0\x14", b"\xc0\x28", b"\xc0\x30", b"\xc0\x60", b"\xc0\x61", b"\xc0\x76", b"\xc0\x77", b"\xcc\xa8", b"\x13\x05", b"\x13\x04", b"\x13\x03", b"\xcc\x13", b"\xc0\x11", b"\x00\x0a", b"\x00\x2f", b"\x00\x3c", b"\xc0\x9c", b"\xc0\xa0", b"\x00\x9c", b"\x00\x35", b"\x00\x3d", b"\xc0\x9d", b"\xc0\xa1", b"\x00\x9d", b"\x00\x41", b"\x00\xba", b"\x00\x84", b"\x00\xc0", b"\x00\x07", b"\x00\x04", b"\x00\x05"]
elif jarm_details[3] == "NO1.3":
list = [b"\x00\x16", b"\x00\x33", b"\x00\x67", b"\xc0\x9e", b"\xc0\xa2", b"\x00\x9e", b"\x00\x39", b"\x00\x6b", b"\xc0\x9f", b"\xc0\xa3", b"\x00\x9f", b"\x00\x45", b"\x00\xbe", b"\x00\x88", b"\x00\xc4", b"\x00\x9a", b"\xc0\x08", b"\xc0\x09", b"\xc0\x23", b"\xc0\xac", b"\xc0\xae", b"\xc0\x2b", b"\xc0\x0a", b"\xc0\x24", b"\xc0\xad", b"\xc0\xaf", b"\xc0\x2c", b"\xc0\x72", b"\xc0\x73", b"\xcc\xa9", b"\xcc\x14", b"\xc0\x07", b"\xc0\x12", b"\xc0\x13", b"\xc0\x27", b"\xc0\x2f", b"\xc0\x14", b"\xc0\x28", b"\xc0\x30", b"\xc0\x60", b"\xc0\x61", b"\xc0\x76", b"\xc0\x77", b"\xcc\xa8", b"\xcc\x13", b"\xc0\x11", b"\x00\x0a", b"\x00\x2f", b"\x00\x3c", b"\xc0\x9c", b"\xc0\xa0", b"\x00\x9c", b"\x00\x35", b"\x00\x3d", b"\xc0\x9d", b"\xc0\xa1", b"\x00\x9d", b"\x00\x41", b"\x00\xba", b"\x00\x84", b"\x00\xc0", b"\x00\x07", b"\x00\x04", b"\x00\x05"]
#Change cipher order
if jarm_details[4] != "FORWARD":
list = cipher_mung(list, jarm_details[4])
#Add GREASE to beginning of cipher list (if applicable)
if jarm_details[5] == "GREASE":
#Generate cipher list
for cipher in list:
selected_ciphers += cipher
return selected_ciphers
def cipher_mung(ciphers, request):
output = []
cipher_len = len(ciphers)
#Ciphers backward
if (request == "REVERSE"):
output = ciphers[::-1]
#Bottom half of ciphers
elif (request == "BOTTOM_HALF"):
if (cipher_len % 2 == 1):
output = ciphers[int(cipher_len/2)+1:]
output = ciphers[int(cipher_len/2):]
#Top half of ciphers in reverse order
elif (request == "TOP_HALF"):
if (cipher_len % 2 == 1):
#Top half gets the middle cipher
output += cipher_mung(cipher_mung(ciphers, "REVERSE"),"BOTTOM_HALF")
#Middle-out cipher order
elif (request == "MIDDLE_OUT"):
middle = int(cipher_len/2)
# if ciphers are uneven, start with the center. Second half before first half
if (cipher_len % 2 == 1):
for i in range(1, middle+1):
output.append(ciphers[middle + i])
output.append(ciphers[middle - i])
for i in range(1, middle+1):
output.append(ciphers[middle-1 + i])
output.append(ciphers[middle - i])
return output
def get_extensions(jarm_details):
extension_bytes = b""
all_extensions = b""
grease = False
if jarm_details[5] == "GREASE":
all_extensions += choose_grease()
all_extensions += b"\x00\x00"
grease = True
#Server name
all_extensions += extension_server_name(jarm_details[0])
#Other extensions
extended_master_secret = b"\x00\x17\x00\x00"
all_extensions += extended_master_secret
max_fragment_length = b"\x00\x01\x00\x01\x01"
all_extensions += max_fragment_length
renegotiation_info = b"\xff\x01\x00\x01\x00"
all_extensions += renegotiation_info
supported_groups = b"\x00\x0a\x00\x0a\x00\x08\x00\x1d\x00\x17\x00\x18\x00\x19"
all_extensions += supported_groups
ec_point_formats = b"\x00\x0b\x00\x02\x01\x00"
all_extensions += ec_point_formats
session_ticket = b"\x00\x23\x00\x00"
all_extensions += session_ticket
#Application Layer Protocol Negotiation extension
all_extensions += app_layer_proto_negotiation(jarm_details)
signature_algorithms = b"\x00\x0d\x00\x14\x00\x12\x04\x03\x08\x04\x04\x01\x05\x03\x08\x05\x05\x01\x08\x06\x06\x01\x02\x01"
all_extensions += signature_algorithms
#Key share extension
all_extensions += key_share(grease)
psk_key_exchange_modes = b"\x00\x2d\x00\x02\x01\x01"
all_extensions += psk_key_exchange_modes
#Supported versions extension
if (jarm_details[2] == "TLS_1.3") or (jarm_details[7] == "1.2_SUPPORT"):
all_extensions += supported_versions(jarm_details, grease)
#Finish assembling extensions
extension_length = len(all_extensions)
extension_bytes += struct.pack(">H", extension_length)
extension_bytes += all_extensions
return extension_bytes
#Client hello server name extension
def extension_server_name(host):
ext_sni = b"\x00\x00"
ext_sni_length = len(host)+5
ext_sni += struct.pack(">H", ext_sni_length)
ext_sni_length2 = len(host)+3
ext_sni += struct.pack(">H", ext_sni_length2)
ext_sni += b"\x00"
ext_sni_length3 = len(host)
ext_sni += struct.pack(">H", ext_sni_length3)
ext_sni += host.encode()
return ext_sni
#Client hello apln extension
def app_layer_proto_negotiation(jarm_details):
ext = b"\x00\x10"
if (jarm_details[6] == "RARE_APLN"):
#Removes h2 and http/1.1
alpns = [b"\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x30\x2e\x39", b"\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x31\x2e\x30", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x31", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x32", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x33", b"\x03\x68\x32\x63", b"\x02\x68\x71"]
#All apln extensions in order from weakest to strongest
alpns = [b"\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x30\x2e\x39", b"\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x31\x2e\x30", b"\x08\x68\x74\x74\x70\x2f\x31\x2e\x31", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x31", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x32", b"\x06\x73\x70\x64\x79\x2f\x33", b"\x02\x68\x32", b"\x03\x68\x32\x63", b"\x02\x68\x71"]
#apln extensions can be reordered
if jarm_details[8] != "FORWARD":
alpns = cipher_mung(alpns, jarm_details[8])
all_alpns = b""
for alpn in alpns:
all_alpns += alpn
second_length = len(all_alpns)
first_length = second_length+2
ext += struct.pack(">H", first_length)
ext += struct.pack(">H", second_length)
ext += all_alpns
return ext
#Generate key share extension for client hello
def key_share(grease):
ext = b"\x00\x33"
#Add grease value if necessary
if grease == True:
share_ext = choose_grease()
share_ext += b"\x00\x01\x00"
share_ext = b""
group = b"\x00\x1d"
share_ext += group
key_exchange_length = b"\x00\x20"
share_ext += key_exchange_length
share_ext += os.urandom(32)
second_length = len(share_ext)
first_length = second_length+2
ext += struct.pack(">H", first_length)
ext += struct.pack(">H", second_length)
ext += share_ext
return ext
#Supported version extension for client hello
def supported_versions(jarm_details, grease):
if (jarm_details[7] == "1.2_SUPPORT"):
#TLS 1.3 is not supported
tls = [b"\x03\x01", b"\x03\x02", b"\x03\x03"]
#TLS 1.3 is supported
tls = [b"\x03\x01", b"\x03\x02", b"\x03\x03", b"\x03\x04"]
#Change supported version order, by default, the versions are from oldest to newest
if jarm_details[8] != "FORWARD":
tls = cipher_mung(tls, jarm_details[8])
#Assemble the extension
ext = b"\x00\x2b"
#Add GREASE if applicable
if grease == True:
versions = choose_grease()
versions = b""
for version in tls:
versions += version
second_length = len(versions)
first_length = second_length+1
ext += struct.pack(">H", first_length)
ext += struct.pack(">B", second_length)
ext += versions
return ext
#Send the assembled client hello using a socket
def send_packet(packet, destination_host, destination_port):
#Determine if the input is an IP or domain name
if (type(ipaddress.ip_address(destination_host)) == ipaddress.IPv4Address) or (type(ipaddress.ip_address(destination_host)) == ipaddress.IPv6Address):
raw_ip = True
ip = (destination_host, destination_port)
except ValueError as e:
ip = (None, None)
raw_ip = False
#Connect the socket
if ":" in destination_host:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((destination_host, destination_port, 0, 0))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((destination_host, destination_port))
#Resolve IP if given a domain name
if raw_ip == False:
ip = sock.getpeername()
#Receive server hello
data = sock.recv(1484)
#Close socket
return bytearray(data), ip[0]
#Timeout errors result in an empty hash
except socket.timeout as e:
return "TIMEOUT", ip[0]
except Exception as e:
return None, ip[0]
#If a packet is received, decipher the details
def read_packet(data, jarm_details):
if data == None:
return "|||"
jarm = ""
#Server hello error
if data[0] == 21:
selected_cipher = b""
return "|||"
#Check for server hello
elif (data[0] == 22) and (data[5] == 2):
server_hello_length = int.from_bytes(data[3:5], "big")
counter = data[43]
#Find server's selected cipher
selected_cipher = data[counter+44:counter+46]
#Find server's selected version
version = data[9:11]
jarm += codecs.encode(selected_cipher, 'hex').decode('ascii')
jarm += "|"
jarm += codecs.encode(version, 'hex').decode('ascii')
jarm += "|"
#Extract extensions
extensions = (extract_extension_info(data, counter, server_hello_length))
jarm += extensions
return jarm
return "|||"
except Exception as e:
return "|||"
#Deciphering the extensions in the server hello
def extract_extension_info(data, counter, server_hello_length):
#Error handling
if (data[counter+47] == 11):
return "|"
elif (data[counter+50:counter+53] == b"\x0e\xac\x0b") or (data[82:85] == b"\x0f\xf0\x0b"):
return "|"
elif counter+42 >= server_hello_length:
return "|"
count = 49+counter
length = int(codecs.encode(data[counter+47:counter+49], 'hex'), 16)
maximum = length+(count-1)
types = []
values = []
#Collect all extension types and values for later reference
while count < maximum:
ext_length = int(codecs.encode(data[count+2:count+4], 'hex'), 16)
if ext_length == 0:
count += 4
count += ext_length+4
result = ""
#Read application_layer_protocol_negotiation
alpn = find_extension(b"\x00\x10", types, values)
result += str(alpn)
result += "|"
#Add formating hyphens
add_hyphen = 0
while add_hyphen < len(types):
result += codecs.encode(types[add_hyphen], 'hex').decode('ascii')
add_hyphen += 1
if add_hyphen == len(types):
result += "-"
return result
#Error handling
except IndexError as e:
result = "|"
return result
#Matching cipher extensions to values
def find_extension(ext_type, types, values):
iter = 0
#For the APLN extension, grab the value in ASCII
if ext_type == b"\x00\x10":
while iter < len(types):
if types[iter] == ext_type:
return ((values[iter][3:]).decode())
iter += 1
while iter < len(types):
if types[iter] == ext_type:
return values[iter].hex()
iter += 1
return ""
#Custom fuzzy hash
def jarm_hash(jarm_raw):
#If jarm is empty, 62 zeros for the hash
if jarm_raw == "|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||":
return "0"*62
fuzzy_hash = ""
handshakes = jarm_raw.split(",")
alpns_and_ext = ""
for handshake in handshakes:
components = handshake.split("|")
#Custom jarm hash includes a fuzzy hash of the ciphers and versions
fuzzy_hash += cipher_bytes(components[0])
fuzzy_hash += version_byte(components[1])
alpns_and_ext += components[2]
alpns_and_ext += components[3]
#Custom jarm hash has the sha256 of alpns and extensions added to the end
sha256 = (hashlib.sha256(alpns_and_ext.encode())).hexdigest()
fuzzy_hash += sha256[0:32]
return fuzzy_hash
#Fuzzy hash for ciphers is the index number (in hex) of the cipher in the list
def cipher_bytes(cipher):
if cipher == "":
return "00"
list = [b"\x00\x04", b"\x00\x05", b"\x00\x07", b"\x00\x0a", b"\x00\x16", b"\x00\x2f", b"\x00\x33", b"\x00\x35", b"\x00\x39", b"\x00\x3c", b"\x00\x3d", b"\x00\x41", b"\x00\x45", b"\x00\x67", b"\x00\x6b", b"\x00\x84", b"\x00\x88", b"\x00\x9a", b"\x00\x9c", b"\x00\x9d", b"\x00\x9e", b"\x00\x9f", b"\x00\xba", b"\x00\xbe", b"\x00\xc0", b"\x00\xc4", b"\xc0\x07", b"\xc0\x08", b"\xc0\x09", b"\xc0\x0a", b"\xc0\x11", b"\xc0\x12", b"\xc0\x13", b"\xc0\x14", b"\xc0\x23", b"\xc0\x24", b"\xc0\x27", b"\xc0\x28", b"\xc0\x2b", b"\xc0\x2c", b"\xc0\x2f", b"\xc0\x30", b"\xc0\x60", b"\xc0\x61", b"\xc0\x72", b"\xc0\x73", b"\xc0\x76", b"\xc0\x77", b"\xc0\x9c", b"\xc0\x9d", b"\xc0\x9e", b"\xc0\x9f", b"\xc0\xa0", b"\xc0\xa1", b"\xc0\xa2", b"\xc0\xa3", b"\xc0\xac", b"\xc0\xad", b"\xc0\xae", b"\xc0\xaf", b'\xcc\x13', b'\xcc\x14', b'\xcc\xa8', b'\xcc\xa9', b'\x13\x01', b'\x13\x02', b'\x13\x03', b'\x13\x04', b'\x13\x05']
count = 1
for bytes in list:
strtype_bytes = codecs.encode(bytes, 'hex').decode('ascii')
if cipher == strtype_bytes:
count += 1
hexvalue = str(hex(count))[2:]
#This part must always be two bytes
if len(hexvalue) < 2:
return_bytes = "0" + hexvalue
return_bytes = hexvalue
return return_bytes
#This captures a single version byte based on version
def version_byte(version):
if version == "":
return "0"
options = "abcdef"
count = int(version[3:4])
byte = options[count]
return byte
def ParseNumber(number):
if number.startswith('0x'):
return int(number[2:], 16)
return int(number)
def get_jarm(destination_host, destination_port):
#Select the packets and formats to send
#Array format = [destination_host,destination_port,version,cipher_list,cipher_order,GREASE,RARE_APLN,1.3_SUPPORT,extension_orders]
tls1_2_forward = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.2", "ALL", "FORWARD", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "1.2_SUPPORT", "REVERSE"]
tls1_2_reverse = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.2", "ALL", "REVERSE", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "1.2_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_2_top_half = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.2", "ALL", "TOP_HALF", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "NO_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_2_bottom_half = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.2", "ALL", "BOTTOM_HALF", "NO_GREASE", "RARE_APLN", "NO_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_2_middle_out = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.2", "ALL", "MIDDLE_OUT", "GREASE", "RARE_APLN", "NO_SUPPORT", "REVERSE"]
tls1_1_middle_out = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.1", "ALL", "FORWARD", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "NO_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_3_forward = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.3", "ALL", "FORWARD", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "1.3_SUPPORT", "REVERSE"]
tls1_3_reverse = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.3", "ALL", "REVERSE", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "1.3_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_3_invalid = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.3", "NO1.3", "FORWARD", "NO_GREASE", "APLN", "1.3_SUPPORT", "FORWARD"]
tls1_3_middle_out = [destination_host, destination_port, "TLS_1.3", "ALL", "MIDDLE_OUT", "GREASE", "APLN", "1.3_SUPPORT", "REVERSE"]
#Possible versions: SSLv3, TLS_1, TLS_1.1, TLS_1.2, TLS_1.3
#Possible cipher lists: ALL, NO1.3
#Supported Verisons extension: 1.2_SUPPPORT, NO_SUPPORT, or 1.3_SUPPORT
#Possible Extension order: FORWARD, REVERSE
queue = [tls1_2_forward, tls1_2_reverse, tls1_2_top_half, tls1_2_bottom_half, tls1_2_middle_out, tls1_1_middle_out, tls1_3_forward, tls1_3_reverse, tls1_3_invalid, tls1_3_middle_out]
jarm = ""
#Assemble, send, and decipher each packet
iterate = 0
while iterate < len(queue):
payload = packet_building(queue[iterate])
server_hello, ip = send_packet(payload, destination_host, destination_port)
#Deal with timeout error
if server_hello == "TIMEOUT":
jarm = "|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||,|||"
ans = read_packet(server_hello, queue[iterate])
jarm += ans
iterate += 1
if iterate == len(queue):
jarm += ","
#Fuzzy hash
return jarm_hash(jarm)