#!/bin/bash CURRENT_USER="${SUDO_USER}" SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )" HOST="$( hostname )" LOCALES=(en fr es ru pt de it) welcome_screen() { cat << "EOF" __ _ __ _ _ (_ |_) \_/ /__ | | /\ |_) | \ __) | | \_| |_| /--\ | \ |_/ SpyGuard is a fork of TinyCheck, developped by Kaspersky. ----- EOF } set_userlang() { # Set the user language. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Setting the user language...\e[39m" printf -v joined '%s/' "${LOCALES[@]}" echo -n " Please choose a language for the reports and the user interface (${joined%/}): " read lang if [[ " ${LOCALES[@]} " =~ " ${lang} " ]]; then sed -i "s/userlang/${lang}/g" /usr/share/spyguard/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] User language settled!\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[91m [✘] You must choose between the languages proposed, let's retry.\e[39m" set_userlang fi } testing_distro() { # Check if the package manager is apt if [[ ! -f "/usr/bin/apt" ]]; then echo -e "\e[91m [✘] You must run this script on a system with apt package management system, like Debian.\e[39m" echo -e "\e[91m Exiting...\e[39m" exit fi } set_credentials() { # Set the credentials to access to the backend. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Setting the backend credentials...\e[39m" echo -n " Please choose a username for SpyGuard's backend: " read login echo -n " Please choose a password for SpyGuard's backend: " read -s password1 echo "" echo -n " Please confirm the password: " read -s password2 echo "" if [ $password1 = $password2 ]; then password=$(echo -n "$password1" | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1) sed -i "s/userlogin/$login/g" /usr/share/spyguard/config.yaml sed -i "s/userpassword/$password/g" /usr/share/spyguard/config.yaml echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Credentials saved successfully!\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[91m [✘] The passwords aren't equal, please retry.\e[39m" set_credentials fi } create_directory() { # Create the Spyguard directory and move the whole stuff there. echo -e "[+] Creating Spyguard folder under /usr/share/" mkdir /usr/share/spyguard cp -Rf ./* /usr/share/spyguard } generate_certificate() { # Generating SSL certificate for the backend. echo -e "[+] Generating SSL certificate for the backend" openssl req -x509 -subj '/CN=spyguard.local/O=Spyguard Backend' -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout /usr/share/spyguard/server/backend/key.pem -out /usr/share/spyguard/server/backend/cert.pem -days 3650 } create_services() { # Create services to launch the two servers. echo -e "\e[39m[+] Creating services\e[39m" echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Creating frontend service\e[39m" cat >/lib/systemd/system/spyguard-frontend.service </lib/systemd/system/spyguard-backend.service </lib/systemd/system/spyguard-watchers.service < /dev/null systemctl enable spyguard-backend &> /dev/null systemctl enable spyguard-watchers &> /dev/null echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Starting services\e[39m" systemctl start spyguard-frontend systemctl start spyguard-backend } change_hostname() { # Changing the hostname to spyguard echo -e "[+] Changing the hostname to spyguard" echo "spyguard" > /etc/hostname sed -i "s/$HOST/spyguard/g" /etc/hosts # Adding spyguard.local to the /etc/hosts. echo " spyguard.local" >> /etc/hosts } install_package() { # Install associated packages by using aptitude. if [[ $1 == "tshark" || $1 == "sqlite3" || $1 == "suricata" ]]; then apt install $1 -y elif [[ $1 == "dig" ]]; then apt install -y dnsutils elif [[ $1 == "pip3" ]]; then apt install -y python3-pip elif [[ $1 == "arp" ]]; then apt install -y net-tools fi } check_dependencies() { # Check binary dependencies associated to the project. # If not installed, call install_package with the package name. bins=("/usr/bin/tshark" "/usr/bin/dig" "/usr/bin/suricata" "/usr/bin/sqlite3" "/usr/bin/pip3" "/usr/sbin/arp") echo -e "\e[39m[+] Checking dependencies...\e[39m" for bin in "${bins[@]}" do if [[ -f "$bin" ]]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] ${bin##*/} installed\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[93m [✘] ${bin##*/} not installed, lets install it\e[39m" install_package ${bin##*/} fi done echo -e "\e[39m[+] Install Python packages...\e[39m" python3 -m pip install -r "$SCRIPT_PATH/assets/requirements.txt" } get_version() { # Get the actual SpyGuard version git tag | tail -n 1 | xargs echo -n > /usr/share/spyguard/VERSION } cleaning() { # Removing some files and useless directories rm /usr/share/spyguard/install.sh rm /usr/share/spyguard/README.md rm /usr/share/spyguard/LICENSE.txt rm /usr/share/spyguard/NOTICE.txt rm -rf /usr/share/spyguard/assets/ # Disabling the suricata service systemctl disable suricata.service &> /dev/null # Removing some useless dependencies. sudo apt autoremove -y &> /dev/null echo -e "\e[92m[+] Installation finished! You can open https://localhost:8443 to configure network settings.\e[39m" } create_database() { # Create the database. This base will be provisioned in IOCs by the watchers sqlite3 "/usr/share/spyguard/database.sqlite3" < "$SCRIPT_PATH/assets/scheme.sql" } feeding_iocs() { echo -e "\e[39m[+] Feeding your SpyGuard instance with fresh IOCs and whitelist, please wait." python3 /usr/share/spyguard/server/backend/watchers.py 2>/dev/null # Then, let's activate watchers service systemctl start spyguard-watchers } if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This must be run as root. Type in 'sudo bash $0' to run." exit 1 elif [[ -f /usr/share/spyguard/config.yaml ]]; then echo "You have a Spyguard instance already installed on this box." echo " - If you want to update the instance, please execute:" echo " sudo bash /usr/share/spyguard/update.sh" echo " - If you want to uninstall the instance, please execute:" echo " sudo bash /usr/share/spyguard/uninstall.sh" exit 1 else welcome_screen testing_distro create_directory get_version set_userlang set_credentials check_dependencies change_hostname generate_certificate create_database create_services feeding_iocs cleaning fi