# This recipe is sourced by the toaster, don't try to run it! # shellcheck disable=SC2086 toast_me() { echo "nameserver" > $MNT/etc/resolv.conf # Install minimal tools chroot $MNT apt-get update chroot $MNT apt-get install -y wget sudo avahi-daemon chroot $MNT apt-get clean # Ensure we have the pi user chroot $MNT adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' pi chroot $MNT adduser pi sudo chroot $MNT adduser pi plugdev echo "pi:raspberry" | chroot $MNT chpasswd # Let's make sure we don't ship any SSH host keys. Also work around upstream # bug leading ssh.service to try and start before SSH host keys have been # generated (https://salsa.debian.org/raspi-team/image-specs/-/issues/72): # disable ssh.service here, and let the rpi-generate-ssh-host-keys.service # enable+start it when everything is ready. rm -f $MNT/etc/ssh/ssh_host_* chroot $MNT systemctl disable ssh.service sed '/^ExecStart=/a ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl enable --now ssh.service' \ -i $MNT/etc/systemd/system/rpi-generate-ssh-host-keys.service # Change the hostname echo " pirogue.local pirogue" >> $MNT/etc/hosts echo "::1 pirogue.local pirogue" >> $MNT/etc/hosts echo "pirogue" > $MNT/etc/hostname # Add PTS PPA chroot $MNT wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pirogue.list https://pts-project.org/debian-12-virogue/pirogue.list chroot $MNT wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pirogue.gpg https://pts-project.org/debian-12-virogue/pirogue.gpg # Make initial installation easier on users: install -m 755 -o root -g root files/avoid-debconf-prompts $MNT/root/avoid-debconf-prompts chroot $MNT /root/avoid-debconf-prompts && rm -f $MNT/root/avoid-debconf-prompts ### BEGIN: Pi 5 section # Add a third directory with packages required for Pi 5 support (which would # otherwise be problematic on regular PiRogue installations, due to the file # conflicts between raspi-firmware and firmware-brcm80211): echo 'deb https://pts-project.org/debian-12-virogue/pirogue-3rd-party-pi5 ./' >> $MNT/etc/apt/sources.list.d/pirogue.list # Preconfigure raspi-firmware to disable the default cma= setting on the # kernel command line. Don't run the hook manually, the linux-image install # below will take care of it. sed '/^#CMA=/a CMA=0' -i $MNT/etc/default/raspi-firmware # Make sure the resize happens during the first boot: the image-specs build # deletes the hooks after deploying them in the initramfs (for the Debian # kernel), and we need them back to include everything we need for the new # initramfs (for the Raspberry Pi kernel). install -m 755 -o root -g root files/rpi-resizerootfs.hook \ $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/rpi-resizerootfs install -m 755 -o root -g root files/rpi-resizerootfs.script \ $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/rpi-resizerootfs # Install required packages. The firmware-brcm80211 package ships some files # already owned by raspi-firmware, hence the dpkg option. chroot $MNT apt-get update chroot $MNT apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-overwrite' linux-image-rpi-2712 firmware-brcm80211 chroot $MNT apt-get clean # Make sure the resize doesn't happen past the first boot rm -f $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/rpi-resizerootfs rm -f $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/rpi-resizerootfs ### END: Pi 5 section }