Cyril Brulebois 132ce6a1a5 Deploy and clean rpi-resizerootfs hook and script.
Another way could be to install the Raspberry Pi kernel first, compare
the contents of the initramfses for the Debian and the Raspberry Pi
kernels, and fix the missing files in the latter. Duplicating hook and
script seems a little more straightforward.
2024-07-20 18:38:39 +02:00

84 lines
3.3 KiB

# This recipe is sourced by the toaster, don't try to run it!
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
toast_me() {
echo "nameserver" > $MNT/etc/resolv.conf
# Install minimal tools
chroot $MNT apt-get update
chroot $MNT apt-get install -y wget sudo avahi-daemon
chroot $MNT apt-get clean
# Ensure we have the pi user
chroot $MNT adduser --disabled-password --gecos '' pi
chroot $MNT adduser pi sudo
chroot $MNT adduser pi plugdev
echo "pi:raspberry" | chroot $MNT chpasswd
# Let's make sure we don't ship any SSH host keys. Also work around upstream
# bug leading ssh.service to try and start before SSH host keys have been
# generated (
# disable ssh.service here, and let the rpi-generate-ssh-host-keys.service
# enable+start it when everything is ready.
rm -f $MNT/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
chroot $MNT systemctl disable ssh.service
sed '/^ExecStart=/a ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl enable --now ssh.service' \
-i $MNT/etc/systemd/system/rpi-generate-ssh-host-keys.service
# Change the hostname
echo " pirogue.local pirogue" >> $MNT/etc/hosts
echo "::1 pirogue.local pirogue" >> $MNT/etc/hosts
echo "pirogue" > $MNT/etc/hostname
chroot $MNT wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pirogue.list
chroot $MNT wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pirogue.asc
### BEGIN: Pi 5 section
# Preconfigure raspi-firmware to disable the default cma= setting on the
# kernel command line. Don't run the hook manually, the linux-image install
# below will take care of it.
sed '/^#CMA=/a CMA=0' -i $MNT/etc/default/raspi-firmware
# Make sure the resize happens during the first boot: the image-specs build
# deletes the hooks after deploying them in the initramfs (for the Debian
# kernel), and we need them back to include everything we need for the new
# initramfs (for the Raspberry Pi kernel).
install -m 755 -o root -g root files/rpi-resizerootfs.hook \
install -m 755 -o root -g root files/rpi-resizerootfs.script \
# Configure Raspberry Pi repository
cat > $MNT/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspberrypi.list <<EOF
# Only some specific packages are installed from there (see pirogue.pref):
deb bookworm main
cat > $MNT/etc/apt/preferences.d/pirogue.pref <<EOF
# Make sure to only install specific packages from there (see raspberrypi.list):
Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: -1
Package: linux-image-* firmware-brcm80211
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 500
cp files/raspberrypi-archive-stable.gpg $MNT/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
# Install required packages. The firmware-brcm80211 package ships some files
# already owned by raspi-firmware, hence the dpkg option.
chroot $MNT apt-get update
chroot $MNT apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-overwrite' linux-image-rpi-2712 firmware-brcm80211
chroot $MNT apt-get clean
# Make sure the resize doesn't happen past the first boot
rm -f $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/rpi-resizerootfs
rm -f $MNT/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/rpi-resizerootfs
### END: Pi 5 section