The [Game of Life]( simulates life in a grid world (a two-dimensional block of cells). The cells in the grid have a state of "alive" or "dead". The game starts with a population of cells placed in a certain pattern on the grid. A simulation is run, and based on some simple rules for life and death, cells continue to live, die off, or reproduce.
## Rules for Life
The rules for life in the grid are:
1. A living cell with less than two live cells next to it will die. This is underpopulation, no social support.
2. A living cell with two or three live cells next to it continues to live. This is a healthy population.
3. A living cell with more than three live cells next to it will die. This is over overpopulation, scarce resources.
4. A dead cell with three live cells next to it turns into a living cell. This is reproduction.
Depending on the pattern of living cells at the start of the game, some population simulations may survive longer than others.
## Game of Life simulation in LEDs
Here's a program that simulates cell life in the LED matrix. Use button ``A`` for the next stage of life and button ``B`` to reset.