>* ``x`` - the horizontal location to set the sprite at on the LED screen (`0`-`4`)
>* ``y`` - the vertical location to set the sprite at on the LED screen (`0`-`4`)
>* ``direction`` - the direction in degrees for the sprite to go when the next [move](/reference/game/move) happens. The degree range is from `-180` to `180`.
>* ``brightness`` - how bright the LED sprite is. Completely dark is `0` and very bright is `255`.
>* ``blink`` - how fast the sprite is will blink on and off. The blink rate is in milliseconds.
* **value**: the a [number](/types/number) value to set for the property.
Make an LED sprite move to random locations on the screen. Use button **A** to freeze and unfreeze the sprite while it's moving. When the sprite is frozen, it will blink and dim to half brightness.