Remove the car body and the plastic pieces that protect electronic controller so you can access it. Make sure to keep track of all the screws you remove, you will need them again!
Follow the motor and power wires to the controller. Cut them as close as possible to the surface of the electronic board (neurosurgery). You should end up with a total of **8** wires:
**2** for power, **2** for the steering motor and **2 pairs** for the torque motors.
You can pull out the old controller board to make some more room.
Using the wire trimmer, remove the insulation on the wires to expose about 1/4 inch (1/2 cm) of the metal conductor on each wire so you can attach it to the motor driver.
Cut a slot in the cover for the original controller over edge connector. The **Kitronik** controller is protected and your @boardname@ has a nice finished slot to occupy.
Depending on the size and shape of your car, you may be able to fit the car body back on the top of the car. If not, get some cardboard, scissors, and a glue gun to 'fab up' (make) a new one of your own (à la _Mad Max_).