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2016-03-10 23:01:04 +01:00
//% color=270 weight=34
namespace radio {
* Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.
//% help=/functions/send-number
//% weight=60
//% blockId=radio_datagram_send block="send number %MESSAGE" blockGap=8
export function sendNumber(value: number) : void {
sendNumbers(value, 0, 0, 0);
* Broadcasts 4 numbers over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.
//% help=/functions/send-numbers
//% shim=micro_bit::datagramSendNumbers
//% weight=59
//% blockId=radio_datagram_send_numbers block="send numbers|0: %VALUE0|1: %VALUE1|2: %VALUE2|3: %VALUE3"
export function sendNumbers(value_0: number, value_1: number, value_2: number, value_3: number) : void {
// noBleWarning();
* Registers code to run when a packet is received over radio.
//% help=/functions/on-data-received
//% shim=micro_bit::onDatagramReceived
//% weight=50
//% blockId=radio_datagram_received_event block="on data received" blockGap=8
export function onDataReceived(body:Action) : void {
// noBleWarning();
* Reads the next packet as a number from the radio queue.
//% help=/functions/receive-number
//% shim=micro_bit::datagramReceiveNumber
//% weight=46
//% blockId=radio_datagram_receive block="receive number" blockGap=8
export function receiveNumber() : number
return 0;
* Reads a number at a given index, between ``0`` and ``3``, from the packet received by ``receive number``. Not supported in simulator.
* @param index index of the number to read from 0 to 3. eg: 1
//% help=/functions/received-number-at
//% shim=micro_bit::datagramGetNumber
//% weight=45
//% blockId=radio_datagram_received_number_at block="receive number|at %VALUE" blockGap=8
export function receivedNumberAt(index: number) : number {
/* if (index < 0 || index >= 4) {
TD.simulator.warning("index should be between ``0`` and ``3``.");
return 0;
* Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the packet received by ``receive number``. Not supported in simulator.
* namespace=radio
//% help=/functions/received-signal-strength
//% shim=micro_bit::datagramGetRSSI
//% weight=40
//% blockId=radio_datagram_rssi block="received signal strength"
export function receivedSignalStrength() : number {
return 0;
* Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.
* @ param id the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, eg: 1
//% help=/functions/set-group
//% shim=micro_bit::setGroup
//% weight=10
//% blockId=radio_set_group block="set group %ID"
export function setGroup(id: number) : void {
2016-03-15 21:05:11 +01:00
* Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.
* @param power a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest, eg: 7
//% help=/functions/set-transmit-power
//% shim=micro_bit::setTransmitPower
//% weight=9
//% blockId=radio_set_transmit_power block="set transmit power %power"
export function setTransmitPower(power:number) {
2016-03-10 23:01:04 +01:00