The BBC micro:bit has a grid of 25 LEDs, so we can use these to display images.
We’ve already experimented with the `show string` block that displays a string (some text) that we program it to. However we can use more blocks from the **Images** drawer to render or display images in different ways.
### Pixel Art
We can draw little images from the LEDs by ticking boxes. Drag a `show image` block from the **Images** drawer and connect in a `create image` block. You can customize this image by clicking boxes to tick whether the LED will turn on or off. For example, if we were creating a music player we may want to the show the `play` block:

### Plotting points
We can also code our bug to plot a point by giving an x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates, from 0 to 4. Click the **LED** drawer and drag a `plot` block. Try changing the coordinates and see the effect this has on the BBC micro:bit.
We can also unplot a point (turn the LED off again) using the `unplot` block. So we could create a flashing LED program, using the `pause` block to create a delay.
Our algorithm is: increase **i** by 1 **from 0** to **4**, and **plot** the point **x=i**, **y=0**. The pause block allows this line to be animated (drawn frame by frame).
Animations are changes happening at a certain rate. For example, we could add the `pause` block from the **Basic** drawer with our square algorithm – this will slowly draw a square (as an animation).
We could create more complex animations, for example we could make our BBC micro:bit display an explosion or fireworks.
### Image variables
We can create image variables so we can easily display an image at a later point. For example:

This uses the blocks from the **Variable** drawer, and the **create image** block from the **Image** drawer. This means our image can be displayed without having to replicate the `create image` block each time.