Have you ever tried to making beat box sounds? Let's try making a beatbox with code!
Let's start by adding a variable where you can store data. Then rename the variable to "sound". Then set the value of the variable to the note block `A` from the Music drawer. Modify your code so that your code looks like this.
let sound = music.noteFrequency(Note.A);
We want to play music on pin pressed in order to register an event handler that will execute whenever when you run a script and click pin 1 on the simulator. We must start by opening the Input drawer and adding `on pin pressed` P1. Modify your code so that your code looks like this.
let sound = music.noteFrequency(Note.A);
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P1, () => {
We want to code the notes that will be played `on pin pressed`. We click on the Input drawer then insert a `for loop` that will increment by *i*. Click on the Variables drawer. Add `set item` block. Rename the variable block to "sound." Then add a Maths block to increase the variable sound from the note frequency of block `A` to `A` plus 25.Modify your code so that your code looks like this
let sound = music.noteFrequency(Note.A);
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P1, () => {
for (let i = 0; i <4;i++){
sound = sound + 25
Include a play block with the variable called "sound" and insert a music note block `1/16`. Modify your code so that your code looks like this