## Prior learning/place of lesson in scheme of work
Learn how to create **functions**, `function()` that perform a specific task and returns a result. We will be learning how to create a pong game using functions, global variable forever loop, global variables, Boolean, for loop, input on button pressed, if statements, as well as simple commands, such as plot, unplot and pause.
* learn how to create a function as a unit of code that performs a specific task and returns a result
* learn how a return statement exits a function and returns a value to the code
* learn how to call an existing function in your script
* learn how to create a global variable as a place where you can store data so that you can use it later in your code, accessible across functions and in nested code blocks
* learn how arithmetic operators operate on numbers and return a number
* learn how a Boolean type has one of two possible values: true or false
* learn how to repeat code in the background forever
* learn how to conditionally run code depending on whether a condition is true or not
* learn how to run code when an input button is pressed
* learn how to show a string on the micro:bit's LED screen
* learn how to turn on a LED light on the LED screen. Learn how to specify which LED using x, y coordinates
* learn how to turn off a LED light on the LED screen. Learn how to specify which LED using x, y coordinates
* learn how to pause your code for the specified number of milliseconds