This project will use to @boardname@s to collect and record data using the Windows 10 MakeCode app as described in [Data Collection - Option 3](/courses/ucp-science/data-collection/setup-procedure).
6. The ``||basic:forever||`` event will constantly monitor the “strength” of the acceleration and send the value to any other @boardname@s that might be receiving radio signals in the same radio group.
7. Open the pull down menu in the acceleration block and and change the ``x`` value to the ``strength`` value. This maximizes the x, y, and z dimensions of the acceleration into 1 value.
8. Add a ``||led:toggle||`` block to indicate that data is being sent.
8. When a value is received from the group it is stored in the ``gravity`` variable.
9. The ``||serial:serial write Value||`` sends 2 pieces of data back to the MakeCode app through the USB cable. First it sends a label `"gravity"` and then the value received as gravity from the acceleration method from the first @boardname@.
10. Add a ``||led:toggle||`` to indicate that it's receiving data. Change ``x`` to `1` so that another LED blinks.
1. With the @boardname@ code downloaded from the MakeCode app to the @boardname@ and the USB cable connected it will start receiving data from the first @boardname@.
2. Under the simulator in the app a purple outlined button shows up “Show data Device”.
3. By clicking on the **Show data Device** button a window opens up to the right showing values and graph of the gravity data being received (the dips in the graph are 3 tosses of the @boardname@ in the air).
When the data recorded is downloaded as a CSV spreadsheet file. It is named ``data.csv`` (it will usually open in a spreadsheet but sometimes doesn’t and it can be hard to find. A search of the ``C:\`` drive might be necessary to find it).
There are several ways to collect data from an experiment. The simplest is having the data display on the LED screen and manually record the data on a paper. Data can also be collected using the Window’s 10 MakeCode app. The third way is using 2 @boardname@s with one observing the data and then radioing the results to a second @boardname@ can allow the remote collection of data.
Sound causes vibrations which can be detected with the Microbit accelerator. Connect 2 @boardname@s using radio signals (see [Data Collection - Option 3](/courses/ucp-science/data-collection/setup-procedure)). The “Gravity Sender” @boardname@ can be placed on or near a speaker. It will send a signal to the “Gravity Receiver” @boardname@ which can be connected to the Windows 10 MakeCode app. When the “Gravity Receiver” @boardname@ receives a gravity number it is sent to the monitoring data collection using the method ``serial.writeValue("gravity", gravity)``. The sound can be observed in the **Show data Device**.
Earthquakes cause vibrations which can be detected with the Microbit accelerator. By placing the "Gravity Sender" @boardname@ on a flat surface and having it “feel” minor changes in acceleration it can detect earthquakes or other vibrations in the earth. Connect 2 @boardname@s using radio signals (see [Data Collection - Option 3](/courses/ucp-science/data-collection/setup-procedure)). The “Gravity Sender” @boardname@ can be placed on or near a speaker. It will send a signal to the “Gravity Receiver” @boardname@ which can be connected to the Windows 10 MakeCode app. When the “Gravity Receiver” @boardname@ receives a gravity number it is sent to the monitoring data collection using the method ``serial.writeValue("gravity", gravity)``. The movement of the object connected to the Earth can be observed in the **Show data Device**. Using a conditional statement that detects changes in the received gravity could be implemented to play “music” sound as an alarm when changes in movement are detected.
Use the @boardname@s to record data from a skater at a skate park or acceleration down a ramp like a Pinewood Derby car.
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| Adapted from "[Gravity, Motion, and Waves](" by [C Lyman]( | | []( |