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# micro:coin
## ~ avatar
Have you heard about BitCoin and all those new Crypto currencies? Well micro:bit has **micro:coin** now!
## ~
## How does it work?
2018-02-25 11:46:32 -08:00
Each @boardname@ contains a **block chain**, a sequence of blocks that is public and cannot be modified. To mine new blocks in the coin, the user shakes
the @boardname@ and, if they are in luck, their block gets added to the chain! Once the block is added, it is broadcasted to the other @microbit@. The block is public and can't be modified so it's ok to share it. Other @boardname@ receive the block, validate the transaction and update their block chain as needed.
Pressing ``A`` shows the number of block you added to the chain, that's your score.
Pressing ``B`` shows you the length of the chain.
Happy mining!
## Coins, blocks, chains
2018-02-25 11:46:32 -08:00
A _block chain_ is a list of _blocks_ that record transactions of a crypto-currency like BitCoin. A block might contain information like the time it was created (mined) and who mined it. The most important part of the block is it's _hash_. This is a special number made from the information in the last block of the block list combined with the hash number of previous block in the list. The new block contains information for the current transaction and this new hash number. The new block is added to the list of previous blocks. This list is then transmitted to the crypto currency network.
## ~ hint
Build yourself a [@boardname@ wallet](/projects/wallet) to hold your coins!
## ~
## Full source code
**JavaScript only!** This program uses features that won't work in blocks...
* micro:coin, A minimalistic blockchain for micro:bit
* DISCLAIMER: this is just an example.
* Message types sent over radio.
enum Message {
// ask peer to get the full chain
QueryChain = 1,
// a block flying around
Block = 2
* A block is an immutable (can't change it) piece of a block chain.
* The block chain is like a list where each block is built from
* the previous block.
class Block {
// index in the chain
index: number;
// timestamp on the device when the block was created
timestamp: number;
// in this implementation, data is the device serial number
data: number;
// hash of the previous block as a single unsigned byte
previousHash: number; // uint8
// hash of the current block as a single unsigned byte
hash: number; // uint8
* Construct the block and computes the hash
index: number,
timestamp: number,
data: number,
previousHash: number) {
this.index = index;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.data = data;
this.previousHash = previousHash;
this.hash = this.computeHash();
* Compute the hash of the current block
computeHash() {
let s = "" + this.index + this.timestamp + this.data + this.previousHash;
* This function takes a string and hashes it into a number. It simply takes the sum of characters,
* it's not great but will work for a super-simple example.
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
sum += s.charCodeAt(i);
return sum % 0xff;
* Create the next block with the given data
next(data: number) {
return new Block(this.index + 1, input.runningTime(), data, this.hash);
* Render the block as a string
toString() {
return `block ${this.index} ${this.timestamp} ${this.data} ${this.hash}`;
* Send the block over radio
broadcast() {
serial.writeLine(`broadcast ${this}`);
* We pack all the block data into a buffer and send it over radio
const buf = pins.createBuffer(16);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 0, Message.Block);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 1, this.hash);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 2, this.previousHash);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4, this.index);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4 + 4, this.timestamp);
buf.setNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4 + 8, this.data);
* Try to read the block from the buffer. If anything is wrong, return undefined.
static receive(buf: Buffer): Block {
// check the message type
if (buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 0) != Message.Block)
return undefined;
// read all the parts of the block back from the buffer
const b = new Block(
buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4), // index
buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4 + 4), // timestamp
buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 4 + 8), // data
buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 2) // previoushash
const h = buf.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 1); // hash
if (b.hash != h) {
serial.writeLine(`received invalid block ${b.hash} != ${h}`);
return undefined;
serial.writeLine(`received ${b}`);
return b;
* A coin is made of chains
class Coin {
id: number; // device serial number
chain: Block[];
* Constructs a new coin with the given id
constructor(id: number) {
this.id = id;
this.chain = [];
// if ID is set, this coin is a mirror of a peer coin
// otherwise add genesis block
if (!this.id) {
this.chain.push(new Block(0, input.runningTime(), 0, 0));
this.id = control.deviceSerialNumber();
* Grab the last block in the chain
lastBlock() {
return this.chain[this.chain.length - 1];
* Add a new block in the chain
addBlock() {
* Test if we have all the blocks in the chain available
isComplete() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.chain.length; ++i)
if (!this.chain[i]) return false; // missing block
return this.lastBlock().index == this.chain.length - 1;
* Test if the block chain is valid
isValid() {
if (!this.isComplete()) {
serial.writeLine("coin not complete");
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.chain.length - 1; ++i) {
const prev = this.chain[i];
const next = this.chain[i + 1];
if (prev.index + 1 != next.index) {
serial.writeLine("invalid index");
return false;
if (prev.hash != next.previousHash) {
serial.writeLine("invalid prev hash");
if (next.computeHash() != next.hash) {
serial.writeLine("invalid hash");
return false;
return true;
* Insert a block received over the radio
insert(block: Block) {
this.chain[block.index] = block;
* We've received a coin and we are trying to replace the chain if it's been updated.
replace(other: Coin) {
if (other.isValid() && other.chain.length > me.chain.length) {
serial.writeLine("replacing chain");
this.chain = other.chain.slice(0, other.chain.length);
* Broadcast the chains
broadcastChain() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.chain.length; ++i) {
* Request all peers (or a single on) for the entire chain
function broadcastQueryChain(serialNumber: number = 0) {
const msg = pins.createBuffer(6);
msg.setNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 0, Message.QueryChain);
msg.setNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 2, serialNumber);
const me = new Coin(0);
const peers: Coin[] = [];
* Get or create a coin to store the chain of a peer
function peer(id: number): Coin {
for (let i = 0; i < peers.length; ++i) {
if (peers[i].id == id) return peers[i];
const r = new Coin(id);
return r;
* Settings for the radio receiver
radio.onDataPacketReceived(({ receivedBuffer, serial: serialNumber }) => {
// processing a message received by ppers
let id: number;
switch (receivedBuffer[0]) {
case Message.QueryChain:
// so a peer asking to broadcast the chain
serial.writeLine("msg: query chain");
id = receivedBuffer.getNumber(NumberFormat.Int32LE, 2);
// either all peers should send or just me
if (!id || id == me.id) {
me.broadcastChain(); // send it twice as we might loose patterns
case Message.Block:
// so we've received a block from a peer
serial.writeLine("msg: block");
const other = peer(serialNumber);
const block = Block.receive(receivedBuffer);
if (!block) return; // something got corrupted
serial.writeLine(`check ${other.lastBlock().index} > ${me.lastBlock().index}`)
// if the other chain is longer, we should update ours maybe
if (other.lastBlock().index > me.lastBlock().index) {
if (!other.isComplete()) {
// we don't have the entire chain
serial.writeLine(`peer incomplete`)
} else {
// we have a full chain, try replacing it
serial.writeLine(`peer complete, try replace`)
// shaking is mining...
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
basic.pause(200) // display a short pause
if (Math.random(3) == 0) { // 30% chances to add a transaction
// gold!!!
} else {
// missed!
// show my score
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
let score = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < me.chain.length; ++i) {
if (me.chain[i].data == me.id)
// show the block chain size
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, () => {
basic.showNumber(me.chain.length - 1);
input.onButtonPressed(Button.AB, () => {
for (let i = 1; i < me.chain.length; ++i) {
// ask neighbors for chains
basic.showString("A=SCORE B=CHAIN SHAKE=MINE", 100)
## References
* https://medium.com/@lhartikk/a-blockchain-in-200-lines-of-code-963cc1cc0e54
* https://medium.com/crypto-currently/lets-build-the-tiniest-blockchain-e70965a248b
* https://medium.com/@micheledaliessi/how-does-the-blockchain-work-98c8cd01d2ae