2016-08-30 11:55:00 -07:00
namespace pxsim {
export interface AllocatorOpts {
boardDef: BoardDefinition,
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cmpDefs: Map<PartDefinition>,
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fnArgs: any,
getBBCoord: (loc: BBRowCol) => visuals.Coord,
cmpList: string[]
export interface AllocatorResult {
powerWires: WireInst[],
components: CmpAndWireInst[]
export interface CmpAndWireInst {
component: CmpInst,
wires: WireInst[]
export interface CmpInst {
name: string,
breadboardStartColumn: number,
breadboardStartRow: string,
assemblyStep: number,
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visual: string | PartVisualDefinition,
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microbitPins: string[],
otherArgs?: string[],
export interface WireInst {
start: Loc,
end: Loc,
color: string,
assemblyStep: number
interface PartialCmpAlloc {
name: string,
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def: PartDefinition,
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pinsAssigned: string[],
pinsNeeded: number | number[],
breadboardColumnsNeeded: number,
otherArgs?: string[],
interface AllocLocOpts {
nearestBBPin?: BBRowCol,
startColumn?: number,
cmpGPIOPins?: string[],
interface AllocWireOpts {
startColumn: number,
cmpGPIOPins: string[],
interface AllocBlock {
cmpIdx: number,
cmpBlkIdx: number,
gpioNeeded: number,
gpioAssigned: string[]
function copyDoubleArray(a: string[][]) {
return a.map(b => b.map(p => p));
function readPin(arg: string): string {
U.assert(!!arg, "Invalid pin: " + arg);
let pin = arg.split("DigitalPin.")[1];
return pin;
function mkReverseMap(map: {[key: string]: string}) {
let origKeys: string[] = [];
let origVals: string[] = [];
for (let key in map) {
let newMap: {[key: string]: string} = {};
for (let i = 0; i < origKeys.length; i++) {
let newKey = origVals[i];
let newVal = origKeys[i];
newMap[newKey] = newVal;
return newMap;
class Allocator {
private opts: AllocatorOpts;
private availablePowerPins = {
top: {
threeVolt: mkRange(26, 51).map(n => <BBRowCol>["+", `${n}`]),
ground: mkRange(26, 51).map(n => <BBRowCol>["-", `${n}`]),
bottom: {
threeVolt: mkRange(1, 26).map(n => <BBRowCol>["+", `${n}`]),
ground: mkRange(1, 26).map(n => <BBRowCol>["-", `${n}`]),
constructor(opts: AllocatorOpts) {
this.opts = opts;
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private allocateLocation(location: WireLocationDefinition, opts: AllocLocOpts): Loc {
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if (location === "ground" || location === "threeVolt") {
let nearLoc = opts.nearestBBPin;
let nearestCoord = this.opts.getBBCoord(nearLoc);
let firstTopAndBot = [
this.availablePowerPins.top.ground[0] || this.availablePowerPins.top.threeVolt[0],
this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground[0] || this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt[0]
].map(loc => {
return this.opts.getBBCoord(loc);
if (!firstTopAndBot[0] || !firstTopAndBot[1]) {
console.debug(`No more available "${location}" locations!`);
let nearTop = visuals.findClosestCoordIdx(nearestCoord, firstTopAndBot) == 0;
let pins: BBRowCol[];
if (nearTop) {
if (location === "ground") {
pins = this.availablePowerPins.top.ground;
} else if (location === "threeVolt") {
pins = this.availablePowerPins.top.threeVolt;
} else {
if (location === "ground") {
pins = this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground;
} else if (location === "threeVolt") {
pins = this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt;
let pinCoords = pins.map(rowCol => {
return this.opts.getBBCoord(rowCol);
let pinIdx = visuals.findClosestCoordIdx(nearestCoord, pinCoords);
let pin = pins[pinIdx];
if (nearTop) {
this.availablePowerPins.top.ground.splice(pinIdx, 1);
this.availablePowerPins.top.threeVolt.splice(pinIdx, 1);
} else {
this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground.splice(pinIdx, 1);
this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt.splice(pinIdx, 1);
return {type: "breadboard", rowCol: pin};
} else if (location[0] === "breadboard") {
let row = <string>location[1];
let col = (<number>location[2] + opts.startColumn).toString();
return {type: "breadboard", rowCol: [row, col]}
} else if (location[0] === "GPIO") {
let idx = <number>location[1];
let pin = opts.cmpGPIOPins[idx];
return {type: "dalboard", pin: pin};
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} else if (location === "MOSI" || location === "MISO" || location === "SCK") {
if (!this.opts.boardDef.spiPins)
console.debug("No SPI pin mappings found!");
let pin = (<any>this.opts.boardDef.spiPins)[location as string] as string;
return {type: "dalboard", pin: pin};
} else if (location === "SDA" || location === "SCL") {
if (!this.opts.boardDef.i2cPins)
console.debug("No I2C pin mappings found!");
let pin = (<any>this.opts.boardDef.i2cPins)[location as string] as string;
return {type: "dalboard", pin: pin};
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} else {
return null;
private allocatePowerWires(): WireInst[] {
let boardGround = this.opts.boardDef.groundPins[0] || null;
if (!boardGround) {
console.log("No available ground pin on board!");
let threeVoltPin = this.opts.boardDef.threeVoltPins[0] || null;
if (!threeVoltPin) {
console.log("No available 3.3V pin on board!");
let topLeft: BBRowCol = ["-", "26"];
let botLeft: BBRowCol = ["-", "1"];
let topRight: BBRowCol = ["-", "50"];
let botRight: BBRowCol = ["-", "25"];
let top: BBRowCol, bot: BBRowCol;
if (this.opts.boardDef.attachPowerOnRight) {
top = topRight;
bot = botRight;
} else {
top = topLeft;
bot = botLeft;
const GROUND_COLOR = "blue";
const POWER_COLOR = "red";
const wires: WireInst[] = [
{start: this.allocateLocation("ground", {nearestBBPin: top}),
end: this.allocateLocation("ground", {nearestBBPin: bot}),
color: GROUND_COLOR, assemblyStep: 0},
{start: this.allocateLocation("ground", {nearestBBPin: top}),
end: {type: "dalboard", pin: boardGround},
color: GROUND_COLOR, assemblyStep: 0},
{start: this.allocateLocation("threeVolt", {nearestBBPin: top}),
end: this.allocateLocation("threeVolt", {nearestBBPin: bot}),
color: POWER_COLOR, assemblyStep: 1},
{start: this.allocateLocation("threeVolt", {nearestBBPin: top}),
end: {type: "dalboard", pin: threeVoltPin},
color: POWER_COLOR, assemblyStep: 1},
return wires;
private allocateWire(wireDef: WireDefinition, opts: AllocWireOpts): WireInst {
let ends = [wireDef.start, wireDef.end];
let endIsPower = ends.map(e => e === "ground" || e === "threeVolt");
let endInsts = ends.map((e, idx) => !endIsPower[idx] ? this.allocateLocation(e, opts) : null)
endInsts = endInsts.map((e, idx) => {
if (e)
return e;
let locInst = <BBLoc>endInsts[1 - idx];
let l = this.allocateLocation(ends[idx], {
nearestBBPin: locInst.rowCol,
startColumn: opts.startColumn,
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cmpGPIOPins: opts.cmpGPIOPins,
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return l;
return {start: endInsts[0], end: endInsts[1], color: wireDef.color, assemblyStep: wireDef.assemblyStep};
private allocatePartialCmps(): PartialCmpAlloc[] {
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let cmpNmAndDefs = this.opts.cmpList.map(cmpName => <[string, PartDefinition]>[cmpName, this.opts.cmpDefs[cmpName]]).filter(d => !!d[1]);
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let cmpNmsList = cmpNmAndDefs.map(p => p[0]);
let cmpDefsList = cmpNmAndDefs.map(p => p[1]);
let partialCmps: PartialCmpAlloc[] = [];
cmpDefsList.forEach((def, idx) => {
let nm = cmpNmsList[idx];
if (def.pinAllocation.type === "predefined") {
let mbPins = (<PredefinedPinAlloc>def.pinAllocation).pins;
let pinsAssigned = mbPins.map(p => this.opts.boardDef.gpioPinMap[p]);
name: nm,
def: def,
pinsAssigned: pinsAssigned,
pinsNeeded: 0,
breadboardColumnsNeeded: def.breadboardColumnsNeeded,
} else if (def.pinAllocation.type === "factoryfunction") {
let fnPinAlloc = (<FactoryFunctionPinAlloc>def.pinAllocation);
let fnNm = fnPinAlloc.functionName;
let fnsAndArgs = <string[]>this.opts.fnArgs[fnNm];
let success = false;
if (fnsAndArgs && fnsAndArgs.length) {
let pinArgPoses = fnPinAlloc.pinArgPositions;
let otherArgPoses = fnPinAlloc.otherArgPositions || [];
fnsAndArgs.forEach(fnArgsStr => {
let fnArgsSplit = fnArgsStr.split(",");
let pinArgs: string[] = [];
pinArgPoses.forEach(i => {
let mbPins = pinArgs.map(arg => readPin(arg));
let otherArgs: string[] = [];
otherArgPoses.forEach(i => {
let pinsAssigned = mbPins.map(p => this.opts.boardDef.gpioPinMap[p]);
name: nm,
def: def,
pinsAssigned: pinsAssigned,
pinsNeeded: 0,
breadboardColumnsNeeded: def.breadboardColumnsNeeded,
otherArgs: otherArgs.length ? otherArgs : null,
} else {
// failed to find pin allocation from callsites
console.debug("Failed to read pin(s) from callsite for: " + fnNm);
let pinsNeeded = fnPinAlloc.pinArgPositions.length;
name: nm,
def: def,
pinsAssigned: [],
pinsNeeded: pinsNeeded,
breadboardColumnsNeeded: def.breadboardColumnsNeeded,
} else if (def.pinAllocation.type === "auto") {
let pinsNeeded = (<AutoPinAlloc>def.pinAllocation).gpioPinsNeeded;
name: nm,
def: def,
pinsAssigned: [],
pinsNeeded: pinsNeeded,
breadboardColumnsNeeded: def.breadboardColumnsNeeded,
return partialCmps;
private allocateGPIOPins(partialCmps: PartialCmpAlloc[]): string[][] {
let availableGPIOBlocks = copyDoubleArray(this.opts.boardDef.gpioPinBlocks);
let sortAvailableGPIOBlocks = () => availableGPIOBlocks.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length); //smallest blocks first
// determine blocks needed
let blockAssignments: AllocBlock[] = [];
let preassignedPins: string[] = [];
partialCmps.forEach((cmp, idx) => {
if (cmp.pinsAssigned && cmp.pinsAssigned.length) {
//already assigned
blockAssignments.push({cmpIdx: idx, cmpBlkIdx: 0, gpioNeeded: 0, gpioAssigned: cmp.pinsAssigned});
preassignedPins = preassignedPins.concat(cmp.pinsAssigned);
} else if (cmp.pinsNeeded) {
if (typeof cmp.pinsNeeded === "number") {
//individual pins
for (let i = 0; i < cmp.pinsNeeded; i++) {
{cmpIdx: idx, cmpBlkIdx: 0, gpioNeeded: 1, gpioAssigned: []});
} else {
//blocks of pins
let blocks = <number[]>cmp.pinsNeeded;
blocks.forEach((numNeeded, blkIdx) => {
{cmpIdx: idx, cmpBlkIdx: blkIdx, gpioNeeded: numNeeded, gpioAssigned: []});
// remove assigned blocks
availableGPIOBlocks.forEach(blks => {
for (let i = blks.length - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
let pin = blks[i];
if (0 <= preassignedPins.indexOf(pin)) {
blks.splice(i, 1);
// sort by size of blocks
let sortBlockAssignments = () => blockAssignments.sort((a, b) => b.gpioNeeded - a.gpioNeeded); //largest blocks first
// allocate each block
if (0 < blockAssignments.length && 0 < availableGPIOBlocks.length) {
do {
let assignment = blockAssignments[0];
let smallestAvailableBlockThatFits: string[];
for (let j = 0; j < availableGPIOBlocks.length; j++) {
smallestAvailableBlockThatFits = availableGPIOBlocks[j];
if (assignment.gpioNeeded <= availableGPIOBlocks[j].length) {
if (!smallestAvailableBlockThatFits || smallestAvailableBlockThatFits.length <= 0) {
break; // out of pins
while (0 < assignment.gpioNeeded && 0 < smallestAvailableBlockThatFits.length) {
let pin = smallestAvailableBlockThatFits[0];
smallestAvailableBlockThatFits.splice(0, 1);
} while (0 < blockAssignments[0].gpioNeeded);
if (0 < blockAssignments.length && 0 < blockAssignments[0].gpioNeeded) {
console.debug("Not enough GPIO pins!");
return null;
let cmpGPIOPinBlocks: string[][][] = partialCmps.map((def, cmpIdx) => {
if (!def)
return null;
let assignments = blockAssignments.filter(a => a.cmpIdx === cmpIdx);
let gpioPins: string[][] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) {
let a = assignments[i];
let blk = gpioPins[a.cmpBlkIdx] || (gpioPins[a.cmpBlkIdx] = []);
a.gpioAssigned.forEach(p => blk.push(p));
return gpioPins;
let cmpGPIOPins = cmpGPIOPinBlocks.map(blks => blks.reduce((p, n) => p.concat(n), []));
return cmpGPIOPins;
private allocateColumns(partialCmps: PartialCmpAlloc[]): number[] {
let componentsCount = partialCmps.length;
let totalAvailableSpace = 30; //TODO allow multiple breadboards
let totalSpaceNeeded = partialCmps.map(d => d.breadboardColumnsNeeded).reduce((p, n) => p + n, 0);
let extraSpace = totalAvailableSpace - totalSpaceNeeded;
if (extraSpace <= 0) {
console.log("Not enough breadboard space!");
let padding = Math.floor(extraSpace / (componentsCount - 1 + 2));
let componentSpacing = padding; //Math.floor(extraSpace/(componentsCount-1));
let totalCmpPadding = extraSpace - componentSpacing * (componentsCount - 1);
let leftPadding = Math.floor(totalCmpPadding / 2);
let rightPadding = Math.ceil(totalCmpPadding / 2);
let nextAvailableCol = 1 + leftPadding;
let cmpStartCol = partialCmps.map(cmp => {
let col = nextAvailableCol;
nextAvailableCol += cmp.breadboardColumnsNeeded + componentSpacing;
return col;
return cmpStartCol;
private allocateComponent(partialCmp: PartialCmpAlloc, startColumn: number, microbitPins: string[]): CmpInst {
return {
name: partialCmp.name,
breadboardStartColumn: startColumn,
breadboardStartRow: partialCmp.def.breadboardStartRow,
assemblyStep: partialCmp.def.assemblyStep,
visual: partialCmp.def.visual,
microbitPins: microbitPins,
otherArgs: partialCmp.otherArgs,
public allocateAll(): AllocatorResult {
let cmpList = this.opts.cmpList;
let basicWires: WireInst[] = [];
let cmpsAndWires: CmpAndWireInst[] = [];
if (cmpList.length > 0) {
basicWires = this.allocatePowerWires();
let partialCmps = this.allocatePartialCmps();
let cmpGPIOPins = this.allocateGPIOPins(partialCmps);
let reverseMap = mkReverseMap(this.opts.boardDef.gpioPinMap);
let cmpMicrobitPins = cmpGPIOPins.map(pins => pins.map(p => reverseMap[p]));
let cmpStartCol = this.allocateColumns(partialCmps);
let cmps = partialCmps.map((c, idx) => this.allocateComponent(c, cmpStartCol[idx], cmpMicrobitPins[idx]));
let wires = partialCmps.map((c, idx) => c.def.wires.map(d => this.allocateWire(d, {
cmpGPIOPins: cmpGPIOPins[idx],
startColumn: cmpStartCol[idx],
cmpsAndWires = cmps.map((c, idx) => {
return {component: c, wires: wires[idx]}
return {
powerWires: basicWires,
components: cmpsAndWires
export function allocateDefinitions(opts: AllocatorOpts): AllocatorResult {
return new Allocator(opts).allocateAll();