Notice that moving the micro:bit in the simulator from left to right (x direction) will change the values beneath the micro:bit in a range from 1023 to -1023 as measured in milli-gravities. By hovering over the micro:bit from left to right, you can observe the values change beneath the micro:bit simulator. The second observation will be that the LEDs brightness on the 2nd micro:bit. There is a single LED turned on with the 1st micro:bit. Additionally, the graphs will reflect 0 acceleation for the 1st micro:bit. In this scenario, if you are adjusting the acceleration in the simualator, you are also changing your chart that will be produced.
### ~
NOTE: The colors of the charts reflect the color of the micro:bit simulator. In this instance, the micro:bits are blue and green. So the colors of the line graphs reflect the colors of the micro:bit
### ~
After running this simulatation several seconds by moving the micro:bit side to side in the x direction, you are ready to graph or chart the accceleration of the micro:bit. We want a printout of our acceleration on Excel. We will graph the fluctuating acceleration of the simulation experiment.
### ~
Finally, you must open the Excel CSV file by clicking on the data.xls file that was downloaded to Downloads Folder.
### ~
Have fun reviewing your simulation and analyze the acceleration by chart the Excel data using Excel.
* Connect the first micro:bit to your computer using your USB cable and run the charting script on it.
### ~avatar avatar
Welcome! The activity will teach you how to use the acceleration of the 1st micro:bit and return the acceleration value in a visual graphing display using the 2nd micro:bit. Let's get started!
Let's measure `acceleration (mg)` and then `send number`. `Acceleration` is measured in **milli-gravities**, so a value of -1000 is equivalent to -1g or -9.81m/s^2. We will be able to get the acceleration value (g-force), in the specified "x" dimension. `Send number` will broadcast a number data packet to other micro:bits connected via radio.
Finally, we want to chart the acceleration. So we must first implement `plot bar graph`. `Plot Bar Graph` will display a vertical bar graph based on the value and high value. In order to transfer the receive the number from the 1st micro:bit, we must implement `receive number` to constantly display a vertical bar graph based on the value. Remember, the value will equal to the micro:bit's acceleration in the "x" direction.
Notice that moving the micro:bit the farthest direction in the x direction will be -1023 on the charting beneath the simulator. The second observation will be that the LEDs will be full brightness on the 2nd micro:bit. There is a single LED turned on with the 1st micro:bit. Additionally, the graphs will reflect 0 acceleation for the 1st micro:bit. In this scenario, if you are adjusting the acceleration in the simualator, you are also changing your chart that will be produced.
NOTE: The colors of the charts reflect the color of the micro:bit simulator. In this instance, the micro:bits are blue and green. So the colors of the line graphs reflect the colors of the micro:bit
After running this simulatation several seconds by moving the micro:bit side to side in the x direction, you are ready to graph or chart the accceleration of the micro:bit. We want a printout of our acceleration on Excel. We will graph the fluctuating acceleration of the simulation experiment.