Conditionally run code depending on whether a [Boolean](/microbit/reference/types/boolean) condition is true or false.
### Block Editor

In the Block Editor, click on the dark blue gear icon (see above) to add an *else* or *if* to the current block.
### Touch Develop
### ~hide
let condition = true
### ~
if (condition) {
// this code runs if `condition` is `true`
} else {
// this code runs if `condition` is `false`
### Example: adjusting screen brightness
If the screen [brightness](/microbit/reference/led/brightness) is `< 100`, this code sets the brightness to `255`:
if (led.brightness() <100){
You can leave the `then` or `else` blocks empty if they aren't needed.
### Else if: multiple if statements
You can chain together if statements by using `else if`. Like this:
### ~hide
let otherCondition = true
### ~
if (condition) {
// this code runs if `condition` is `true`
} else if (otherCondition) {
// this code runs if `other condition` is `true`
else {
// this code runs if neither `condition` or `other condition` are `true`
### Example: compass heading
The following example gets the [compass heading](/microbit/reference/input/compass-heading) and then uses ``if-then-else`` statements to display a letter on the screen (N for north, E for East, S for South, and W for West).
while (true) {
let degrees = input.compassHeading()
if (degrees <45){
basic.showString("N", 100)
} else if (degrees <135){
basic.showString("E", 100)
else if (degrees <225){
basic.showString("S", 100)
else {
basic.showString("W", 100)
### Drag and drop
You can move an entire ``if`` block by clicking the ``if`` keyword and dragging and dropping.