diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json index edb0826a..e10c5bc0 100644 --- a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json +++ b/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json @@ -1,6 +1,80 @@ { + "AcceleratorRange.EightG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 8 gravity", + "AcceleratorRange.EightG|block": "8g", + "AcceleratorRange.FourG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 4 gravity", + "AcceleratorRange.FourG|block": "4g", + "AcceleratorRange.OneG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 1 gravity", + "AcceleratorRange.OneG|block": "1g", + "AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 2 gravity", + "AcceleratorRange.TwoG|block": "2g", + "BaudRate.BaudRate115200|block": "115200", + "BaudRate.BaudRate9600|block": "9600", + "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", + "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", + "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", + "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", + "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", + "Button.AB|block": "A+B", + "Delimiters.Colon|block": ":", + "Delimiters.Comma|block": ",", + "Delimiters.Dollar|block": "$", + "Delimiters.Fullstop|block": ".", + "Delimiters.Hash|block": "#", + "Delimiters.NewLine|block": "new line", + "Dimension.Strength|block": "strength", + "Dimension.X|block": "x", + "Dimension.Y|block": "y", + "Dimension.Z|block": "z", + "Direction.Left|block": "left", + "Direction.Right|block": "right", + "DisplayMode.BackAndWhite|block": "black and white", + "DisplayMode.Greyscale|block": "greyscale", + "EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and its event handlers are immediately fired (not suitable for use in interrupts!).", + "EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and no further processing takes place.", + "Gesture.FreeFall": "Raised when the board is falling!", + "Gesture.FreeFall|block": "free fall", + "Gesture.LogoDown": "Raised when the logo is downward and the screen is vertical", + "Gesture.LogoDown|block": "logo down", + "Gesture.LogoUp": "Raised when the logo is upward and the screen is vertical", + "Gesture.LogoUp|block": "logo up", + "Gesture.ScreenDown": "Raised when the screen is pointing up and the board is horizontal", + "Gesture.ScreenDown|block": "screen down", + "Gesture.ScreenUp": "Raised when the screen is pointing down and the board is horizontal", + "Gesture.ScreenUp|block": "screen up", + "Gesture.Shake": "Raised when shaken", + "Gesture.Shake|block": "shake", + "Gesture.SixG": "Raised when a 6G shock is detected", + "Gesture.SixG|block": "6g", + "Gesture.ThreeG": "Raised when a 3G shock is detected", + "Gesture.ThreeG|block": "3g", + "Gesture.TiltLeft": "Raised when the screen is pointing left", + "Gesture.TiltLeft|block": "tilt left", + "Gesture.TiltRight": "Raised when the screen is pointing right", + "Gesture.TiltRight|block": "tilt right", + "LedSpriteProperty.Blink|block": "blink", + "LedSpriteProperty.Brightness|block": "brightness", + "LedSpriteProperty.Direction|block": "direction", + "LedSpriteProperty.X|block": "x", + "LedSpriteProperty.Y|block": "y", "Math.randomBoolean|block": "pick random true or false", "Math|block": "Math", + "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", + "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", + "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", + "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", + "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", + "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", + "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", + "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", + "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", + "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", + "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", + "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", + "PinPullMode.PullDown|block": "down", + "PinPullMode.PullNone|block": "none", + "PinPullMode.PullUp|block": "up", + "Rotation.Pitch|block": "pitch", + "Rotation.Roll|block": "roll", "String.charAt|block": "char from %this|at %pos", "String.compare|block": "compare %this| to %that", "String.concat|block": "join %this|%other", diff --git a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json b/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json index 8b24b7aa..bf2e1b5b 100644 --- a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json +++ b/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json @@ -1,4 +1,55 @@ { + "MesAlertEvent.DisplayToast|block": "display toast", + "MesAlertEvent.FindMyPhone|block": "find my phone", + "MesAlertEvent.PlayRingtone|block": "play ring tone", + "MesAlertEvent.PlaySound|block": "play sound", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm2|block": "ring alarm 2", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm3|block": "ring alarm 3", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm4|block": "ring alarm 4", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm5|block": "ring alarm 5", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm6|block": "ring alarm 6", + "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm|block": "ring alarm", + "MesAlertEvent.Vibrate|block": "vibrate", + "MesCameraEvent.LaunchPhotoMode|block": "launch photo mode", + "MesCameraEvent.LaunchVideoMode|block": "launch video mode", + "MesCameraEvent.StartVideoCapture|block": "start video capture", + "MesCameraEvent.StopPhotoMode|block": "stop photo mode", + "MesCameraEvent.StopVideoCapture|block": "stop video capture", + "MesCameraEvent.StopVideoMode|block": "stop video mode", + "MesCameraEvent.TakePhoto|block": "take photo", + "MesCameraEvent.ToggleFrontRear|block": "toggle front-rear", + "MesDeviceInfo.DisplayOff|block": "display off", + "MesDeviceInfo.DisplayOn|block": "display on", + "MesDeviceInfo.IncomingCall|block": "incoming call", + "MesDeviceInfo.IncomingMessage|block": "incoming message", + "MesDeviceInfo.OrientationLandscape|block": "orientation landscape", + "MesDeviceInfo.OrientationPortrait|block": "orientation portrait", + "MesDeviceInfo.Shaken|block": "shaken", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.ADown|block": "A down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.AUp|block": "A up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.BDown|block": "B down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.BUp|block": "B up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.CDown|block": "C down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.CUp|block": "C up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.DDown|block": "D down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo.DUp|block": "D up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Down|block": "1 down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Up|block": "1 up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Down|block": "2 down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Up|block": "2 up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Down|block": "3 down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Up|block": "3 up", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Down|block": "4 down", + "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Up|block": "4 up", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.forward|block": "forward", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.nextTrack|block": "next track", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.pause|block": "pause", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.play|block": "play", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.previousTrack|block": "previous track", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.rewind|block": "rewind", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.stop|block": "stop", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.volumeDown|block": "volume down", + "MesRemoteControlEvent.volumeUp|block": "volume up", "devices.onGamepadButton|block": "on gamepad button|%NAME", "devices.onNotified|block": "on notified|%event", "devices.onSignalStrengthChanged|block": "on signal strength changed",