added serial docs

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Peli de Halleux 2016-04-15 16:36:31 -07:00
parent d7c3f1b50a
commit 67c5f0612a
6 changed files with 150 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,11 @@ When your micro:bit isnt connected to your computer, tablet or mobile, you wi
The pins labelled 3V and GND are the power supply pins.
You can attach an external device such as a motor to these and power it using the battery or USB.
### Bluetooth Low Energy Antenna
### Serial Communication
The BBC micro:bit can send an receive data via [serial communication](/device/serial). The serial data can be transfered via USB or BlE.
### Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Antenna
You will see the label BLE ANNTENA on the back of your micro:bit. It is for a messaging service,
so that devices can talk to each other. The micro:bit is a peripheral

docs/device/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Serial
The [serial](/reference/serial) supports [serial communication]( between the BBC micro:bit and another computer. Basically, this allows you to send data from the micro:bit to your own computer. This is very useful for debugging purposes: you can add `write line` statements in your code and see them display on your computer as the program executes.
The code below shows a simple script that sends a line when the BBC micro:bit starts and another line each time the button ``A`` is pressed.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
serial.writeLine("A pressed")
## How to read the micro:bit's serial output from your computer
Unfortunately, using the serial library requires quite a bit of a setup.
### Windows
You must install a device driver (for the computer to recognize the serial interface of the micro:bit); then, you must also install a terminal emulator (which is going to connect to the micro:bit and read its output). Here's how to do it:
* Follow instructions at in order to install the device driver
* Install a terminal emulator; we recommend [Tera Term]( At the time of this writing, the latest version is 4.88 and can be downloaded [from here]( Follow the instructions from the installer.
Once both the driver and the terminal emulator are installed, plug in the micro:bit and wait until the device is fully setup. Then, open TeraTerm.
* Hit `File` > `New Connection`
* Check "Serial"; in the dropdown menu, pick the COM port that says "mbed Serial Port". Hit `Ok`.
* In the menus, hit `Setup` > `Serial Port` and set the baud rate to `115200`.
You should be good. Feel free to hit `Setup` > `Save Setup` in the menus to erase the default configuration file with a new one so that you don't have to type in the settings again.
Please note that Windows will assign you a different COM port if you plug in another micro:bit. If you're juggling between micro:bits, you'll have to change the COM port every time.
### Alternative Windows setup with Putty
If you prefer another terminal emulator (such as [PuTTY](, here are some instructions.
* Open Windows's [Device Manager](; expand the section called "Ports (COM & LPT)"; write down the com number for "mbed Serial Port" (e.g. COM14)
* Open PuTTY; on the main screen, use the following settings: Serial / COM14 / 115200. Replace COM14 with the COM port number you wrote down previously. Feel free to type in a name and hit "Save" to remember this configuration.
* (optional): in the "Terminal" section, check "implicit cr in every lf"
### Linux
* Plug in the micro:bit
* Open a terminal
* `dmesg | tail` will show you which `/dev/` node the micro:bit was assigned (e.g. `/dev/ttyUSB0`)
* Then, do: `screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200` (install the `screen` program if you don't have it). To exit, run `Ctrl-A` `Ctrl-D`.
Alternative programs include minicom, etc.
### Mac OS
* Plug in the micro:bit
* Open a terminal
* `ls /dev/cu.*` will return to you a list of serial devices; one of them will look like `/dev/cu.usbmodem1422` (the exact number depends on your computer)
* `screen /dev/cu.usbmodem1422 115200` will open up the micro:bit's serial output. To exit, hit `Ctrl-A` `Ctrl-D`.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Serial
[Serial communication](/device/serial) between the BBC micro:bit and another computer.
serial.writeValue("x", 0);

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Write Line
Writes a string and a new line character (`\r\n`) to [serial](/device/serial).
### Example: streaming data
The following example constantly checks the [compass heading](/reference/input/compass-heading) and sends the direction to serial.
basic.forever(() => {
let heading = input.compassHeading()
if (heading < 45) {
} else if (heading < 135) {
else if (heading < 225) {
else {
### See also
[serial](/device/serial), [write value](/reference/serial/write-value)

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Write Value
Writes name/value pair and a new line character (`\r\n`) to [serial](/device/serial).
serial.writeValue("x", 0);
### Example: streaming data
The sample below sends the temperature and light level every 10 seconds.
basic.forever(() => {
serial.writeValue("temp", input.temperature())
serial.writeValue("light", input.lightLevel())
### Plot bar graph does serial!
If you use the `led.plotBarGraph` function, it automatically writes the value to the serial as well.
basic.forever(() => {
led.plotBarGraph(input.lightLevel(), 255)
### See also
[serial](/device/serial), [write value](/reference/serial/write-value)

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@ -7,30 +7,24 @@ namespace serial {
* Prints a line of text to the serial
* @param value to send over serial
//% help=/reference/serial/write-line
//% blockId=serial_writeline block="serial|write %text"
export function writeLine(text: string): void {
* Prints a numeric value to the serial
export function writeNumber(value: number): void {
* Writes a ``name: value`` pair line to the serial.
* @param name name of the value stream, eg: x
* @param value to write
//% help=/reference/serial/write-value
//% weight=80
//% blockId=serial_writevalue block="serial|write %name|= %value"
export function writeValue(name: string, value: number): void {