diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json index 58b2fd26..ceb0891a 100644 --- a/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ b/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json @@ -1,6 +1,31 @@ { + "Math.abs": "Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative). \nFor example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.", + "Math.abs|param|x": "A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.", + "Math.max": "Returns the larger of two supplied numeric expressions.", + "Math.min": "Returns the smaller of two supplied numeric expressions.", + "Math.pow": "Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power.", + "Math.pow|param|x": "The base value of the expression.", + "Math.pow|param|y": "The exponent value of the expression.", + "Math.random": "Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and `max`.", "Math.randomBoolean": "Generates a `true` or `false` value randomly, just like flipping a coin.", + "Math.sign": "Returns the sign of the x, indicating whether x is positive, negative or zero.", + "Math.sign|param|x": "The numeric expression to test", + "Math.sqrt": "Returns the square root of a number.", + "Math.sqrt|param|x": "A numeric expression.", + "String.charAt": "Returns the character at the specified index.", + "String.charAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character.", + "String.charCodeAt": "Returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified location.", + "String.charCodeAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character. If there is no character at the specified index, NaN is returned.", + "String.compare": "Determines whether relative order of two strings (in ASCII encoding).", + "String.compare|param|that": "String to compare to target string", + "String.concat": "Returns a string that contains the concatenation of two or more strings.", + "String.concat|param|other": "The string to append to the end of the string.", "String.fromCharCode": "Make a string from the given ASCII character code.", + "String.isEmpty": "Returns a value indicating if the string is empty", + "String.length": "Returns the length of a String object.", + "String.substr": "Return substring of the current string.", + "String.substr|param|length": "number of characters to extract", + "String.substr|param|start": "first character index; can be negative from counting from the end, eg:0", "basic": "Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.", "basic.clearScreen": "Turn off all LEDs", "basic.forever": "Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.", @@ -20,19 +45,51 @@ "basic.showString|param|interval": "how fast to shift characters; eg: 150, 100, 200, -100", "basic.showString|param|text": "the text to scroll on the screen, eg: \"Hello!\"", "control": "Runtime and event utilities.", + "control.assert": "If the condition is false, display msg on serial console, and panic with code 098.", + "control.deviceName": "Gets a friendly name for the device derived from the its serial number", + "control.deviceSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.", + "control.eventSourceId": "Returns the value of a C++ runtime constant", + "control.eventTimestamp": "Gets the timestamp of the last event executed on the bus", + "control.eventValue": "Gets the value of the last event executed on the bus", + "control.eventValueId": "Returns the value of a C++ runtime constant", "control.inBackground": "Schedules code that run in the background.", + "control.onEvent": "Raises an event in the event bus.", + "control.panic": "Display specified error code and stop the program.", + "control.raiseEvent": "Raises an event in the event bus.", + "control.raiseEvent|param|mode": "optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction (default is CREATE_AND_FIRE).", + "control.raiseEvent|param|src": "ID of the MicroBit Component that generated the event e.g. MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_A.", + "control.raiseEvent|param|value": "Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.", "control.reset": "Resets the BBC micro:bit.", + "control.runtimeWarning": "Display warning in the simulator.", "control.waitMicros": "Blocks the current fiber for the given microseconds", "control.waitMicros|param|micros": "number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4", "game": "A single-LED sprite game engine", + "game.addLife": "Adds life points to the current life", + "game.addLife|param|lives": "TODO", "game.addScore": "Adds points to the current score", "game.addScore|param|points": "amount of points to change, eg: 1", + "game.createSprite": "Creates a new LED sprite pointing to the right.", + "game.createSprite|param|x": "sprite horizontal coordinate, eg: 2", + "game.createSprite|param|y": "sprite vertical coordinate, eg: 2", + "game.currentTime": "Gets the remaining time (since `start countdown`) or current time (since the device started or `start stopwatch`) in milliseconds.", "game.gameOver": "Displays a game over animation.", + "game.invalidSprite": "Gets an invalid sprite; used to initialize locals.", + "game.isGameOver": "Indicates if the game is display the game over sequence.", + "game.isRunning": "Gets a value indicating if the game is still running. Returns `false` if game over.", + "game.level": "Gets the current level", + "game.levelUp": "Increments the level and display a message.", + "game.life": "Gets the current life", + "game.removeLife": "Removes some life", + "game.removeLife|param|life": "TODO", "game.score": "Gets the current score", + "game.setLife": "Sets the current life value", + "game.setLife|param|value": "TODO", "game.setScore": "Sets the current score value", "game.setScore|param|value": "TODO", + "game.showScore": "Displays the score on the screen.", "game.startCountdown": "Starts a game countdown timer", "game.startCountdown|param|ms": "countdown duration in milliseconds, eg: 10000", + "game.startStopwatch": "Starts a stopwatch timer. `current time` will return the elapsed time.", "images": "Creation, manipulation and display of LED images.", "images.createBigImage": "Creates an image with 2 frames.", "images.createImage": "Creates an image that fits on the LED screen.", @@ -76,6 +133,7 @@ "input.temperature": "Gets the temperature in Celsius degrees (°C).", "led": "Control of the LED screen.", "led.brightness": "Get the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).", + "led.enable": "Turns on or off the display", "led.fadeIn": "Fades in the screen display.", "led.fadeIn|param|ms": "TODO", "led.fadeOut": "Fades out the screen brightness.", @@ -94,7 +152,7 @@ "led.setBrightness": "Set the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).", "led.setBrightness|param|value": "the brightness value, eg:255, 127, 0", "led.setDisplayMode": "Sets the display mode between black and white and greyscale for rendering LEDs.", - "led.setDisplayMode|param|mode": "TODO", + "led.setDisplayMode|param|mode": "mode the display mode in which the screen operates", "led.stopAnimation": "Cancels the current animation and clears other pending animations.", "led.toggle": "Toggles a particular pixel", "led.toggleAll": "Inverts the current LED display", @@ -133,12 +191,16 @@ "pins.analogWritePin": "Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023.", "pins.analogWritePin|param|name": "pin name to write to", "pins.analogWritePin|param|value": "value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0", + "pins.createBuffer": "Create a new zero-initialized buffer.", + "pins.createBuffer|param|size": "number of bytes in the buffer", "pins.digitalReadPin": "Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1", "pins.digitalReadPin|param|name": "pin to read from", "pins.digitalWritePin": "Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1.", "pins.digitalWritePin|param|name": "pin to write to", "pins.digitalWritePin|param|value": "value to set on the pin, 1 eg,0", + "pins.i2cReadBuffer": "Read `size` bytes from a 7-bit I2C `address`.", "pins.i2cReadNumber": "Read one number from 7-bit I2C address.", + "pins.i2cWriteBuffer": "Write bytes to a 7-bit I2C `address`.", "pins.i2cWriteNumber": "Write one number to a 7-bit I2C address.", "pins.map": "Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc.", "pins.map|param|fromHigh": "the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023", @@ -148,6 +210,9 @@ "pins.map|param|value": "value to map in ranges", "pins.onPulsed": "Configures this pin to a digital input, and generates events where the timestamp is the duration that this pin was either ``high`` or ``low``.", "pins.pulseDuration": "Gets the duration of the last pulse in micro-seconds. This function should be called from a ``onPulsed`` handler.", + "pins.pulseIn": "Returns the duration of a pulse in microseconds", + "pins.pulseIn|param|name": "the pin which measures the pulse", + "pins.pulseIn|param|value": "the value of the pulse (default high)", "pins.servoSetPulse": "Configures this IO pin as an analog/pwm output, configures the period to be 20 ms, and sets the pulse width, based on the value it is given **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.", "pins.servoSetPulse|param|micros": "pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500", "pins.servoSetPulse|param|name": "pin name", @@ -157,9 +222,12 @@ "pins.setPull": "Configures the pull of this pin.", "pins.setPull|param|name": "pin to set the pull mode on", "pins.setPull|param|pull": "one of the mbed pull configurations: PullUp, PullDown, PullNone ", + "pins.sizeOf": "Get the size in bytes of specified number format.", "pins.spiWrite": "Write to the SPI slave and return the response", "pins.spiWrite|param|value": "Data to be sent to the SPI slave", "serial": "Reading and writing data over a serial connection.", + "serial.delimiters": "Returns the delimiter corresponding string", + "serial.onLineReceived": "Registers an event to be fired when a line has been received", "serial.readLine": "Reads a line of text from the serial port.", "serial.readUntil": "Reads a line of text from the serial port and returns the buffer when the delimiter is met.", "serial.readUntil|param|delimiter": "text delimiter that separates each text chunk", diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json index c51caf1a..edb0826a 100644 --- a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json +++ b/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ { "Math.randomBoolean|block": "pick random true or false", "Math|block": "Math", + "String.charAt|block": "char from %this|at %pos", + "String.compare|block": "compare %this| to %that", + "String.concat|block": "join %this|%other", "String.fromCharCode|block": "text from char code %code", + "String.isEmpty|block": "%this| is empty", + "String.length|block": "length of %VALUE", + "String.substr|block": "substring of %this|from %start|of length %length", "String|block": "String", "basic.clearScreen|block": "clear screen", "basic.forever|block": "forever", @@ -10,11 +16,20 @@ "basic.showNumber|block": "show|number %number", "basic.showString|block": "show|string %text", "basic|block": "basic", + "control.deviceName|block": "device name", + "control.deviceSerialNumber|block": "device serial number", + "control.eventSourceId|block": "%id", + "control.eventTimestamp|block": "event timestamp", + "control.eventValueId|block": "%id", + "control.eventValue|block": "event value", "control.inBackground|block": "run in background", + "control.onEvent|block": "on event|from %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", + "control.raiseEvent|block": "raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", "control.reset|block": "reset", "control.waitMicros|block": "wait (µs)%micros", "control|block": "control", "game.addScore|block": "change score by|%points", + "game.createSprite|block": "create sprite at|x: %x|y: %y", "game.gameOver|block": "game over", "game.score|block": "score", "game.startCountdown|block": "start countdown|(ms) %duration", @@ -65,11 +80,13 @@ "pins.map|block": "map %value|from low %fromLow|from high %fromHigh|to low %toLow|to high %toHigh", "pins.onPulsed|block": "on|pin %pin|pulsed %pulse", "pins.pulseDuration|block": "pulse duration (µs)", + "pins.pulseIn|block": "pulse in (µs)|pin %name|pulsed %value", "pins.servoSetPulse|block": "servo set pulse|pin %value|to (µs) %micros", "pins.servoWritePin|block": "servo write|pin %name|to %value", "pins.setPull|block": "set pull|pin %pin|to %pull", "pins.spiWrite|block": "spi write %value", "pins|block": "pins", + "serial.delimiters|block": "%del", "serial.readLine|block": "serial|read line", "serial.readUntil|block": "serial|read until %delimiter=serial_delimiter_conv", "serial.redirect|block": "serial|redirect to|TX %tx|RX %rx|at baud rate %rate", @@ -87,5 +104,7 @@ "{id:category}Math": "Math", "{id:category}Music": "Music", "{id:category}Pins": "Pins", - "{id:category}Serial": "Serial" + "{id:category}Serial": "Serial", + "{id:category}String": "String", + "{id:category}Text": "Text" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json index 9b04a86b..f80bb225 100644 --- a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json +++ b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json @@ -1,20 +1,24 @@ { "radio": "Communicate data using radio packets", + "radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.", "radio.onDataReceived": "Registers code to run when a packet is received over radio.", - "radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet as a number from the radio queue.", - "radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet as a string and returns it.", - "radio.receivedNumberAt": "Reads a number at a given index, between ``0`` and ``3``, from the packet received by ``receive number``. Not supported in simulator.", - "radio.receivedNumberAt|param|index": "index of the number to read from 0 to 3. 1 eg", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength": "Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the packet received by ``receive number``. Not supported in simulator.\nnamespace=radio", + "radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.", + "radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string\npayload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.", + "radio.receivedNumber": "Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not\ncontain a number.", + "radio.receivedSerial": "Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if\nthat packet did not send a serial number.", + "radio.receivedSignalStrength": "Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.\nnamespace=radio", + "radio.receivedString": "Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", + "radio.receivedTime": "Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the\nlast packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,\n``receiveString``, etc).", "radio.sendNumber": "Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendString": "Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.", + "radio.sendString": "Broadcasts a string along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", "radio.sendValue": "Broadcasts a name / value pair along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendValue|param|name": "the field name (max 12 characters), eg: \"data\"", + "radio.sendValue|param|name": "the field name (max 12 characters), eg: \"name\"", "radio.sendValue|param|value": "the numberic value", "radio.setGroup": "Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.\n@ param id the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, 1 eg", "radio.setTransmitPower": "Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.", "radio.setTransmitPower|param|power": "a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest. eg: 7", "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber": "Set the radio to transmit the serial number in each message.", "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|param|transmit": "value indicating if the serial number is transmitted, eg: true", - "radio.writeValueToSerial": "Reads a value sent with `stream value` and writes it\nto the serial stream as JSON" + "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial": "Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called\nwithin an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.", + "radio.writeValueToSerial": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial\nas JSON." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json index 1364cff0..c113d9a8 100644 --- a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json +++ b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ { + "radio.onDataPacketReceived|block": "on radio received", "radio.onDataReceived|block": "radio on data received", "radio.receiveNumber|block": "radio receive number", "radio.receiveString|block": "radio receive string", @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ "radio.setGroup|block": "radio set group %ID", "radio.setTransmitPower|block": "radio set transmit power %power", "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|block": "radio set transmit serial number %transmit", + "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial|block": "radio write received packet to serial", "radio.writeValueToSerial|block": "radio write value to serial", "radio|block": "radio", "{id:category}Radio": "Radio"