Digital Read Pin

Read a digital (0 or 1) signal from a pin on the Calliope mini board.


Some pins are also used by the LED screen. Please read the page about pins carefully.



Example: football score keeper

This program reads pin P0 to find when a goal is scored. When P0 is 1, the program makes the score bigger and plays a buzzer sound through P2 with digital write pin.

let score = 0
basic.forever(() => {
    if (pins.digitalReadPin(DigitalPin.P0) == 1) {
        pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P2, 1)
        pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P2, 0)

This program is a remote control for the score keeper program. If you connect P1 on the remote control Calliope mini to P0 on the score keeper Calliope mini, you can press button B on the remote to buzz and make the score bigger on the other Calliope mini.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, () => {
    pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 1);
    pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P1, 0);

Remember to connect GND on both Calliope minis together!

See also

Calliope mini pins, digital write pin, analog read pin, analog write pin, on pin pressed, pin is pressed

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