var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var GROUND_COLOR = "blue"; var POWER_COLOR = "red"; ; ; ; ; ; ; function isOnBreadboardBottom(location) { var isBot = false; if (typeof location !== "string" && location.type === "breadboard") { var bbLoc = location; var row = bbLoc.row; isBot = 0 <= ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"].indexOf(row); } return isBot; } var arrCount = function (a) { return a.reduce(function (p, n) { return p + (n ? 1 : 0); }, 0); }; var arrAny = function (a) { return arrCount(a) > 0; }; function computePowerUsage(wire) { var ends = [wire.start, wire.end]; var endIsGround = (e) { return e === "ground"; }); var endIsThreeVolt = (e) { return e === "threeVolt"; }); var endIsBot = (e) { return isOnBreadboardBottom(e); }); var hasGround = arrAny(endIsGround); var hasThreeVolt = arrAny(endIsThreeVolt); var hasBot = arrAny(endIsBot); return { topGround: hasGround && !hasBot, topThreeVolt: hasThreeVolt && !hasBot, bottomGround: hasGround && hasBot, bottomThreeVolt: hasThreeVolt && hasBot, singleGround: hasGround, singleThreeVolt: hasThreeVolt }; } function mergePowerUsage(powerUsages) { var finalPowerUsage = powerUsages.reduce(function (p, n) { return ({ topGround: p.topGround || n.topGround, topThreeVolt: p.topThreeVolt || n.topThreeVolt, bottomGround: p.bottomGround || n.bottomGround, bottomThreeVolt: p.bottomThreeVolt || n.bottomThreeVolt, singleGround: n.singleGround ? p.singleGround === null : p.singleGround, singleThreeVolt: n.singleThreeVolt ? p.singleThreeVolt === null : p.singleThreeVolt, }); }, { topGround: false, topThreeVolt: false, bottomGround: false, bottomThreeVolt: false, singleGround: null, singleThreeVolt: null, }); if (finalPowerUsage.singleGround) finalPowerUsage.topGround = finalPowerUsage.bottomGround = false; if (finalPowerUsage.singleThreeVolt) finalPowerUsage.topThreeVolt = finalPowerUsage.bottomThreeVolt = false; return finalPowerUsage; } function copyDoubleArray(a) { return (b) { return (p) { return p; }); }); } function merge2(a, b) { var res = {}; for (var aKey in a) res[aKey] = a[aKey]; for (var bKey in b) res[bKey] = b[bKey]; return res; } function merge3(a, b, c) { return merge2(merge2(a, b), c); } function readPin(arg) { pxsim.U.assert(!!arg, "Invalid pin: " + arg); var pin = /^([A-Z]\w+)Pin\.(P\d+)$/.exec(arg); return pin ? pin[2] : undefined; } pxsim.readPin = readPin; function mkReverseMap(map) { var origKeys = []; var origVals = []; for (var key in map) { origKeys.push(key); origVals.push(map[key]); } var newMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < origKeys.length; i++) { var newKey = origVals[i]; var newVal = origKeys[i]; newMap[newKey] = newVal; } return newMap; } function isConnectedToBB(pin) { return pin.orientation === "-Z" && === "male"; } var Allocator = (function () { function Allocator(opts) { this.availablePowerPins = { top: { threeVolt: pxsim.mkRange(26, 51).map(function (n) { return { type: "breadboard", row: "+", col: "" + n }; }), ground: pxsim.mkRange(26, 51).map(function (n) { return { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "" + n }; }), }, bottom: { threeVolt: pxsim.mkRange(1, 26).map(function (n) { return { type: "breadboard", row: "+", col: "" + n }; }), ground: pxsim.mkRange(1, 26).map(function (n) { return { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "" + n }; }), }, }; this.opts = opts; } Allocator.prototype.allocPartIRs = function (def, name, bbFit) { var partIRs = []; var mkIR = function (def, name, instPins, partParams) { var pinIRs = []; for (var i = 0; i < def.numberOfPins; i++) { var pinDef = def.pinDefinitions[i]; var pinTarget = void 0; if (typeof === "string") { pinTarget =; } else { var instIdx =; pxsim.U.assert(!!instPins && instPins[instIdx] !== undefined, "No pin found for PinInstantiationIdx: " + instIdx + ". (Is the part missing an ArguementRole or \"trackArgs=\" annotations?)"); pinTarget = instPins[instIdx]; } var pinLoc = def.visual.pinLocations[i]; var adjustedY = bbFit.yOffset + pinLoc.y; var relativeRowIdx = Math.round(adjustedY / def.visual.pinDistance); var relativeYOffset = adjustedY - relativeRowIdx * def.visual.pinDistance; var adjustedX = bbFit.xOffset + pinLoc.x; var relativeColIdx = Math.round(adjustedX / def.visual.pinDistance); var relativeXOffset = adjustedX - relativeColIdx * def.visual.pinDistance; var pinBBFit = { partRelativeRowIdx: relativeRowIdx, partRelativeColIdx: relativeColIdx, xOffset: relativeXOffset, yOffset: relativeYOffset }; pinIRs.push({ def: pinDef, loc: pinLoc, target: pinTarget, bbFit: pinBBFit, }); } return { name: name, def: def, pins: pinIRs, partParams: partParams || {}, bbFit: bbFit }; }; if (def.instantiation.kind === "singleton") { partIRs.push(mkIR(def, name)); } else if (def.instantiation.kind === "function") { var fnAlloc_1 = def.instantiation; var fnNm_1 = fnAlloc_1.fullyQualifiedName; var callsitesTrackedArgs = this.opts.fnArgs[fnNm_1]; pxsim.U.assert(!!callsitesTrackedArgs && !!callsitesTrackedArgs.length, "Failed to read pin(s) from callsite for: " + fnNm_1); callsitesTrackedArgs.forEach(function (fnArgsStr) { var fnArgsSplit = fnArgsStr.split(","); pxsim.U.assert(fnArgsSplit.length === fnAlloc_1.argumentRoles.length, "Mismatch between number of arguments at callsite (function name: " + fnNm_1 + ") vs number of argument roles in part definition (part: " + name + ")."); var instPins = []; var paramArgs = {}; fnArgsSplit.forEach(function (arg, idx) { var role = fnAlloc_1.argumentRoles[idx]; if (role.partParameter !== undefined) { paramArgs[role.partParameter] = arg; } if (role.pinInstantiationIdx !== undefined) { var instIdx = role.pinInstantiationIdx; var pin = readPin(arg); instPins[instIdx] = pin; } }); partIRs.push(mkIR(def, name, instPins, paramArgs)); }); } return partIRs; }; Allocator.prototype.computePartDimensions = function (def, name) { var pinLocs = def.visual.pinLocations; var pinDefs = def.pinDefinitions; var numPins = def.numberOfPins; pxsim.U.assert(pinLocs.length === numPins, "Mismatch between \"numberOfPins\" and length of \"visual.pinLocations\" for \"" + name + "\""); pxsim.U.assert(pinDefs.length === numPins, "Mismatch between \"numberOfPins\" and length of \"pinDefinitions\" for \"" + name + "\""); pxsim.U.assert(numPins > 0, "Part \"" + name + "\" has no pins"); var pins = (loc, idx) { return merge3({ idx: idx }, loc, pinDefs[idx]); }); var bbPins = pins.filter(function (p) { return p.orientation === "-Z"; }); var hasBBPins = bbPins.length > 0; var pinDist = def.visual.pinDistance; var xOff; var yOff; var colCount; var rowCount; if (hasBBPins) { var refPin = bbPins[0]; var refPinColIdx = Math.ceil(refPin.x / pinDist); var refPinRowIdx = Math.ceil(refPin.y / pinDist); xOff = refPinColIdx * pinDist - refPin.x; yOff = refPinRowIdx * pinDist - refPin.y; colCount = Math.ceil((xOff + def.visual.width) / pinDist) + 1; rowCount = Math.ceil((yOff + def.visual.height) / pinDist) + 1; } else { colCount = Math.ceil(def.visual.width / pinDist); rowCount = Math.ceil(def.visual.height / pinDist); xOff = colCount * pinDist - def.visual.width; yOff = rowCount * pinDist - def.visual.height; } return { xOffset: xOff, yOffset: yOff, rowCount: rowCount, colCount: colCount }; }; Allocator.prototype.allocColumns = function (colCounts) { var partsCount = colCounts.length; var totalColumnsCount = pxsim.visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS; //TODO allow multiple breadboards var totalSpaceNeeded = (d) { return d.colCount; }).reduce(function (p, n) { return p + n; }, 0); var extraSpace = totalColumnsCount - totalSpaceNeeded; if (extraSpace <= 0) { console.log("Not enough breadboard space!"); } var padding = Math.floor(extraSpace / (partsCount - 1 + 2)); var partSpacing = padding; //Math.floor(extraSpace/(partsCount-1)); var totalPartPadding = extraSpace - partSpacing * (partsCount - 1); var leftPadding = Math.floor(totalPartPadding / 2); var rightPadding = Math.ceil(totalPartPadding / 2); var nextAvailableCol = 1 + leftPadding; var partStartCol = (part) { var col = nextAvailableCol; nextAvailableCol += part.colCount + partSpacing; return col; }); return partStartCol; }; Allocator.prototype.placeParts = function (parts) { var totalRowsCount = pxsim.visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS + 2; // 10 letters + 2 for the middle gap var startColumnIndices = this.allocColumns( (p) { return p.bbFit; })); var startRowIndicies = (p) { var extraRows = totalRowsCount - p.bbFit.rowCount; var topPad = Math.floor(extraRows / 2); var startIdx = topPad; if (startIdx > 4) startIdx = 4; if (startIdx < 1) startIdx = 1; return startIdx; }); var placements = (p, idx) { var row = startRowIndicies[idx]; var col = startColumnIndices[idx]; return merge2({ startColumnIdx: col, startRowIdx: row }, p); }); return placements; }; Allocator.prototype.nextColor = function () { if (!this.availableWireColors || this.availableWireColors.length <= 0) { this.availableWireColors = (c) { return c; }); } return this.availableWireColors.pop(); }; Allocator.prototype.allocWireIRs = function (part) { var _this = this; var groupToColor = []; var wires = (pin, pinIdx) { var end =; var start; var colIdx = part.startColumnIdx + pin.bbFit.partRelativeColIdx; var colName = pxsim.visuals.getColumnName(colIdx); var pinRowIdx = part.startRowIdx + pin.bbFit.partRelativeRowIdx; if (pinRowIdx >= 7) pinRowIdx -= 2; if (isConnectedToBB(pin.def)) { //make a wire from bb top or bottom to target var connectedToTop = pinRowIdx < 5; var rowName = connectedToTop ? "j" : "a"; start = { type: "breadboard", row: rowName, col: colName, style: }; } else { //make a wire directly from pin to target var rowName = pxsim.visuals.getRowName(pinRowIdx); start = { type: "breadboard", row: rowName, col: colName, xOffset: pin.bbFit.xOffset / part.def.visual.pinDistance, yOffset: pin.bbFit.yOffset / part.def.visual.pinDistance, style: }; } var color; if (end === "ground") { color = GROUND_COLOR; } else if (end === "threeVolt") { color = POWER_COLOR; } else if (typeof pin.def.colorGroup === "number") { if (groupToColor[pin.def.colorGroup]) { color = groupToColor[pin.def.colorGroup]; } else { color = groupToColor[pin.def.colorGroup] = _this.nextColor(); } } else { color = _this.nextColor(); } return { start: start, end: end, color: color, pinIdx: pinIdx, }; }); return merge2(part, { wires: wires }); }; Allocator.prototype.allocLocation = function (location, opts) { var _this = this; if (location === "ground" || location === "threeVolt") { //special case if there is only a single ground or three volt pin in the whole build if (location === "ground" && this.powerUsage.singleGround) { var boardGroundPin = this.getBoardGroundPin(); return { type: "dalboard", pin: boardGroundPin }; } else if (location === "threeVolt" && this.powerUsage.singleThreeVolt) { var boardThreeVoltPin = this.getBoardThreeVoltPin(); return { type: "dalboard", pin: boardThreeVoltPin }; } pxsim.U.assert(!!opts.referenceBBPin); var nearestCoord = this.opts.getBBCoord(opts.referenceBBPin); var firstTopAndBot = [[0] ||[0], this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground[0] || this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt[0] ].map(function (loc) { return _this.opts.getBBCoord(loc); }); if (!firstTopAndBot[0] || !firstTopAndBot[1]) { console.debug("No more available \"" + location + "\" locations!"); } var nearTop = pxsim.visuals.findClosestCoordIdx(nearestCoord, firstTopAndBot) == 0; var barPins = void 0; if (nearTop) { if (location === "ground") { barPins =; } else if (location === "threeVolt") { barPins =; } } else { if (location === "ground") { barPins = this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground; } else if (location === "threeVolt") { barPins = this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt; } } var pinCoords = (rowCol) { return _this.opts.getBBCoord(rowCol); }); var closestPinIdx = pxsim.visuals.findClosestCoordIdx(nearestCoord, pinCoords); var pin = barPins[closestPinIdx]; if (nearTop) {, 1);, 1); } else { this.availablePowerPins.bottom.ground.splice(closestPinIdx, 1); this.availablePowerPins.bottom.threeVolt.splice(closestPinIdx, 1); } return pin; } else if (location.type === "breadboard") { return location; } else if (location === "MOSI" || location === "MISO" || location === "SCK") { if (!this.opts.boardDef.spiPins) console.debug("No SPI pin mappings found!"); var pin = this.opts.boardDef.spiPins[location]; return { type: "dalboard", pin: pin }; } else if (location === "SDA" || location === "SCL") { if (!this.opts.boardDef.i2cPins) console.debug("No I2C pin mappings found!"); var pin = this.opts.boardDef.i2cPins[location]; return { type: "dalboard", pin: pin }; } else { //it must be a MicrobitPin pxsim.U.assert(typeof location === "string", "Unknown location type: " + location); var mbPin = location; var boardPin = this.opts.boardDef.gpioPinMap[mbPin]; pxsim.U.assert(!!boardPin, "Unknown pin: " + location); return { type: "dalboard", pin: boardPin }; } }; Allocator.prototype.getBoardGroundPin = function () { var boardGround = this.opts.boardDef.groundPins[0] || null; if (!boardGround) { console.log("No available ground pin on board!"); } return boardGround; }; Allocator.prototype.getBoardThreeVoltPin = function () { var threeVoltPin = this.opts.boardDef.threeVoltPins[0] || null; if (!threeVoltPin) { console.log("No available 3.3V pin on board!"); } return threeVoltPin; }; Allocator.prototype.allocPowerWires = function (powerUsage) { var boardGroundPin = this.getBoardGroundPin(); var threeVoltPin = this.getBoardThreeVoltPin(); var topLeft = { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "26" }; var botLeft = { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "1" }; var topRight = { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "50" }; var botRight = { type: "breadboard", row: "-", col: "25" }; var top, bot; if (this.opts.boardDef.attachPowerOnRight) { top = topRight; bot = botRight; } else { top = topLeft; bot = botLeft; } var groundWires = []; var threeVoltWires = []; if (powerUsage.bottomGround && powerUsage.topGround) { //bb top - <==> bb bot - groundWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("ground", { referenceBBPin: top }), end: this.allocLocation("ground", { referenceBBPin: bot }), color: GROUND_COLOR, }); } if (powerUsage.topGround) { //board - <==> bb top - groundWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("ground", { referenceBBPin: top }), end: { type: "dalboard", pin: boardGroundPin }, color: GROUND_COLOR, }); } else if (powerUsage.bottomGround) { //board - <==> bb bot - groundWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("ground", { referenceBBPin: bot }), end: { type: "dalboard", pin: boardGroundPin }, color: GROUND_COLOR, }); } if (powerUsage.bottomThreeVolt && powerUsage.bottomGround) { //bb top + <==> bb bot + threeVoltWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("threeVolt", { referenceBBPin: top }), end: this.allocLocation("threeVolt", { referenceBBPin: bot }), color: POWER_COLOR, }); } if (powerUsage.topThreeVolt) { //board + <==> bb top + threeVoltWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("threeVolt", { referenceBBPin: top }), end: { type: "dalboard", pin: threeVoltPin }, color: POWER_COLOR, }); } else if (powerUsage.bottomThreeVolt) { //board + <==> bb bot + threeVoltWires.push({ start: this.allocLocation("threeVolt", { referenceBBPin: bot }), end: { type: "dalboard", pin: threeVoltPin }, color: POWER_COLOR, }); } var assembly = []; if (groundWires.length > 0) assembly.push({ wireIndices: (w, i) { return i; }) }); var numGroundWires = groundWires.length; if (threeVoltWires.length > 0) assembly.push({ wireIndices: (w, i) { return i + numGroundWires; }) }); return { wires: groundWires.concat(threeVoltWires), assembly: assembly }; }; Allocator.prototype.allocWire = function (wireIR) { var _this = this; var ends = [wireIR.start, wireIR.end]; var endIsPower = (e) { return e === "ground" || e === "threeVolt"; }); //allocate non-power first so we know the nearest pin for the power end var endInsts = (e, idx) { return !endIsPower[idx] ? _this.allocLocation(e, {}) : null; }); //allocate power pins closest to the other end of the wire endInsts = (e, idx) { if (e) return e; var locInst = endInsts[1 - idx]; // non-power end var l = _this.allocLocation(ends[idx], { referenceBBPin: locInst, }); return l; }); return { start: endInsts[0], end: endInsts[1], color: wireIR.color }; }; Allocator.prototype.allocPart = function (ir) { var bbConnections = ir.pins .filter(function (p) { return isConnectedToBB(p.def); }) .map(function (p) { var rowIdx = ir.startRowIdx + p.bbFit.partRelativeRowIdx; if (rowIdx >= 7) rowIdx -= 2; var rowName = pxsim.visuals.getRowName(rowIdx); var colIdx = ir.startColumnIdx + p.bbFit.partRelativeColIdx; var colName = pxsim.visuals.getColumnName(colIdx); return { type: "breadboard", row: rowName, col: colName, }; }); var part = { name:, visual: ir.def.visual, bbFit: ir.bbFit, startColumnIdx: ir.startColumnIdx, startRowIdx: ir.startRowIdx, breadboardConnections: bbConnections, params: ir.partParams, simulationBehavior: ir.def.simulationBehavior }; return part; }; Allocator.prototype.allocAll = function () { var _this = this; var partNmAndDefs = this.opts.partsList .map(function (partName) { return { name: partName, def: _this.opts.partDefs[partName] }; }) .filter(function (d) { return !!d.def; }); if (partNmAndDefs.length > 0) { var partNmsList = (p) { return; }); var partDefsList = (p) { return p.def; }); var dimensions_1 = (nmAndPart) { return _this.computePartDimensions(nmAndPart.def,; }); var partIRs_1 = []; partNmAndDefs.forEach(function (nmAndDef, idx) { var dims = dimensions_1[idx]; var irs = _this.allocPartIRs(nmAndDef.def,, dims); partIRs_1 = partIRs_1.concat(irs); }); var partPlacements = this.placeParts(partIRs_1); var partsAndWireIRs = (p) { return _this.allocWireIRs(p); }); var allWireIRs = (p) { return p.wires; }).reduce(function (p, n) { return p.concat(n); }, []); var allPowerUsage = (w) { return computePowerUsage(w); }); this.powerUsage = mergePowerUsage(allPowerUsage); var basicWires = this.allocPowerWires(this.powerUsage); var partsAndWires = (irs, idx) { var part = _this.allocPart(irs); var wires = (w) { return _this.allocWire(w); }); var pinIdxToWireIdx = []; irs.wires.forEach(function (wIR, idx) { pinIdxToWireIdx[wIR.pinIdx] = idx; }); var assembly = (stepDef) { return { part: stepDef.part, wireIndices: (stepDef.pinIndices || []).map(function (i) { return pinIdxToWireIdx[i]; }) }; }); return { part: part, wires: wires, assembly: assembly }; }); var all = [basicWires].concat(partsAndWires); // hide breadboard if not used var requiresBreadboard = all.some(function (r) { return (r.part && r.part.breadboardConnections && r.part.breadboardConnections.length > 0) || r.wires && r.wires.some(function (w) { return (w.end.type == "breadboard" && != "croc") || (w.start.type == "breadboard" && != "croc"); }); }); return { partsAndWires: all, requiresBreadboard: requiresBreadboard }; } else { return { partsAndWires: [] }; } }; return Allocator; }()); function allocateDefinitions(opts) { return new Allocator(opts).allocAll(); } pxsim.allocateDefinitions = allocateDefinitions; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// /** * Heavily adapted from * and altered to run in a browser and communcate via JSON over a websocket * rather than through stdin and stdout */ var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var protocol; (function (protocol) { var Message = (function () { function Message(type) { this.seq = 0; this.type = type; } return Message; }()); protocol.Message = Message; var Response = (function (_super) { __extends(Response, _super); function Response(request, message) {, 'response'); this.request_seq = request.seq; this.command = request.command; if (message) { this.success = false; this.message = message; } else { this.success = true; } } return Response; }(Message)); protocol.Response = Response; var Event = (function (_super) { __extends(Event, _super); function Event(event, body) {, 'event'); this.event = event; if (body) { this.body = body; } } return Event; }(Message)); protocol.Event = Event; var Source = (function () { function Source(name, path, id, origin, data) { if (id === void 0) { id = 0; } = name; this.path = path; this.sourceReference = id; if (origin) { this.origin = origin; } if (data) { this.adapterData = data; } } return Source; }()); protocol.Source = Source; var Scope = (function () { function Scope(name, reference, expensive) { if (expensive === void 0) { expensive = false; } = name; this.variablesReference = reference; this.expensive = expensive; } return Scope; }()); protocol.Scope = Scope; var StackFrame = (function () { function StackFrame(i, nm, src, ln, col) { if (ln === void 0) { ln = 0; } if (col === void 0) { col = 0; } = i; this.source = src; this.line = ln; this.column = col; = nm; } return StackFrame; }()); protocol.StackFrame = StackFrame; var Thread = (function () { function Thread(id, name) { = id; if (name) { = name; } else { = 'Thread #' + id; } } return Thread; }()); protocol.Thread = Thread; var Variable = (function () { function Variable(name, value, ref, indexedVariables, namedVariables) { if (ref === void 0) { ref = 0; } = name; this.value = value; this.variablesReference = ref; if (typeof namedVariables === 'number') { this.namedVariables = namedVariables; } if (typeof indexedVariables === 'number') { this.indexedVariables = indexedVariables; } } return Variable; }()); protocol.Variable = Variable; var Breakpoint = (function () { function Breakpoint(verified, line, column, source) { this.verified = verified; var e = this; if (typeof line === 'number') { e.line = line; } if (typeof column === 'number') { e.column = column; } if (source) { e.source = source; } } return Breakpoint; }()); protocol.Breakpoint = Breakpoint; var Module = (function () { function Module(id, name) { = id; = name; } return Module; }()); protocol.Module = Module; var CompletionItem = (function () { function CompletionItem(label, start, length) { if (length === void 0) { length = 0; } this.label = label; this.start = start; this.length = length; } return CompletionItem; }()); protocol.CompletionItem = CompletionItem; var StoppedEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(StoppedEvent, _super); function StoppedEvent(reason, threadId, exception_text) { if (exception_text === void 0) { exception_text = null; }, 'stopped'); this.body = { reason: reason, threadId: threadId }; if (exception_text) { var e = this; e.body.text = exception_text; } } return StoppedEvent; }(Event)); protocol.StoppedEvent = StoppedEvent; var ContinuedEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(ContinuedEvent, _super); function ContinuedEvent(threadId, allThreadsContinued) {, 'continued'); this.body = { threadId: threadId }; if (typeof allThreadsContinued === 'boolean') { this.body.allThreadsContinued = allThreadsContinued; } } return ContinuedEvent; }(Event)); protocol.ContinuedEvent = ContinuedEvent; var InitializedEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(InitializedEvent, _super); function InitializedEvent() {, 'initialized'); } return InitializedEvent; }(Event)); protocol.InitializedEvent = InitializedEvent; var TerminatedEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(TerminatedEvent, _super); function TerminatedEvent(restart) {, 'terminated'); if (typeof restart === 'boolean') { var e = this; e.body = { restart: restart }; } } return TerminatedEvent; }(Event)); protocol.TerminatedEvent = TerminatedEvent; var OutputEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(OutputEvent, _super); function OutputEvent(output, category, data) { if (category === void 0) { category = 'console'; }, 'output'); this.body = { category: category, output: output }; if (data !== undefined) { = data; } } return OutputEvent; }(Event)); protocol.OutputEvent = OutputEvent; var ThreadEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(ThreadEvent, _super); function ThreadEvent(reason, threadId) {, 'thread'); this.body = { reason: reason, threadId: threadId }; } return ThreadEvent; }(Event)); protocol.ThreadEvent = ThreadEvent; var BreakpointEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(BreakpointEvent, _super); function BreakpointEvent(reason, breakpoint) {, 'breakpoint'); this.body = { reason: reason, breakpoint: breakpoint }; } return BreakpointEvent; }(Event)); protocol.BreakpointEvent = BreakpointEvent; var ModuleEvent = (function (_super) { __extends(ModuleEvent, _super); function ModuleEvent(reason, module) {, 'module'); this.body = { reason: reason, module: module }; } return ModuleEvent; }(Event)); protocol.ModuleEvent = ModuleEvent; var ProtocolServer = (function () { function ProtocolServer() { this._pendingRequests = {}; } ProtocolServer.prototype.start = function (host) { var _this = this; this._sequence = 1; = host; (msg) { if (msg.type === 'request') { _this.dispatchRequest(msg); } else if (msg.type === 'response') { var response = msg; var clb = _this._pendingRequests[response.seq]; if (clb) { delete _this._pendingRequests[response.seq]; clb(response); } } }); }; ProtocolServer.prototype.stop = function () { if ( {; } }; ProtocolServer.prototype.sendEvent = function (event) { this.send('event', event); }; ProtocolServer.prototype.sendResponse = function (response) { if (response.seq > 0) { console.error("attempt to send more than one response for command " + response.command); } else { this.send('response', response); } }; ProtocolServer.prototype.sendRequest = function (command, args, timeout, cb) { var _this = this; var request = { command: command }; if (args && Object.keys(args).length > 0) { request.arguments = args; } this.send('request', request); if (cb) { this._pendingRequests[request.seq] = cb; var timer_1 = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timer_1); var clb = _this._pendingRequests[request.seq]; if (clb) { delete _this._pendingRequests[request.seq]; clb(new protocol.Response(request, 'timeout')); } }, timeout); } }; ProtocolServer.prototype.send = function (typ, message) { message.type = typ; message.seq = this._sequence++; if ( { var json = JSON.stringify(message);; } }; // ---- protected ---------------------------------------------------------- ProtocolServer.prototype.dispatchRequest = function (request) { }; return ProtocolServer; }()); protocol.ProtocolServer = ProtocolServer; var DebugSession = (function (_super) { __extends(DebugSession, _super); function DebugSession() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this._debuggerLinesStartAt1 = false; this._debuggerColumnsStartAt1 = false; this._clientLinesStartAt1 = true; this._clientColumnsStartAt1 = true; } DebugSession.prototype.shutdown = function () { }; DebugSession.prototype.dispatchRequest = function (request) { var response = new protocol.Response(request); try { if (request.command === 'initialize') { var args = request.arguments; if (typeof args.linesStartAt1 === 'boolean') { this._clientLinesStartAt1 = args.linesStartAt1; } if (typeof args.columnsStartAt1 === 'boolean') { this._clientColumnsStartAt1 = args.columnsStartAt1; } if (args.pathFormat !== 'path') { this.sendErrorResponse(response, 2018, 'debug adapter only supports native paths', null); } else { var initializeResponse = response; initializeResponse.body = {}; this.initializeRequest(initializeResponse, args); } } else if (request.command === 'launch') { this.launchRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'attach') { this.attachRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'disconnect') { this.disconnectRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'setBreakpoints') { this.setBreakPointsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'setFunctionBreakpoints') { this.setFunctionBreakPointsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'setExceptionBreakpoints') { this.setExceptionBreakPointsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'configurationDone') { this.configurationDoneRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'continue') { this.continueRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'next') { this.nextRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'stepIn') { this.stepInRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'stepOut') { this.stepOutRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'stepBack') { this.stepBackRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'restartFrame') { this.restartFrameRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'goto') { this.gotoRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'pause') { this.pauseRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'stackTrace') { this.stackTraceRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'scopes') { this.scopesRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'variables') { this.variablesRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'setVariable') { this.setVariableRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'source') { this.sourceRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'threads') { this.threadsRequest(response); } else if (request.command === 'evaluate') { this.evaluateRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'stepInTargets') { this.stepInTargetsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'gotoTargets') { this.gotoTargetsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else if (request.command === 'completions') { this.completionsRequest(response, request.arguments); } else { this.customRequest(request.command, response, request.arguments); } } catch (e) { this.sendErrorResponse(response, 1104, '{_stack}', { _exception: e.message, _stack: e.stack }); } }; DebugSession.prototype.initializeRequest = function (response, args) { // This default debug adapter does not support conditional breakpoints. response.body.supportsConditionalBreakpoints = false; // This default debug adapter does not support hit conditional breakpoints. response.body.supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints = false; // This default debug adapter does not support function breakpoints. response.body.supportsFunctionBreakpoints = false; // This default debug adapter implements the 'configurationDone' request. response.body.supportsConfigurationDoneRequest = true; // This default debug adapter does not support hovers based on the 'evaluate' request. response.body.supportsEvaluateForHovers = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'stepBack' request. response.body.supportsStepBack = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'setVariable' request. response.body.supportsSetVariable = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'restartFrame' request. response.body.supportsRestartFrame = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'stepInTargetsRequest' request. response.body.supportsStepInTargetsRequest = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'gotoTargetsRequest' request. response.body.supportsGotoTargetsRequest = false; // This default debug adapter does not support the 'completionsRequest' request. response.body.supportsCompletionsRequest = false; this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.disconnectRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); this.shutdown(); }; DebugSession.prototype.launchRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.attachRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.setBreakPointsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.setFunctionBreakPointsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.setExceptionBreakPointsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.configurationDoneRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.continueRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.nextRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.stepInRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.stepOutRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.stepBackRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.restartFrameRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.gotoRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.pauseRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.sourceRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.threadsRequest = function (response) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.stackTraceRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.scopesRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.variablesRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.setVariableRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.evaluateRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.stepInTargetsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.gotoTargetsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.completionsRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); }; /** * Override this hook to implement custom requests. */ DebugSession.prototype.customRequest = function (command, response, args) { this.sendErrorResponse(response, 1014, 'unrecognized request', null); }; DebugSession.prototype.sendErrorResponse = function (response, codeOrMessage, format, variables) { var msg; if (typeof codeOrMessage === 'number') { msg = { id: codeOrMessage, format: format }; if (variables) { msg.variables = variables; } msg.showUser = true; } else { msg = codeOrMessage; } response.success = false; DebugSession.formatPII(msg.format, true, msg.variables); if (!response.body) { response.body = {}; } response.body.error = msg; this.sendResponse(response); }; DebugSession.prototype.convertClientLineToDebugger = function (line) { if (this._debuggerLinesStartAt1) { return this._clientLinesStartAt1 ? line : line + 1; } return this._clientLinesStartAt1 ? line - 1 : line; }; DebugSession.prototype.convertDebuggerLineToClient = function (line) { if (this._debuggerLinesStartAt1) { return this._clientLinesStartAt1 ? line : line - 1; } return this._clientLinesStartAt1 ? line + 1 : line; }; DebugSession.prototype.convertClientColumnToDebugger = function (column) { if (this._debuggerColumnsStartAt1) { return this._clientColumnsStartAt1 ? column : column + 1; } return this._clientColumnsStartAt1 ? column - 1 : column; }; DebugSession.prototype.convertDebuggerColumnToClient = function (column) { if (this._debuggerColumnsStartAt1) { return this._clientColumnsStartAt1 ? column : column - 1; } return this._clientColumnsStartAt1 ? column + 1 : column; }; DebugSession.prototype.convertClientPathToDebugger = function (clientPath) { if (this._clientPathsAreURIs != this._debuggerPathsAreURIs) { if (this._clientPathsAreURIs) { return DebugSession.uri2path(clientPath); } else { return DebugSession.path2uri(clientPath); } } return clientPath; }; DebugSession.prototype.convertDebuggerPathToClient = function (debuggerPath) { if (this._debuggerPathsAreURIs != this._clientPathsAreURIs) { if (this._debuggerPathsAreURIs) { return DebugSession.uri2path(debuggerPath); } else { return DebugSession.path2uri(debuggerPath); } } return debuggerPath; }; DebugSession.path2uri = function (str) { var pathName = str.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (pathName[0] !== '/') { pathName = '/' + pathName; } return encodeURI('file://' + pathName); }; DebugSession.uri2path = function (url) { return url; //return Url.parse(url).pathname; }; /* * If argument starts with '_' it is OK to send its value to telemetry. */ DebugSession.formatPII = function (format, excludePII, args) { return format.replace(DebugSession._formatPIIRegexp, function (match, paramName) { if (excludePII && paramName.length > 0 && paramName[0] !== '_') { return match; } return args[paramName] && args.hasOwnProperty(paramName) ? args[paramName] : match; }); }; DebugSession._formatPIIRegexp = /{([^}]+)}/g; return DebugSession; }(ProtocolServer)); protocol.DebugSession = DebugSession; })(protocol = pxsim.protocol || (pxsim.protocol = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var util; (function (util) { function injectPolyphils() { // Polyfill for Uint8Array.slice for IE and Safari // // TODO: Move this polyfill to a more appropriate file. It is left here for now because moving it causes a crash in IE; see PXT issue #1301. if (!Uint8Array.prototype.slice) { Object.defineProperty(Uint8Array.prototype, 'slice', { value: Array.prototype.slice, writable: true, enumerable: true }); } // if (!Uint8Array.prototype.fill) { Object.defineProperty(Uint8Array.prototype, 'fill', { writable: true, enumerable: true, value: function (value) { // Steps 1-2. if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('this is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(this); // Steps 3-5. var len = O.length >>> 0; // Steps 6-7. var start = arguments[1]; var relativeStart = start >> 0; // Step 8. var k = relativeStart < 0 ? Math.max(len + relativeStart, 0) : Math.min(relativeStart, len); // Steps 9-10. var end = arguments[2]; var relativeEnd = end === undefined ? len : end >> 0; // Step 11. var final = relativeEnd < 0 ? Math.max(len + relativeEnd, 0) : Math.min(relativeEnd, len); // Step 12. while (k < final) { O[k] = value; k++; } // Step 13. return O; } }); } } util.injectPolyphils = injectPolyphils; var Lazy = (function () { function Lazy(_func) { this._func = _func; this._evaluated = false; } Object.defineProperty(Lazy.prototype, "value", { get: function () { if (!this._evaluated) { this._value = this._func(); this._evaluated = true; } return this._value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return Lazy; }()); util.Lazy = Lazy; function getNormalizedParts(path) { path = path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); var parts = []; path.split("/").forEach(function (part) { if (part === ".." && parts.length) { parts.pop(); } else if (part && part !== ".") { parts.push(part); } }); return parts; } util.getNormalizedParts = getNormalizedParts; function normalizePath(path) { return getNormalizedParts(path).join("/"); } util.normalizePath = normalizePath; function relativePath(fromDir, toFile) { var fParts = getNormalizedParts(fromDir); var tParts = getNormalizedParts(toFile); var i = 0; while (fParts[i] === tParts[i]) { i++; if (i === fParts.length || i === tParts.length) { break; } } var fRemainder = fParts.slice(i); var tRemainder = tParts.slice(i); for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < fRemainder.length; i_1++) { tRemainder.unshift(".."); } return tRemainder.join("/"); } util.relativePath = relativePath; function pathJoin() { var paths = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { paths[_i - 0] = arguments[_i]; } var result = ""; paths.forEach(function (path) { path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (path.lastIndexOf("/") === path.length - 1) { path = path.slice(0, path.length - 1); } result += "/" + path; }); return result; } util.pathJoin = pathJoin; })(util = pxsim.util || (pxsim.util = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { function getWarningMessage(msg) { var r = { type: "debugger", subtype: "warning", breakpointIds: [], message: msg }; var s = pxsim.runtime.currFrame; while (s != null) { r.breakpointIds.push(s.lastBrkId); s = s.parent; } return r; } pxsim.getWarningMessage = getWarningMessage; var BreakpointMap = (function () { function BreakpointMap(breakpoints) { var _this = this; this.fileMap = {}; this.idMap = {}; breakpoints.forEach(function (tuple) { var id = tuple[0], bp = tuple[1]; if (!_this.fileMap[bp.source.path]) { _this.fileMap[bp.source.path] = []; } _this.fileMap[bp.source.path].push(tuple); _this.idMap[id] = bp; }); for (var file in this.fileMap) { var bps = this.fileMap[file]; // Sort the breakpoints to make finding the closest breakpoint to a // given line easier later. Order first by start line and then from // worst to best choice for each line. this.fileMap[file] = bps.sort(function (_a, _b) { var a = _a[1]; var b = _b[1]; if (a.line === b.line) { if (b.endLine === a.endLine) { return a.column - b.column; } // We want the closest breakpoint, so give preference to breakpoints // that span fewer lines (i.e. breakpoints that are "tighter" around // the line being searched for) return b.endLine - a.endLine; } return a.line - b.line; }); } } BreakpointMap.prototype.getById = function (id) { return this.idMap[id]; }; BreakpointMap.prototype.verifyBreakpoint = function (path, breakpoint) { var breakpoints = this.fileMap[path]; var best; if (breakpoints) { // Breakpoints are pre-sorted for each file. The last matching breakpoint // in the list should be the best match for (var _i = 0, breakpoints_1 = breakpoints; _i < breakpoints_1.length; _i++) { var _a = breakpoints_1[_i], id = _a[0], bp = _a[1]; if (bp.line <= breakpoint.line && bp.endLine >= breakpoint.line) { best = [id, bp]; } } } if (best) { best[1].verified = true; return best; } return [-1, { verified: false }]; }; return BreakpointMap; }()); pxsim.BreakpointMap = BreakpointMap; function getBreakpointMsg(s, brkId) { function valToJSON(v) { switch (typeof v) { case "string": case "number": case "boolean": return v; case "function": return { text: "(function)" }; case "undefined": return null; case "object": if (!v) return null; if (v instanceof pxsim.RefObject) return { id: }; return { text: "(object)" }; default: throw new Error(); } } function frameVars(frame) { var r = {}; for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(frame); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var k = _a[_i]; if (/___\d+$/.test(k)) { r[k] = valToJSON(frame[k]); } } return r; } var r = { type: "debugger", subtype: "breakpoint", breakpointId: brkId, globals: frameVars(pxsim.runtime.globals), stackframes: [] }; while (s != null) { var info = s.fn ? : null; if (info) r.stackframes.push({ locals: frameVars(s), funcInfo: info, breakpointId: s.lastBrkId }); s = s.parent; } return r; } pxsim.getBreakpointMsg = getBreakpointMsg; var SimDebugSession = (function (_super) { __extends(SimDebugSession, _super); function SimDebugSession(container) { var _this = this;; var options = { onDebuggerBreakpoint: function (b) { return _this.onDebuggerBreakpoint(b); }, onDebuggerWarning: function (w) { return _this.onDebuggerWarning(w); }, onDebuggerResume: function () { return _this.onDebuggerResume(); }, onStateChanged: function (s) { return _this.onStateChanged(s); } }; this.driver = new pxsim.SimulatorDriver(container, options); } SimDebugSession.prototype.runCode = function (js, parts, fnArgs, breakpoints, board) { this.breakpoints = breakpoints; if (this.projectDir) { this.fixBreakpoints(); } this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.InitializedEvent());, { parts: parts, fnArgs: fnArgs, boardDefinition: board }); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.stopSimulator = function (unload) { if (unload === void 0) { unload = false; } this.driver.stop(unload); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.initializeRequest = function (response, args) { response.body.supportsConditionalBreakpoints = false; response.body.supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints = false; response.body.supportsFunctionBreakpoints = false; response.body.supportsEvaluateForHovers = false; response.body.supportsStepBack = false; response.body.supportsSetVariable = false; response.body.supportsRestartFrame = false; response.body.supportsStepInTargetsRequest = false; response.body.supportsGotoTargetsRequest = false; response.body.supportsCompletionsRequest = false; // This default debug adapter implements the 'configurationDone' request. response.body.supportsConfigurationDoneRequest = true; this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.disconnectRequest = function (response, args) { this.sendResponse(response); this.shutdown(); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.launchRequest = function (response, args) { if (!this.projectDir) { this.projectDir = pxsim.util.normalizePath(args.projectDir); if (this.breakpoints) { this.fixBreakpoints(); } } this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.setBreakPointsRequest = function (response, args) { var _this = this; response.body = { breakpoints: [] }; var ids = []; args.breakpoints.forEach(function (requestedBp) { if (_this.breakpoints) { var _a = _this.breakpoints.verifyBreakpoint(pxsim.util.relativePath(_this.projectDir, args.source.path), requestedBp), id = _a[0], bp = _a[1]; response.body.breakpoints.push(bp); if (bp.verified) { ids.push(id); } } else { response.body.breakpoints.push({ verified: false }); } }); this.driver.setBreakpoints(ids); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.continueRequest = function (response, args) { this.driver.resume(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand.Resume); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.nextRequest = function (response, args) { this.driver.resume(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepOver); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.stepInRequest = function (response, args) { this.driver.resume(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepInto); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.stepOutRequest = function (response, args) { this.driver.resume(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepOut); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.pauseRequest = function (response, args) { this.driver.resume(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand.Pause); this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.threadsRequest = function (response) { response.body = { threads: [{ id: SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID, name: "main" }] }; this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.stackTraceRequest = function (response, args) { if (this.lastBreak) { var frames_1 = this.state.getFrames(); response.body = { stackFrames: frames_1 }; } this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.scopesRequest = function (response, args) { if (this.state) { response.body = { scopes: this.state.getScopes(args.frameId) }; } this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.variablesRequest = function (response, args) { if (this.state) { response.body = { variables: this.state.getVariables(args.variablesReference) }; } this.sendResponse(response); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.onDebuggerBreakpoint = function (breakMsg) { this.lastBreak = breakMsg; this.state = new StoppedState(this.lastBreak, this.breakpoints, this.projectDir); if (breakMsg.exceptionMessage) { this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.StoppedEvent("exception", SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID, breakMsg.exceptionMessage)); } else { this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.StoppedEvent("breakpoint", SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID)); } }; SimDebugSession.prototype.onDebuggerWarning = function (warnMsg) { }; SimDebugSession.prototype.onDebuggerResume = function () { this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.ContinuedEvent(SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID, true)); }; SimDebugSession.prototype.onStateChanged = function (state) { switch (state) { case pxsim.SimulatorState.Paused: // Sending a stopped event here would be redundant break; case pxsim.SimulatorState.Running: this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.ContinuedEvent(SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID, true)); break; case pxsim.SimulatorState.Stopped: this.sendEvent(new pxsim.protocol.TerminatedEvent()); break; case pxsim.SimulatorState.Unloaded: default: } }; SimDebugSession.prototype.fixBreakpoints = function () { // Fix breakpoint locations from the debugger's format to the client's for (var bpId in this.breakpoints.idMap) { var bp = this.breakpoints.idMap[bpId]; bp.source.path = pxsim.util.pathJoin(this.projectDir, bp.source.path); bp.line = this.convertDebuggerLineToClient(bp.line); bp.endLine = this.convertDebuggerLineToClient(bp.endLine); bp.column = this.convertDebuggerColumnToClient(bp.column); bp.endColumn = this.convertDebuggerColumnToClient(bp.endColumn); } }; // We only have one thread // TODO: We could theoretically visualize the individual fibers SimDebugSession.THREAD_ID = 1; return SimDebugSession; }(pxsim.protocol.DebugSession)); pxsim.SimDebugSession = SimDebugSession; /** * Maintains the state at the current breakpoint and handles lazy * queries for stack frames, scopes, variables, etc. The protocol * expects requests to be made in the order: * Frames -> Scopes -> Variables */ var StoppedState = (function () { function StoppedState(_message, _map, _dir) { this._message = _message; this._map = _map; this._dir = _dir; this._currentId = 1; this._frames = {}; this._vars = {}; var globalId = this.nextId(); this._vars[globalId] = this.getVariableValues(this._message.globals); this._globalScope = { name: "Globals", variablesReference: globalId, expensive: false }; } /** * Get stack frames for current breakpoint. */ StoppedState.prototype.getFrames = function () { var _this = this; return (s, i) { ; var bp = _this._map.getById(s.breakpointId); if (bp) { _this._frames[s.breakpointId] = s; return { id: s.breakpointId, name: s.funcInfo ? s.funcInfo.functionName : (i === 0 ? "main" : "anonymous"), line: bp.line, column: bp.column, endLine: bp.endLine, endColumn: bp.endLine, source: bp.source }; } return undefined; }).filter(function (b) { return !!b; }); }; /** * Returns scopes visible to the given stack frame. * * TODO: Currently, we only support locals and globals (no closures) */ StoppedState.prototype.getScopes = function (frameId) { var frame = this._frames[frameId]; if (frame) { var localId = this.nextId(); this._vars[localId] = this.getVariableValues(frame.locals); return [{ name: "Locals", variablesReference: localId, expensive: false }, this._globalScope]; } return [this._globalScope]; }; /** * Returns variable information (and object properties) */ StoppedState.prototype.getVariables = function (variablesReference) { var lz = this._vars[variablesReference]; return (lz && lz.value) || []; }; StoppedState.prototype.getVariableValues = function (v) { var _this = this; return new pxsim.util.Lazy(function () { var result = []; for (var name_1 in v) { var value = v[name_1]; var vString = void 0; var variablesReference = 0; if (value === null) { vString = "null"; } else if (value === undefined) { vString = "undefined"; } else if (typeof value === "object") { vString = "(object)"; variablesReference = _this.nextId(); // Variables should be requested lazily, so reference loops aren't an issue _this._vars[variablesReference] = _this.getVariableValues(value); } else { vString = value.toString(); } // Remove the metadata from the name var displayName = name_1.substr(0, name_1.lastIndexOf("___")); result.push({ name: displayName, value: vString, variablesReference: variablesReference }); } return result; }); }; StoppedState.prototype.nextId = function () { return this._currentId++; }; return StoppedState; }()); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var Embed; (function (Embed) { function start() { window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false); var frameid = window.location.hash.slice(1); pxsim.Runtime.postMessage({ type: 'ready', frameid: frameid }); } Embed.start = start; function receiveMessage(event) { var origin = event.origin; // || (event).originalEvent.origin; // TODO: test origins var data = || {}; var type = data.type || ''; if (!type) return; switch (type || '') { case 'run': run(data); break; case 'stop': stop(); break; case 'mute': mute(data.mute); break; case 'custom': if (pxsim.handleCustomMessage) pxsim.handleCustomMessage(data); break; case 'pxteditor': break; //handled elsewhere case 'debugger': if (runtime) { runtime.handleDebuggerMsg(data); } break; default: queue(data); break; } } // TODO remove this; this should be using Runtime.runtime which gets // set correctly depending on which runtime is currently running var runtime; function stop() { if (runtime) { runtime.kill(); if (runtime.board) runtime.board.kill(); } } Embed.stop = stop; function run(msg) { stop(); if (msg.mute) mute(msg.mute); runtime = new pxsim.Runtime(msg.code); =; runtime.board.initAsync(msg) .done(function () { (v) { pxsim.dumpLivePointers(); }); }); } = run; function mute(mute) { pxsim.AudioContextManager.mute(mute); } function queue(msg) { if (!runtime || runtime.dead) { return; } runtime.board.receiveMessage(msg); } })(Embed = pxsim.Embed || (pxsim.Embed = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); pxsim.util.injectPolyphils(); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window.addEventListener('load', function (ev) { pxsim.Embed.start(); }); } /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var instructions; (function (instructions) { var LOC_LBL_SIZE = 10; var QUANT_LBL_SIZE = 30; var QUANT_LBL = function (q) { return (q + "x"); }; var WIRE_QUANT_LBL_SIZE = 20; var LBL_VERT_PAD = 3; var LBL_RIGHT_PAD = 5; var LBL_LEFT_PAD = 5; var REQ_WIRE_HEIGHT = 45; var REQ_CMP_HEIGHT = 55; var REQ_CMP_SCALE = 0.5 * 3; var ORIENTATION = "portrait"; var PPI = 96.0; var PAGE_SCALAR = 0.95; var _a = (ORIENTATION == "portrait" ? [PPI * 8.5 * PAGE_SCALAR, PPI * 11.0 * PAGE_SCALAR] : [PPI * 11.0 * PAGE_SCALAR, PPI * 8.5 * PAGE_SCALAR]), FULL_PAGE_WIDTH = _a[0], FULL_PAGE_HEIGHT = _a[1]; var PAGE_MARGIN = PPI * 0.45; var PAGE_WIDTH = FULL_PAGE_WIDTH - PAGE_MARGIN * 2; var PAGE_HEIGHT = FULL_PAGE_HEIGHT - PAGE_MARGIN * 2; var BORDER_COLOR = "gray"; var BORDER_RADIUS = 5 * 4; var BORDER_WIDTH = 2 * 2; var _b = [1, 1], PANEL_ROWS = _b[0], PANEL_COLS = _b[1]; var PANEL_MARGIN = 20; var PANEL_PADDING = 8 * 3; var PANEL_WIDTH = PAGE_WIDTH / PANEL_COLS - (PANEL_MARGIN + PANEL_PADDING + BORDER_WIDTH) * PANEL_COLS; var PANEL_HEIGHT = PAGE_HEIGHT / PANEL_ROWS - (PANEL_MARGIN + PANEL_PADDING + BORDER_WIDTH) * PANEL_ROWS; var BOARD_WIDTH = 465; var BOARD_LEFT = (PANEL_WIDTH - BOARD_WIDTH) / 2.0 + PANEL_PADDING; var BOARD_BOT = PANEL_PADDING; var NUM_BOX_SIZE = 120; var NUM_FONT = 80; var NUM_MARGIN = 10; var FRONT_PAGE_BOARD_WIDTH = 400; var PART_SCALAR = 2.3; var PARTS_BOARD_SCALE = 0.17; var PARTS_BB_SCALE = 0.25; var PARTS_CMP_SCALE = 0.3; var PARTS_WIRE_SCALE = 0.23; var BACK_PAGE_BOARD_WIDTH = PANEL_WIDTH - PANEL_PADDING * 1.5; var STYLE = "\n .instr-panel {\n margin: " + PANEL_MARGIN + "px;\n padding: " + PANEL_PADDING + "px;\n border-width: " + BORDER_WIDTH + "px;\n border-color: " + BORDER_COLOR + ";\n border-style: solid;\n border-radius: " + BORDER_RADIUS + "px;\n display: inline-block;\n width: " + PANEL_WIDTH + "px;\n height: " + PANEL_HEIGHT + "px;\n position: relative;\n overflow: hidden;\n page-break-inside: avoid;\n }\n .board-svg {\n margin: 0 auto;\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n bottom: " + BOARD_BOT + "px;\n left: " + BOARD_LEFT + "px;\n }\n .panel-num-outer {\n position: absolute;\n left: " + -BORDER_WIDTH + "px;\n top: " + -BORDER_WIDTH + "px;\n width: " + NUM_BOX_SIZE + "px;\n height: " + NUM_BOX_SIZE + "px;\n border-width: " + BORDER_WIDTH + "px;\n border-style: solid;\n border-color: " + BORDER_COLOR + ";\n border-radius: " + BORDER_RADIUS + "px 0 " + BORDER_RADIUS + "px 0;\n }\n .panel-num {\n margin: " + NUM_MARGIN + "px 0;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: " + NUM_FONT + "px;\n }\n .cmp-div {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n .reqs-div {\n margin-left: " + (PANEL_PADDING + NUM_BOX_SIZE) + "px;\n margin-top: 5px;\n }\n .partslist-wire,\n .partslist-cmp {\n margin: 10px;\n }\n .partslist-wire {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n "; function addClass(el, cls) { //TODO move to library if (el.classList) el.classList.add(cls); else if (el.className.indexOf(cls) < 0) el.className += " " + cls; } function mkTxt(p, txt, size) { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("text"); var x = p[0], y = p[1]; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { x: x, y: y, style: "font-size:" + size + "px;" }); el.textContent = txt; return el; } function mkBoardImgSvg(def) { var boardView = pxsim.visuals.mkBoardView({ visual: def }); return boardView.getView(); } function mkBBSvg() { var bb = new pxsim.visuals.Breadboard({}); return bb.getSVGAndSize(); } function wrapSvg(el, opts) { //TODO: Refactor this function; it is too complicated. There is a lot of error-prone math being done // to scale and place all elements which could be simplified with more forethought. var svgEl = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); var dims = { l: 0, t: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }; var cmpSvgEl = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svgEl.appendChild(cmpSvgEl); cmpSvgEl.appendChild(el.el); var cmpSvgAtts = { "viewBox": el.x + " " + el.y + " " + el.w + " " + el.h, "preserveAspectRatio": "xMidYMid", }; dims.w = el.w; dims.h = el.h; var scale = function (scaler) { dims.h *= scaler; dims.w *= scaler; cmpSvgAtts.width = dims.w; cmpSvgAtts.height = dims.h; }; if (opts.cmpScale) { scale(opts.cmpScale); } if (opts.cmpWidth && opts.cmpWidth < dims.w) { scale(opts.cmpWidth / dims.w); } else if (opts.cmpHeight && opts.cmpHeight < dims.h) { scale(opts.cmpHeight / dims.h); } pxsim.svg.hydrate(cmpSvgEl, cmpSvgAtts); var elDims = { l: dims.l, t: dims.t, w: dims.w, h: dims.h }; var updateL = function (newL) { if (newL < dims.l) { var extraW = dims.l - newL; dims.l = newL; dims.w += extraW; } }; var updateR = function (newR) { var oldR = dims.l + dims.w; if (oldR < newR) { var extraW = newR - oldR; dims.w += extraW; } }; var updateT = function (newT) { if (newT < dims.t) { var extraH = dims.t - newT; dims.t = newT; dims.h += extraH; } }; var updateB = function (newB) { var oldB = dims.t + dims.h; if (oldB < newB) { var extraH = newB - oldB; dims.h += extraH; } }; //labels var _a = [-0.3, 0.3], xOff = _a[0], yOff = _a[1]; //HACK: these constants tweak the way "mkTxt" knows how to center the text var txtAspectRatio = [1.4, 1.0]; if (opts && { var size = opts.topSize; var txtW = size / txtAspectRatio[0]; var txtH = size / txtAspectRatio[1]; var _b = [elDims.l + elDims.w / 2, elDims.t - LBL_VERT_PAD - txtH / 2], cx = _b[0], y = _b[1]; var lbl = pxsim.visuals.mkTxt(cx, y, size, 0,, xOff, yOff); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl, "cmp-lbl"); svgEl.appendChild(lbl); var len = txtW *; updateT(y - txtH / 2); updateL(cx - len / 2); updateR(cx + len / 2); } if (opts && { var size = opts.botSize; var txtW = size / txtAspectRatio[0]; var txtH = size / txtAspectRatio[1]; var _c = [elDims.l + elDims.w / 2, elDims.t + elDims.h + LBL_VERT_PAD + txtH / 2], cx = _c[0], y = _c[1]; var lbl = pxsim.visuals.mkTxt(cx, y, size, 0,, xOff, yOff); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl, "cmp-lbl"); svgEl.appendChild(lbl); var len = txtW *; updateB(y + txtH / 2); updateL(cx - len / 2); updateR(cx + len / 2); } if (opts && opts.right) { var size = opts.rightSize; var txtW = size / txtAspectRatio[0]; var txtH = size / txtAspectRatio[1]; var len = txtW * opts.right.length; var _d = [elDims.l + elDims.w + LBL_RIGHT_PAD + len / 2, elDims.t + elDims.h / 2], cx = _d[0], cy = _d[1]; var lbl = pxsim.visuals.mkTxt(cx, cy, size, 0, opts.right, xOff, yOff); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl, "cmp-lbl"); svgEl.appendChild(lbl); updateT(cy - txtH / 2); updateR(cx + len / 2); updateB(cy + txtH / 2); } if (opts && opts.left) { var size = opts.leftSize; var txtW = size / txtAspectRatio[0]; var txtH = size / txtAspectRatio[1]; var len = txtW * opts.left.length; var _e = [elDims.l - LBL_LEFT_PAD - len / 2, elDims.t + elDims.h / 2], cx = _e[0], cy = _e[1]; var lbl = pxsim.visuals.mkTxt(cx, cy, size, 0, opts.left, xOff, yOff); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl, "cmp-lbl"); svgEl.appendChild(lbl); updateT(cy - txtH / 2); updateL(cx - len / 2); updateB(cy + txtH / 2); } var svgAtts = { "viewBox": dims.l + " " + dims.t + " " + dims.w + " " + dims.h, "width": dims.w * PART_SCALAR, "height": dims.h * PART_SCALAR, "preserveAspectRatio": "xMidYMid", }; pxsim.svg.hydrate(svgEl, svgAtts); var div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(svgEl); return div; } function mkCmpDiv(cmp, opts) { var state = pxsim.runtime.board; var el; if (cmp == "wire") { el = pxsim.visuals.mkWirePart([0, 0], opts.wireClr || "red", opts.crocClips); } else { var partVis = cmp; if (typeof partVis.builtIn == "string") { var cnstr = state.builtinPartVisuals[partVis.builtIn]; el = cnstr([0, 0]); } else { el = pxsim.visuals.mkGenericPartSVG(partVis); } } return wrapSvg(el, opts); } function mkBoardProps(allocOpts) { var allocRes = pxsim.allocateDefinitions(allocOpts); var stepToWires = []; var stepToCmps = []; var stepOffset = 1; allocRes.partsAndWires.forEach(function (cAndWs) { var part = cAndWs.part; var wires = cAndWs.wires; cAndWs.assembly.forEach(function (step, idx) { if (step.part && part) stepToCmps[stepOffset + idx] = [part]; if (step.wireIndices && step.wireIndices.length > 0 && wires) stepToWires[stepOffset + idx] = (i) { return wires[i]; }); }); stepOffset += cAndWs.assembly.length; }); var numSteps = stepOffset; var lastStep = numSteps - 1; var allCmps = (r) { return r.part; }).filter(function (p) { return !!p; }); var allWires = (r) { return r.wires || []; }).reduce(function (p, n) { return p.concat(n); }, []); var colorToWires = {}; var allWireColors = []; allWires.forEach(function (w) { if (!colorToWires[w.color]) { colorToWires[w.color] = []; allWireColors.push(w.color); } colorToWires[w.color].push(w); }); return { boardDef: allocOpts.boardDef, cmpDefs: allocOpts.partDefs, fnArgs: allocOpts.fnArgs, allAlloc: allocRes, stepToWires: stepToWires, stepToCmps: stepToCmps, allWires: allWires, allCmps: allCmps, lastStep: lastStep, colorToWires: colorToWires, allWireColors: allWireColors, }; } function mkBlankBoardAndBreadboard(props, width, buildMode) { if (buildMode === void 0) { buildMode = false; } var state = pxsim.runtime.board; var opts = { state: state, boardDef: props.boardDef, forceBreadboardLayout: true, forceBreadboardRender: props.allAlloc.requiresBreadboard, partDefs: props.cmpDefs, maxWidth: width + "px", fnArgs: props.fnArgs, wireframe: buildMode, partsList: [] }; var boardHost = new pxsim.visuals.BoardHost(pxsim.visuals.mkBoardView({ visual: opts.boardDef.visual, wireframe: opts.wireframe }), opts); var view = boardHost.getView(); pxsim.svg.addClass(view, "board-svg"); //set smiley //HACK // let img = board.board.displayCmp.image; // img.set(1, 0, 255); // img.set(3, 0, 255); // img.set(0, 2, 255); // img.set(1, 3, 255); // img.set(2, 3, 255); // img.set(3, 3, 255); // img.set(4, 2, 255); // board.updateState(); return boardHost; } function drawSteps(board, step, props) { var view = board.getView(); if (step > 0) { pxsim.svg.addClass(view, "grayed"); } var _loop_1 = function(i) { var cmps = props.stepToCmps[i]; if (cmps) { cmps.forEach(function (partInst) { var cmp = board.addPart(partInst); //last step if (i === step) { //highlight locations pins partInst.breadboardConnections.forEach(function (bbLoc) { return board.highlightBreadboardPin(bbLoc); }); pxsim.svg.addClass(cmp.element, "notgrayed"); } }); } var wires = props.stepToWires[i]; if (wires) { wires.forEach(function (w) { var wire = board.addWire(w); //last step if (i === step) { //location highlights if (w.start.type == "breadboard") { var lbls = board.highlightBreadboardPin(w.start); } else { board.highlightBoardPin(; } if (w.end.type == "breadboard") { var lbls = board.highlightBreadboardPin(w.end); } else { board.highlightBoardPin(; } //highlight wire board.highlightWire(wire); } }); } }; for (var i = 0; i <= step; i++) { _loop_1(i); } } function mkPanel() { //panel var panel = document.createElement("div"); addClass(panel, "instr-panel"); return panel; } function mkPartsPanel(props) { var panel = mkPanel(); // board and breadboard var boardImg = mkBoardImgSvg(props.boardDef.visual); var board = wrapSvg(boardImg, { left: QUANT_LBL(1), leftSize: QUANT_LBL_SIZE, cmpScale: PARTS_BOARD_SCALE }); panel.appendChild(board); var bbRaw = mkBBSvg(); var bb = wrapSvg(bbRaw, { left: QUANT_LBL(1), leftSize: QUANT_LBL_SIZE, cmpScale: PARTS_BB_SCALE }); panel.appendChild(bb); // components var cmps = props.allCmps; cmps.forEach(function (c) { var quant = 1; // TODO: don't special case this if (c.visual.builtIn === "buttonpair") { quant = 2; } var cmp = mkCmpDiv(c.visual, { left: QUANT_LBL(quant), leftSize: QUANT_LBL_SIZE, cmpScale: PARTS_CMP_SCALE, }); addClass(cmp, "partslist-cmp"); panel.appendChild(cmp); }); // wires props.allWireColors.forEach(function (clr) { var quant = props.colorToWires[clr].length; var cmp = mkCmpDiv("wire", { left: QUANT_LBL(quant), leftSize: WIRE_QUANT_LBL_SIZE, wireClr: clr, cmpScale: PARTS_WIRE_SCALE, crocClips: props.boardDef.useCrocClips }); addClass(cmp, "partslist-wire"); panel.appendChild(cmp); }); return panel; } function mkStepPanel(step, props) { var panel = mkPanel(); //board var board = mkBlankBoardAndBreadboard(props, BOARD_WIDTH, true); drawSteps(board, step, props); panel.appendChild(board.getView()); //number var numDiv = document.createElement("div"); addClass(numDiv, "panel-num-outer"); addClass(numDiv, "noselect"); panel.appendChild(numDiv); var num = document.createElement("div"); addClass(num, "panel-num"); num.textContent = (step + 1) + ""; numDiv.appendChild(num); // add requirements var reqsDiv = document.createElement("div"); addClass(reqsDiv, "reqs-div"); panel.appendChild(reqsDiv); var wires = (props.stepToWires[step] || []); var mkLabel = function (loc) { if (loc.type === "breadboard") { var _a = loc, row = _a.row, col = _a.col; return "(" + row + "," + col + ")"; } else return; }; wires.forEach(function (w) { var cmp = mkCmpDiv("wire", { top: mkLabel(w.end), topSize: LOC_LBL_SIZE, bot: mkLabel(w.start), botSize: LOC_LBL_SIZE, wireClr: w.color, cmpHeight: REQ_WIRE_HEIGHT, crocClips: props.boardDef.useCrocClips }); addClass(cmp, "cmp-div"); reqsDiv.appendChild(cmp); }); var cmps = (props.stepToCmps[step] || []); cmps.forEach(function (c) { var locs; if (c.visual.builtIn === "buttonpair") { //TODO: don't special case this locs = [c.breadboardConnections[0], c.breadboardConnections[2]]; } else { locs = [c.breadboardConnections[0]]; } locs.forEach(function (l, i) { var topLbl; if (l) { var row = l.row, col = l.col; topLbl = "(" + row + "," + col + ")"; } else { topLbl = ""; } var scale = REQ_CMP_SCALE; if (c.visual.builtIn === "buttonpair") scale *= 0.5; //TODO: don't special case var cmp = mkCmpDiv(c.visual, { top: topLbl, topSize: LOC_LBL_SIZE, cmpHeight: REQ_CMP_HEIGHT, cmpScale: scale }); addClass(cmp, "cmp-div"); reqsDiv.appendChild(cmp); }); }); return panel; } function updateFrontPanel(props) { var panel = document.getElementById("front-panel"); var board = mkBlankBoardAndBreadboard(props, FRONT_PAGE_BOARD_WIDTH, false); board.addAll(props.allAlloc); panel.appendChild(board.getView()); return [panel, props]; } function mkFinalPanel(props) { var panel = mkPanel(); addClass(panel, "back-panel"); var board = mkBlankBoardAndBreadboard(props, BACK_PAGE_BOARD_WIDTH, false); board.addAll(props.allAlloc); panel.appendChild(board.getView()); return panel; } function renderParts(options) { var COMP_CODE = ""; pxsim.runtime = new pxsim.Runtime(COMP_CODE); pxsim.runtime.board = null; pxsim.initCurrentRuntime(); var style = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(style); style.textContent += STYLE; var cmpDefs = options.partDefinitions; //props var dummyBreadboard = new pxsim.visuals.Breadboard({}); var props = mkBoardProps({ boardDef: options.boardDef, partDefs: cmpDefs, partsList:, fnArgs: options.fnArgs, getBBCoord: dummyBreadboard.getCoord.bind(dummyBreadboard) }); //front page var frontPanel = updateFrontPanel(props); //all required parts var partsPanel = mkPartsPanel(props); document.body.appendChild(partsPanel); //steps for (var s = 0; s <= props.lastStep; s++) { var p = mkStepPanel(s, props); document.body.appendChild(p); } //final var finalPanel = mkFinalPanel(props); document.body.appendChild(finalPanel); } instructions.renderParts = renderParts; })(instructions = pxsim.instructions || (pxsim.instructions = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); // APIs for language/runtime support (records, locals, function values) var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { pxsim.quiet = false; function check(cond) { if (!cond) { debugger; throw new Error("sim: check failed"); } } pxsim.check = check; var refObjId = 1; var liveRefObjs = {}; var stringLiterals; var stringRefCounts = {}; var refCounting = true; function noRefCounting() { refCounting = false; } pxsim.noRefCounting = noRefCounting; var RefObject = (function () { function RefObject() { = refObjId++; this.refcnt = 1; liveRefObjs[ + ""] = this; } RefObject.prototype.destroy = function () { }; RefObject.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefObject id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt); }; return RefObject; }()); pxsim.RefObject = RefObject; function noLeakTracking(r) { delete liveRefObjs[ + ""]; } pxsim.noLeakTracking = noLeakTracking; var FnWrapper = (function () { function FnWrapper(func, caps, a0, a1, a2, cb) { this.func = func; this.caps = caps; this.a0 = a0; this.a1 = a1; this.a2 = a2; this.cb = cb; } return FnWrapper; }()); pxsim.FnWrapper = FnWrapper; var RefRecord = (function (_super) { __extends(RefRecord, _super); function RefRecord() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this.fields = []; } RefRecord.prototype.destroy = function () { var refmask = this.vtable.refmask; for (var i = 0; i < refmask.length; ++i) if (refmask[i]) decr(this.fields[i]); this.fields = null; this.vtable = null; }; RefRecord.prototype.isRef = function (idx) { check(0 <= idx && idx < this.fields.length); return !!this.vtable.refmask[idx]; }; RefRecord.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefInstance id:" + + " (" + + ") len:" + this.fields.length); }; return RefRecord; }(RefObject)); pxsim.RefRecord = RefRecord; var RefAction = (function (_super) { __extends(RefAction, _super); function RefAction() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this.fields = []; } RefAction.prototype.isRef = function (idx) { check(0 <= idx && idx < this.fields.length); return idx < this.reflen; }; RefAction.prototype.ldclo = function (n) { n >>= 2; check(0 <= n && n < this.fields.length); return this.fields[n]; }; RefAction.prototype.destroy = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.reflen; ++i) decr(this.fields[i]); this.fields = null; this.func = null; }; RefAction.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefAction id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " len:" + this.fields.length); }; return RefAction; }(RefObject)); pxsim.RefAction = RefAction; var pxtcore; (function (pxtcore) { function mkAction(reflen, len, fn) { var r = new RefAction(); r.reflen = reflen; r.func = fn; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) r.fields.push(null); return r; } pxtcore.mkAction = mkAction; function runAction3(a, a0, a1, a2) { var cb = pxsim.getResume(); if (a instanceof RefAction) { pxtrt.incr(a); cb(new FnWrapper(a.func, a.fields, a0, a1, a2, function () { pxtrt.decr(a); })); } else { // no-closure case cb(new FnWrapper(a, null, a0, a1, a2, null)); } } pxtcore.runAction3 = runAction3; function runAction2(a, a0, a1) { runAction3(a, a0, a1, null); } pxtcore.runAction2 = runAction2; function runAction1(a, v) { runAction3(a, v, null, null); } pxtcore.runAction1 = runAction1; function runAction0(a) { runAction3(a, null, null, null); } pxtcore.runAction0 = runAction0; })(pxtcore = pxsim.pxtcore || (pxsim.pxtcore = {})); var RefLocal = (function (_super) { __extends(RefLocal, _super); function RefLocal() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this.v = 0; } RefLocal.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefLocal id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " v:" + this.v); }; return RefLocal; }(RefObject)); pxsim.RefLocal = RefLocal; var RefRefLocal = (function (_super) { __extends(RefRefLocal, _super); function RefRefLocal() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this.v = null; } RefRefLocal.prototype.destroy = function () { decr(this.v); }; RefRefLocal.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefRefLocal id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " v:" + this.v); }; return RefRefLocal; }(RefObject)); pxsim.RefRefLocal = RefRefLocal; var RefMap = (function (_super) { __extends(RefMap, _super); function RefMap() { _super.apply(this, arguments); this.vtable = 42; = []; } RefMap.prototype.findIdx = function (key) { for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) { if ([i].key >> 1 == key) return i; } return -1; }; RefMap.prototype.destroy = function () {; for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) { if ([i].key & 1) { decr([i].val); }[i].val = 0; } = []; }; RefMap.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefMap id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " size:" +; }; return RefMap; }(RefObject)); pxsim.RefMap = RefMap; function num(v) { if (v === undefined) return 0; return v; } function ref(v) { if (v === undefined) return null; return v; } function decr(v) { if (!refCounting) return; if (v instanceof RefObject) { var o = v; check(o.refcnt > 0); if (--o.refcnt == 0) { delete liveRefObjs[ + ""]; o.destroy(); } } else if (typeof v == "string") { if (stringLiterals && !stringLiterals.hasOwnProperty(v)) { stringRefDelta(v, -1); } } else if (!v) { } else if (typeof v == "function") { } else { throw new Error("bad decr"); } } pxsim.decr = decr; function setupStringLiterals(strings) { // reset liveRefObjs = {}; stringRefCounts = {}; // and set up strings strings[""] = 1; strings["true"] = 1; strings["false"] = 1; // comment out next line to disable string ref counting stringLiterals = strings; } pxsim.setupStringLiterals = setupStringLiterals; function stringRefDelta(s, n) { if (!stringRefCounts.hasOwnProperty(s)) stringRefCounts[s] = 0; var r = (stringRefCounts[s] += n); if (r == 0) delete stringRefCounts[s]; else check(r > 0); return r; } function initString(v) { if (!v || !stringLiterals) return v; if (typeof v == "string" && !stringLiterals.hasOwnProperty(v)) stringRefDelta(v, 1); return v; } pxsim.initString = initString; function incr(v) { if (!refCounting) return v; if (v instanceof RefObject) { var o = v; check(o.refcnt > 0); o.refcnt++; } else if (stringLiterals && typeof v == "string" && !stringLiterals.hasOwnProperty(v)) { var k = stringRefDelta(v, 1); check(k > 1); } return v; } pxsim.incr = incr; function dumpLivePointers() { if (!refCounting) return; Object.keys(liveRefObjs).forEach(function (k) { liveRefObjs[k].print(); }); Object.keys(stringRefCounts).forEach(function (k) { var n = stringRefCounts[k]; console.log("Live String:", JSON.stringify(k), "refcnt=", n); }); } pxsim.dumpLivePointers = dumpLivePointers; var pxtcore; (function (pxtcore) { pxtcore.incr = pxsim.incr; pxtcore.decr = pxsim.decr; function ptrOfLiteral(v) { return v; } pxtcore.ptrOfLiteral = ptrOfLiteral; function debugMemLeaks() { dumpLivePointers(); } pxtcore.debugMemLeaks = debugMemLeaks; function allocate() { pxsim.U.userError("allocate() called in simulator"); } pxtcore.allocate = allocate; function templateHash() { return 0; } pxtcore.templateHash = templateHash; function programHash() { return 0; } pxtcore.programHash = programHash; })(pxtcore = pxsim.pxtcore || (pxsim.pxtcore = {})); var pxtrt; (function (pxtrt) { pxtrt.incr = pxsim.incr; pxtrt.decr = pxsim.decr; function toInt8(v) { return ((v & 0xff) << 24) >> 24; } pxtrt.toInt8 = toInt8; function toInt16(v) { return ((v & 0xffff) << 16) >> 16; } pxtrt.toInt16 = toInt16; function toInt32(v) { return v | 0; } pxtrt.toInt32 = toInt32; function toUInt8(v) { return v & 0xff; } pxtrt.toUInt8 = toUInt8; function toUInt16(v) { return v & 0xffff; } pxtrt.toUInt16 = toUInt16; function nullFix(v) { if (v === null || v === undefined || v === false) return 0; if (v === true) return 1; return v; } pxtrt.nullFix = nullFix; function nullCheck(v) { if (!v) pxsim.U.userError("Using null value."); } pxtrt.nullCheck = nullCheck; function panic(code) { pxsim.U.userError("PANIC! Code " + code); } pxtrt.panic = panic; function stringToBool(s) { pxtrt.decr(s); return s ? 1 : 0; } pxtrt.stringToBool = stringToBool; function ptrToBool(v) { pxtrt.decr(v); return v ? 1 : 0; } pxtrt.ptrToBool = ptrToBool; function emptyToNull(s) { if (s == "") return 0; return s; } pxtrt.emptyToNull = emptyToNull; function ldfld(r, idx) { nullCheck(r); check(!r.isRef(idx)); var v = num(r.fields[idx]); pxtrt.decr(r); return v; } pxtrt.ldfld = ldfld; function stfld(r, idx, v) { nullCheck(r); check(!r.isRef(idx)); r.fields[idx] = v; pxtrt.decr(r); } pxtrt.stfld = stfld; function ldfldRef(r, idx) { nullCheck(r); check(r.isRef(idx)); var v = pxtrt.incr(ref(r.fields[idx])); pxtrt.decr(r); return v; } pxtrt.ldfldRef = ldfldRef; function stfldRef(r, idx, v) { nullCheck(r); check(r.isRef(idx)); pxtrt.decr(r.fields[idx]); r.fields[idx] = v; pxtrt.decr(r); } pxtrt.stfldRef = stfldRef; function ldloc(r) { return r.v; } pxtrt.ldloc = ldloc; function ldlocRef(r) { return pxtrt.incr(r.v); } pxtrt.ldlocRef = ldlocRef; function stloc(r, v) { r.v = v; } pxtrt.stloc = stloc; function stlocRef(r, v) { pxtrt.decr(r.v); r.v = v; } pxtrt.stlocRef = stlocRef; function mkloc() { return new RefLocal(); } pxtrt.mkloc = mkloc; function mklocRef() { return new RefRefLocal(); } pxtrt.mklocRef = mklocRef; // Store a captured local in a closure. It returns the action, so it can be chained. function stclo(a, idx, v) { check(0 <= idx && idx < a.fields.length); check(a.fields[idx] === null); //console.log(`STCLO [${idx}] = ${v}`) a.fields[idx] = v; return a; } pxtrt.stclo = stclo; function runtimeWarning(msg) { pxsim.Runtime.postMessage(pxsim.getWarningMessage(msg)); } pxtrt.runtimeWarning = runtimeWarning; function mkMap() { return new RefMap(); } pxtrt.mkMap = mkMap; function mapGet(map, key) { var i = map.findIdx(key); if (i < 0) { pxtrt.decr(map); return 0; } var r =[i].val; pxtrt.decr(map); return r; } pxtrt.mapGet = mapGet; function mapGetRef(map, key) { var i = map.findIdx(key); if (i < 0) { pxtrt.decr(map); return 0; } var r = pxtrt.incr([i].val); pxtrt.decr(map); return r; } pxtrt.mapGetRef = mapGetRef; function mapSet(map, key, val) { var i = map.findIdx(key); if (i < 0) {{ key: key << 1, val: val }); } else { if ([i].key & 1) { pxtrt.decr([i].val);[i].key = key << 1; }[i].val = val; } pxtrt.decr(map); } pxtrt.mapSet = mapSet; function mapSetRef(map, key, val) { var i = map.findIdx(key); if (i < 0) {{ key: (key << 1) | 1, val: val }); } else { if ([i].key & 1) { pxtrt.decr([i].val); } else {[i].key = (key << 1) | 1; }[i].val = val; } pxtrt.decr(map); } pxtrt.mapSetRef = mapSetRef; })(pxtrt = pxsim.pxtrt || (pxsim.pxtrt = {})); var pxtcore; (function (pxtcore) { function mkClassInstance(vtable) { check(!!vtable.methods); check(!!vtable.refmask); var r = new RefRecord(); r.vtable = vtable; var len = vtable.refmask.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) r.fields.push(0); return r; } pxtcore.mkClassInstance = mkClassInstance; })(pxtcore = pxsim.pxtcore || (pxsim.pxtcore = {})); var thread; (function (thread) { thread.panic = pxtrt.panic; function pause(ms) { var cb = pxsim.getResume(); setTimeout(function () { cb(); }, ms); } thread.pause = pause; function runInBackground(a) { pxsim.runtime.runFiberAsync(a).done(); } thread.runInBackground = runInBackground; function forever(a) { function loop() { pxsim.runtime.runFiberAsync(a) .then(function () { return Promise.delay(20); }) .then(loop) .done(); } pxtrt.nullCheck(a); incr(a); loop(); } thread.forever = forever; })(thread = pxsim.thread || (pxsim.thread = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { // A ref-counted collection of either primitive or ref-counted objects (String, Image, // user-defined record, another collection) var RefCollection = (function (_super) { __extends(RefCollection, _super); //undefiend or null values need to be handled specially to support default values //default values of boolean, string, number & object arrays are respectively, false, null, 0, null //All of the default values are implemented by mapping undefined\null to zero. // 1 - collection of refs (need decr) // 2 - collection of strings (in fact we always have 3, never 2 alone) function RefCollection(flags) {; this.flags = flags; = []; } RefCollection.prototype.destroy = function () { var data =; if (this.flags & 1) for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { pxsim.decr(data[i]); data[i] = 0; } = []; }; RefCollection.prototype.isValidIndex = function (x) { return (x >= 0 && x <; }; RefCollection.prototype.push = function (x) {; }; RefCollection.prototype.pop = function () { var x =; if (x != undefined) { return 0; } return x; }; RefCollection.prototype.getLength = function () { return; }; RefCollection.prototype.setLength = function (x) { = x; }; RefCollection.prototype.getAt = function (x) { if ([x] != undefined) { return[x]; } return 0; }; RefCollection.prototype.setAt = function (x, y) {[x] = y; }; RefCollection.prototype.insertAt = function (x, y) {, 0, y); }; RefCollection.prototype.removeAt = function (x) { var ret =, 1); if (ret[0] == undefined) { return 0; } return ret[0]; //return the deleted element. }; RefCollection.prototype.indexOf = function (x, start) { if (x != 0) { return, start); } //As we treat undefined same as 0 which is default value for all the arrays, will need to search both. var defaultValueIndex =, start); var undefinedIndex = -1; for (var i = start; i <; i++) { if ([i] == undefined) { undefinedIndex = i; break; } } if (defaultValueIndex < undefinedIndex || undefinedIndex == -1) { return defaultValueIndex; } return undefinedIndex; }; RefCollection.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefCollection id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " len:" + + " flags:" + this.flags + " d0:" +[0]); }; return RefCollection; }(pxsim.RefObject)); pxsim.RefCollection = RefCollection; var Array_; (function (Array_) { function mk(f) { return new RefCollection(f); } = mk; function length(c) { return c.getLength(); } Array_.length = length; function setLength(c, x) { c.setLength(x); } Array_.setLength = setLength; function push(c, x) { if (c.flags & 1) pxsim.incr(x); c.push(x); } Array_.push = push; function pop(c, x) { var ret = c.pop(); if (c.flags & 1) pxsim.decr(ret); return ret; } Array_.pop = pop; function getAt(c, x) { var tmp = c.getAt(x); if (c.flags & 1) pxsim.incr(tmp); return tmp; } Array_.getAt = getAt; function removeAt(c, x) { if (!c.isValidIndex(x)) return; if (c.flags & 1) { pxsim.decr(c.getAt(x)); } return c.removeAt(x); } Array_.removeAt = removeAt; function insertAt(c, x, y) { if (c.flags & 1) pxsim.incr(y); c.insertAt(x, y); } Array_.insertAt = insertAt; function setAt(c, x, y) { if (c.isValidIndex(x) && (c.flags & 1)) { //if there is an existing element handle refcount pxsim.decr(c.getAt(x)); pxsim.incr(y); } c.setAt(x, y); } Array_.setAt = setAt; function indexOf(c, x, start) { return c.indexOf(x, start); } Array_.indexOf = indexOf; function removeElement(c, x) { var idx = indexOf(c, x, 0); if (idx >= 0) { removeAt(c, idx); return 1; } return 0; } Array_.removeElement = removeElement; })(Array_ = pxsim.Array_ || (pxsim.Array_ = {})); var Math_; (function (Math_) { function sqrt(n) { return Math.sqrt(n) >>> 0; } Math_.sqrt = sqrt; function pow(x, y) { return Math.pow(x, y) >>> 0; } Math_.pow = pow; function random(max) { if (max < 1) return 0; var r = 0; do { r = Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } while (r == max); return r; } Math_.random = random; })(Math_ = pxsim.Math_ || (pxsim.Math_ = {})); // for explanations see: // (second answer) // (but the code below doesn't come from there; I wrote it myself) // TODO use Math.imul if available function intMult(a, b) { return (((a & 0xffff) * (b >>> 16) + (b & 0xffff) * (a >>> 16)) << 16) + ((a & 0xffff) * (b & 0xffff)); } var Number_; (function (Number_) { function lt(x, y) { return x < y; } = lt; function le(x, y) { return x <= y; } Number_.le = le; function neq(x, y) { return !eq(x, y); } Number_.neq = neq; function eq(x, y) { return pxsim.pxtrt.nullFix(x) == pxsim.pxtrt.nullFix(y); } Number_.eq = eq; function gt(x, y) { return x > y; } = gt; function ge(x, y) { return x >= y; } = ge; function div(x, y) { return Math.floor(x / y) | 0; } Number_.div = div; function mod(x, y) { return x % y; } Number_.mod = mod; function toString(x) { return pxsim.initString(x + ""); } Number_.toString = toString; })(Number_ = pxsim.Number_ || (pxsim.Number_ = {})); var thumb; (function (thumb) { function adds(x, y) { return (x + y) | 0; } thumb.adds = adds; function subs(x, y) { return (x - y) | 0; } thumb.subs = subs; function divs(x, y) { return Math.floor(x / y) | 0; } thumb.divs = divs; function muls(x, y) { return intMult(x, y); } thumb.muls = muls; function ands(x, y) { return x & y; } thumb.ands = ands; function orrs(x, y) { return x | y; } thumb.orrs = orrs; function eors(x, y) { return x ^ y; } thumb.eors = eors; function lsls(x, y) { return x << y; } thumb.lsls = lsls; function lsrs(x, y) { return x >>> y; } thumb.lsrs = lsrs; function asrs(x, y) { return x >> y; } thumb.asrs = asrs; function cmp_lt(x, y) { return x < y; } thumb.cmp_lt = cmp_lt; function cmp_le(x, y) { return x <= y; } thumb.cmp_le = cmp_le; function cmp_ne(x, y) { return !cmp_eq(x, y); } thumb.cmp_ne = cmp_ne; function cmp_eq(x, y) { return pxsim.pxtrt.nullFix(x) == pxsim.pxtrt.nullFix(y); } thumb.cmp_eq = cmp_eq; function cmp_gt(x, y) { return x > y; } thumb.cmp_gt = cmp_gt; function cmp_ge(x, y) { return x >= y; } thumb.cmp_ge = cmp_ge; function ignore(v) { return v; } thumb.ignore = ignore; })(thumb = pxsim.thumb || (pxsim.thumb = {})); var String_; (function (String_) { function mkEmpty() { return ""; } String_.mkEmpty = mkEmpty; function fromCharCode(code) { return pxsim.initString(String.fromCharCode(code)); } String_.fromCharCode = fromCharCode; function toNumber(s) { return parseInt(s); } String_.toNumber = toNumber; // TODO check edge-conditions function concat(a, b) { return pxsim.initString(a + b); } String_.concat = concat; function substring(s, i, j) { return pxsim.initString(s.slice(i, i + j)); } String_.substring = substring; function equals(s1, s2) { return s1 == s2; } String_.equals = equals; function compare(s1, s2) { if (s1 == s2) return 0; if (s1 < s2) return -1; return 1; } = compare; function length(s) { return s.length; } String_.length = length; function isEmpty(s) { return s == null || s.length == 0; } String_.isEmpty = isEmpty; function substr(s, start, length) { return pxsim.initString(s.substr(start, length)); } String_.substr = substr; function inRange(s, i) { return 0 <= i && i < s.length; } function charAt(s, i) { return inRange(s, i) ? pxsim.initString(s.charAt(i)) : null; } String_.charAt = charAt; function charCodeAt(s, i) { return inRange(s, i) ? s.charCodeAt(i) : 0; } String_.charCodeAt = charCodeAt; })(String_ = pxsim.String_ || (pxsim.String_ = {})); var Boolean_; (function (Boolean_) { function toString(v) { return v ? "true" : "false"; } Boolean_.toString = toString; function bang(v) { return !v; } Boolean_.bang = bang; })(Boolean_ = pxsim.Boolean_ || (pxsim.Boolean_ = {})); var RefBuffer = (function (_super) { __extends(RefBuffer, _super); function RefBuffer(data) {; = data; } RefBuffer.prototype.print = function () { console.log("RefBuffer id:" + + " refs:" + this.refcnt + " len:" + + " d0:" +[0]); }; return RefBuffer; }(pxsim.RefObject)); pxsim.RefBuffer = RefBuffer; var BufferMethods; (function (BufferMethods) { // keep in sync with C++! (function (NumberFormat) { NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int8LE"] = 1] = "Int8LE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["UInt8LE"] = 2] = "UInt8LE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int16LE"] = 3] = "Int16LE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["UInt16LE"] = 4] = "UInt16LE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int32LE"] = 5] = "Int32LE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int8BE"] = 6] = "Int8BE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["UInt8BE"] = 7] = "UInt8BE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int16BE"] = 8] = "Int16BE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["UInt16BE"] = 9] = "UInt16BE"; NumberFormat[NumberFormat["Int32BE"] = 10] = "Int32BE"; })(BufferMethods.NumberFormat || (BufferMethods.NumberFormat = {})); var NumberFormat = BufferMethods.NumberFormat; ; function fmtInfoCore(fmt) { switch (fmt) { case NumberFormat.Int8LE: return -1; case NumberFormat.UInt8LE: return 1; case NumberFormat.Int16LE: return -2; case NumberFormat.UInt16LE: return 2; case NumberFormat.Int32LE: return -4; case NumberFormat.Int8BE: return -10; case NumberFormat.UInt8BE: return 10; case NumberFormat.Int16BE: return -20; case NumberFormat.UInt16BE: return 20; case NumberFormat.Int32BE: return -40; default: throw pxsim.U.userError("bad format"); } } function fmtInfo(fmt) { var size = fmtInfoCore(fmt); var signed = false; if (size < 0) { signed = true; size = -size; } var swap = false; if (size >= 10) { swap = true; size /= 10; } return { size: size, signed: signed, swap: swap }; } function getNumber(buf, fmt, offset) { var inf = fmtInfo(fmt); var r = 0; for (var i = 0; i < inf.size; ++i) { r <<= 8; var off = inf.swap ? offset + i : offset + inf.size - i - 1; r |=[off]; } if (inf.signed) { var missingBits = 32 - (inf.size * 8); r = (r << missingBits) >> missingBits; } return r; } BufferMethods.getNumber = getNumber; function setNumber(buf, fmt, offset, r) { var inf = fmtInfo(fmt); for (var i = 0; i < inf.size; ++i) { var off = !inf.swap ? offset + i : offset + inf.size - i - 1;[off] = (r & 0xff); r >>= 8; } } BufferMethods.setNumber = setNumber; function createBuffer(size) { return new RefBuffer(new Uint8Array(size)); } BufferMethods.createBuffer = createBuffer; function getBytes(buf) { // not sure if this is any useful... return; } BufferMethods.getBytes = getBytes; function inRange(buf, off) { return 0 <= off && off <; } function getByte(buf, off) { if (inRange(buf, off)) return[off]; else return 0; } BufferMethods.getByte = getByte; function setByte(buf, off, v) { if (inRange(buf, off))[off] = v; } BufferMethods.setByte = setByte; function length(buf) { return; } BufferMethods.length = length; function fill(buf, value, offset, length) { if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; } if (length === void 0) { length = -1; } if (offset < 0 || offset > return; if (length < 0) length =; length = Math.min(length, - offset);, offset, offset + length); } BufferMethods.fill = fill; function slice(buf, offset, length) { offset = Math.min(, offset); if (length < 0) length =; length = Math.min(length, - offset); return new RefBuffer(, offset + length)); } BufferMethods.slice = slice; function memmove(dst, dstOff, src, srcOff, len) { if (src.buffer === dst.buffer) { memmove(dst, dstOff, src.slice(srcOff, srcOff + len), 0, len); } else { for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) dst[dstOff + i] = src[srcOff + i]; } } var INT_MIN = -0x80000000; function shift(buf, offset, start, len) { if (len < 0) len = - start; if (start < 0 || start + len > || start + len < start || len == 0 || offset == 0 || offset == INT_MIN) return; if (len == 0 || offset == 0 || offset == INT_MIN) return; if (offset <= -len || offset >= len) { fill(buf, 0); return; } if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; memmove(, start + offset,, start, len - offset);, start, start + offset); } else { len = len - offset; memmove(, start,, start + offset, len);, start + len, start + len + offset); } } BufferMethods.shift = shift; function rotate(buf, offset, start, len) { if (len < 0) len = - start; if (start < 0 || start + len > || start + len < start || len == 0 || offset == 0 || offset == INT_MIN) return; if (offset < 0) offset += len << 8; // try to make it positive offset %= len; if (offset < 0) offset += len; var data =; var n_first = offset; var first = 0; var next = n_first; var last = len; while (first != next) { var tmp = data[first + start]; data[first++ + start] = data[next + start]; data[next++ + start] = tmp; if (next == last) { next = n_first; } else if (first == n_first) { n_first = next; } } } BufferMethods.rotate = rotate; function write(buf, dstOffset, src, srcOffset, length) { if (srcOffset === void 0) { srcOffset = 0; } if (length === void 0) { length = -1; } if (length < 0) length =; if (srcOffset < 0 || dstOffset < 0 || dstOffset > return; length = Math.min( - srcOffset, - dstOffset); if (length < 0) return; memmove(, dstOffset,, srcOffset, length); } BufferMethods.write = write; })(BufferMethods = pxsim.BufferMethods || (pxsim.BufferMethods = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var logs; (function (logs) { var TrendChartElement = (function () { function TrendChartElement(log, className) { this.log = log; this.vpw = 80; this.vph = 15; this.log = log; this.element = pxsim.svg.elt("svg"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(this.element, { class: className, viewBox: "0 0 " + this.vpw + " " + this.vph }); this.g = pxsim.svg.child(this.element, "g"); this.line = pxsim.svg.child(this.g, "polyline"); } TrendChartElement.prototype.render = function () { var _this = this; var data = this.log.accvalues.slice(-25); // take last 10 entry var margin = 2; var times = (d) { return d.t; }); var values = (d) { return d.v; }); var maxt = Math.max.apply(null, times); var mint = Math.min.apply(null, times); var maxv = Math.max.apply(null, values); var minv = Math.min.apply(null, values); var h = (maxv - minv) || 10; var w = (maxt - mint) || 10; var points = (d) { return ((d.t - mint) / w * _this.vpw + "," + (_this.vph - (d.v - minv) / h * (_this.vph - 2 * margin) - margin)); }).join(' '); pxsim.svg.hydrate(this.line, { points: points }); }; return TrendChartElement; }()); var LogViewElement = (function () { function LogViewElement(props) { var _this = this; this.props = props; this.shouldScroll = false; this.entries = []; this.serialBuffers = {}; this.dropSim = false; // drop simulator events this.registerEvents(); this.registerChromeSerial(); this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.className = "ui segment hideempty logs"; if (this.props.onClick) this.element.onclick = function () { return _this.props.onClick(_this.rows()); }; } LogViewElement.prototype.setLabel = function (text, theme) { if (this.labelElement && this.labelElement.innerText == text) return; if (this.labelElement) { if (this.labelElement.parentElement) this.labelElement.parentElement.removeChild(this.labelElement); this.labelElement = undefined; } if (text) { this.labelElement = document.createElement("a"); this.labelElement.className = "ui " + theme + " top right attached mini label"; this.labelElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } }; LogViewElement.prototype.hasTrends = function () { return this.entries.some(function (entry) { return !!entry.chartElement; }); }; // creates a deep clone of the log entries LogViewElement.prototype.rows = function () { return (e) { return { id:, theme: e.theme, variable: e.variable, accvalues: e.accvalues ? e.accvalues.slice(0) : undefined, time: e.time, value: e.value, source: e.source, count: e.count }; }); }; LogViewElement.prototype.streamPayload = function (startTime) { // filter out data var es = this.entries.filter(function (e) { return !!e.accvalues && e.time + e.accvalues[e.accvalues.length - 1].t >= startTime; }); if (es.length == 0) return undefined; var fields = { "timestamp": 1, "partition": 1 }; var rows = []; function entryVariable(e) { return /^\s*$/.test(e.variable) ? 'data' : e.variable; } // collect fields es.forEach(function (e) { var n = entryVariable(e); if (!fields[n]) fields[n] = 1; }); // collapse data and fill values var fs = Object.keys(fields); es.forEach(function (e) { var n = entryVariable(e); var ei = fs.indexOf(n); e.accvalues .filter(function (v) { return (e.time + v.t) >= startTime; }) .forEach(function (v) { var row = [e.time + v.t, 0]; for (var i = 2; i < fs.length; ++i) row.push(i == ei ? v.v : null); rows.push(row); }); }); return { fields: fs, values: rows }; }; LogViewElement.prototype.registerChromeSerial = function () { var _this = this; var buffers = {}; var chrome =; if (chrome && chrome.runtime) { var port = chrome.runtime.connect("cihhkhnngbjlhahcfmhekmbnnjcjdbge", { name: "micro:bit" }); port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) { if (msg.type == "serial") { if (!_this.dropSim) { _this.clear(); _this.dropSim = true; } var buf = (buffers[] || "") +; var i = buf.lastIndexOf("\n"); if (i >= 0) { var msgb = buf.substring(0, i + 1); msgb.split('\n').filter(function (line) { return !!line; }).forEach(function (line) { return _this.appendEntry('microbit' +, line, 'black'); }); buf = buf.slice(i + 1); } buffers[] = buf; } }); } }; LogViewElement.prototype.registerEvents = function () { var _this = this; window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) { var msg =; switch (msg.type || '') { case 'serial': var smsg = msg; if (_this.dropSim && smsg.sim) { // drop simulated event since we are receiving real events return; } else if (!_this.dropSim && !smsg.sim) { // first non-simulator serial event, drop all previous events _this.clear(); _this.dropSim = true; } var value = || ''; var source = || '?'; var theme = source.split('-')[0] || ''; if (!/^[a-z]+$/.test(theme)) theme = 'black'; var buffer = _this.serialBuffers[source] || ''; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { switch (value.charCodeAt(i)) { case 10: _this.appendEntry(source, buffer, theme); buffer = ''; break; case 13: break; default: buffer += value[i]; break; } } _this.serialBuffers[source] = buffer; break; } }, false); }; LogViewElement.prototype.appendEntry = function (source, value, theme) { var _this = this; if (this.labelElement && !this.labelElement.parentElement) this.element.insertBefore(this.labelElement, this.element.firstElementChild); var ens = this.entries; while (ens.length > this.props.maxEntries) { var po = ens.shift(); if (po.element && po.element.parentElement) po.element.parentElement.removeChild(po.element); } // find the entry with same source var last = undefined; var m = /^\s*(([^:]+):)?\s*(-?\d+)/i.exec(value); var variable = m ? (m[2] || ' ') : undefined; var nvalue = m ? parseInt(m[3]) : null; for (var i = ens.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (ens[i].source == source && ((i == ens.length - 1 && ens[i].value == value) || (variable && ens[i].variable == variable))) { last = ens[i]; break; } } if (last) { last.value = value; if (last.accvalues) { last.accvalues.push({ t: - last.time, v: nvalue }); if (last.accvalues.length > this.props.maxAccValues) last.accvalues.shift(); } else if (!last.countElement) { last.countElement = document.createElement("span"); last.countElement.className = 'ui log counter'; last.element.insertBefore(last.countElement, last.element.firstChild); } last.count++; this.scheduleRender(last); } else { var e_1 = { id: LogViewElement.counter++, theme: theme, time:, value: value, source: source, count: 1, dirty: true, variable: variable, accvalues: nvalue != null ? [{ t: 0, v: nvalue }] : undefined, element: document.createElement("div"), valueElement: document.createTextNode('') }; e_1.element.className = "ui log " + e_1.theme; var raiseTrends = false; if (e_1.accvalues) { e_1.accvaluesElement = document.createElement('span'); e_1.accvaluesElement.className = "ui log " + e_1.theme + " gauge"; e_1.chartElement = new TrendChartElement(e_1, "ui trend " + e_1.theme); if (this.props.onTrendChartClick) { e_1.chartElement.element.onclick = function () { return _this.props.onTrendChartClick(e_1); }; e_1.chartElement.element.className += " link"; } e_1.element.appendChild(e_1.accvaluesElement); e_1.element.appendChild(e_1.chartElement.element); raiseTrends = true; } e_1.element.appendChild(e_1.valueElement); ens.push(e_1); this.element.appendChild(e_1.element); this.scheduleRender(e_1); if (raiseTrends && this.props.onTrendChartChanged) this.props.onTrendChartChanged(); } }; LogViewElement.prototype.scheduleRender = function (e) { var _this = this; e.dirty = true; if (!this.renderFiberId) this.renderFiberId = setTimeout(function () { return _this.render(); }, 50); }; LogViewElement.prototype.clear = function () { this.entries = []; if (this.labelElement && this.labelElement.parentElement) this.labelElement.parentElement.removeChild(this.labelElement); this.element.innerHTML = ''; this.serialBuffers = {}; this.dropSim = false; if (this.props.onTrendChartChanged) this.props.onTrendChartChanged(); }; LogViewElement.prototype.render = function () { this.entries.forEach(function (entry) { if (!entry.dirty) return; if (entry.countElement) entry.countElement.innerText = entry.count.toString(); if (entry.accvaluesElement) entry.accvaluesElement.innerText = entry.value; if (entry.chartElement) entry.chartElement.render(); entry.valueElement.textContent = entry.accvalues ? '' : entry.value; entry.dirty = false; }); this.renderFiberId = 0; }; LogViewElement.counter = 0; return LogViewElement; }()); logs.LogViewElement = LogViewElement; function entriesToCSV(entries) { // first log all data entries to CSV var dataEntries = []; var rows = entries.length; entries.forEach(function (e) { if (e.accvalues && e.accvalues.length > 0) { dataEntries.push(e); rows = Math.max(e.accvalues.length, rows); } }); var csv = ''; // name columns csv += (entry) { return (entry.theme + " time, " + entry.theme + " " + (entry.variable.trim() || "data")); }) .concat(['log time', 'log source', 'log message']) .join(', '); csv += '\n'; var _loop_2 = function(i) { var cols = []; dataEntries.forEach(function (entry) { var t0 = entry.accvalues[0].t; if (i < entry.accvalues.length) { cols.push(((entry.accvalues[i].t - t0) / 1000).toString()); cols.push(entry.accvalues[i].v.toString()); } else { cols.push(' '); cols.push(' '); } }); if (i < entries.length) { var t0 = entries[0].time; cols.push(((entries[i].time - t0) / 1000).toString()); cols.push(entries[i].source); cols.push(entries[i].value); } csv += cols.join(', ') + '\n'; }; for (var i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { _loop_2(i); } return csv; } logs.entriesToCSV = entriesToCSV; function entryToCSV(entry) { var t0 = entry.accvalues.length > 0 ? entry.accvalues[0].t : 0; var csv = (entry.theme + " time, " + (entry.variable.trim() || "data") + "\n") + (v) { return ((v.t - t0) / 1000) + ", " + v.v; }).join('\n'); return csv; } logs.entryToCSV = entryToCSV; })(logs = pxsim.logs || (pxsim.logs = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var U; (function (U) { function addClass(el, cls) { if (el.classList) el.classList.add(cls); else if (el.className.indexOf(cls) < 0) el.className += ' ' + cls; } U.addClass = addClass; function removeClass(el, cls) { if (el.classList) el.classList.remove(cls); else el.className = el.className.replace(cls, '').replace(/\s{2,}/, ' '); } U.removeClass = removeClass; function assert(cond, msg) { if (msg === void 0) { msg = "Assertion failed"; } if (!cond) { debugger; throw new Error(msg); } } U.assert = assert; function repeatMap(n, fn) { n = n || 0; var r = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) r.push(fn(i)); return r; } U.repeatMap = repeatMap; function userError(msg) { var e = new Error(msg); e.isUserError = true; throw e; } U.userError = userError; function now() { return; } = now; function nextTick(f) { Promise._async._schedule(f); } U.nextTick = nextTick; })(U = pxsim.U || (pxsim.U = {})); function getResume() { return pxsim.runtime.getResume(); } pxsim.getResume = getResume; var BaseBoard = (function () { function BaseBoard() { this.serialOutBuffer = ''; } BaseBoard.prototype.updateView = function () { }; BaseBoard.prototype.receiveMessage = function (msg) { }; BaseBoard.prototype.initAsync = function (msg) { this.runOptions = msg; return Promise.resolve(); }; BaseBoard.prototype.kill = function () { }; BaseBoard.prototype.writeSerial = function (s) { if (!s) return; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { var c = s[i]; switch (c) { case '\n': Runtime.postMessage({ type: 'serial', data: this.serialOutBuffer + '\n', id:, sim: true }); this.serialOutBuffer = ''; break; case '\r': continue; default: this.serialOutBuffer += c; } } }; return BaseBoard; }()); pxsim.BaseBoard = BaseBoard; var CoreBoard = (function (_super) { __extends(CoreBoard, _super); function CoreBoard() { var _this = this;; = "b" + pxsim.Math_.random(2147483647); this.bus = new pxsim.EventBus(pxsim.runtime); // updates this.updateSubscribers = []; this.updateView = function () { _this.updateSubscribers.forEach(function (sub) { return sub(); }); }; this.builtinParts = {}; this.builtinVisuals = {}; this.builtinPartVisuals = {}; } CoreBoard.prototype.kill = function () {; pxsim.AudioContextManager.stop(); }; return CoreBoard; }(BaseBoard)); pxsim.CoreBoard = CoreBoard; var BareBoard = (function (_super) { __extends(BareBoard, _super); function BareBoard() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } return BareBoard; }(BaseBoard)); function initBareRuntime() { pxsim.runtime.board = new BareBoard(); var myRT = pxsim; myRT.basic = { pause: pxsim.thread.pause, showNumber: function (n) { var cb = getResume(); console.log("SHOW NUMBER:", n); U.nextTick(cb); } }; myRT.serial = { writeString: function (s) { return pxsim.runtime.board.writeSerial(s); }, }; myRT.pins = { createBuffer: pxsim.BufferMethods.createBuffer, }; myRT.control = { inBackground: pxsim.thread.runInBackground }; } pxsim.initBareRuntime = initBareRuntime; var EventQueue = (function () { function EventQueue(runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; this.max = 5; = []; } EventQueue.prototype.push = function (e) { if (!this.handler || > this.max) return;; // if this is the first event pushed - start processing if ( == 1) this.poke(); }; EventQueue.prototype.poke = function () { var _this = this; var top =; this.runtime.runFiberAsync(this.handler, top) .done(function () { // we're done processing the current event, if there is still something left to do, do it if ( > 0) _this.poke(); }); }; Object.defineProperty(EventQueue.prototype, "handler", { get: function () { return this.mHandler; }, set: function (a) { if (this.mHandler) { pxsim.pxtcore.decr(this.mHandler); } this.mHandler = a; if (this.mHandler) { pxsim.pxtcore.incr(this.mHandler); } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return EventQueue; }()); pxsim.EventQueue = EventQueue; // overriden at loadtime by specific implementation pxsim.initCurrentRuntime = undefined; pxsim.handleCustomMessage = undefined; var Runtime = (function () { function Runtime(code) { var _this = this; this.numGlobals = 1000; this.dead = false; this.running = false; this.startTime = 0; this.globals = {}; this.numDisplayUpdates = 0; U.assert(!!pxsim.initCurrentRuntime); var yieldMaxSteps = 100; // These variables are used by the generated code as well // --- var entryPoint; var pxtrt = pxsim.pxtrt; var breakpoints = null; var breakAlways = false; var globals = this.globals; var yieldSteps = yieldMaxSteps; // --- var currResume; var dbgResume; var breakFrame = null; // for step-over var lastYield =; var __this = this; function oops(msg) { throw new Error("sim error: " + msg); } // referenced from eval()ed code function doNothing(s) { s.pc = -1; return leave(s, s.parent.retval); } function maybeYield(s, pc, r0) { yieldSteps = yieldMaxSteps; var now =; if (now - lastYield >= 20) { lastYield = now; s.pc = pc; s.r0 = r0; var cont = function () { if (__this.dead) return; U.assert(s.pc == pc); return loop(s); }; //U.nextTick(cont) setTimeout(cont, 5); return true; } return false; } function setupDebugger(numBreakpoints) { breakpoints = new Uint8Array(numBreakpoints); breakAlways = true; } function isBreakFrame(s) { if (!breakFrame) return true; // nothing specified for (var p = breakFrame; p; p = p.parent) { if (p == s) return true; } return false; } function breakpoint(s, retPC, brkId, r0) { U.assert(!dbgResume); s.pc = retPC; s.r0 = r0; Runtime.postMessage(pxsim.getBreakpointMsg(s, brkId)); dbgResume = function (m) { dbgResume = null; if (__this.dead) return; pxsim.runtime = __this; U.assert(s.pc == retPC); breakAlways = false; breakFrame = null; switch (m.subtype) { case "resume": break; case "stepover": breakAlways = true; breakFrame = s; break; case "stepinto": breakAlways = true; break; case "stepout": breakAlways = true; breakFrame = s.parent || s; break; } return loop(s); }; return null; } function handleDebuggerMsg(msg) { switch (msg.subtype) { case "config": var cfg = msg; if (cfg.setBreakpoints) { breakpoints.fill(0); for (var _i = 0, _a = cfg.setBreakpoints; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var n = _a[_i]; breakpoints[n] = 1; } } break; case "pause": breakAlways = true; breakFrame = null; break; case "resume": case "stepover": case "stepinto": case "stepout": if (dbgResume) dbgResume(msg); break; } } function loop(p) { if (__this.dead) { console.log("Runtime terminated"); return; } try { pxsim.runtime = __this; while (!!p) { __this.currFrame = p; __this.currFrame.overwrittenPC = false; p = p.fn(p); __this.maybeUpdateDisplay(); if (__this.currFrame.overwrittenPC) p = __this.currFrame; } } catch (e) { if (__this.errorHandler) __this.errorHandler(e); else { console.error("Simulator crashed, no error handler", e.stack); var msg = pxsim.getBreakpointMsg(p, p.lastBrkId); msg.exceptionMessage = e.message; msg.exceptionStack = e.stack; Runtime.postMessage(msg); if (__this.postError) __this.postError(e); } } } function actionCall(s, cb) { if (cb) s.finalCallback = cb; s.depth = s.parent.depth + 1; if (s.depth > 1000) { U.userError("Stack overflow"); } s.pc = 0; return s; } function leave(s, v) { s.parent.retval = v; if (s.finalCallback) s.finalCallback(v); return s.parent; } function setupTop(cb) { var s = setupTopCore(cb); setupResume(s, 0); return s; } function setupTopCore(cb) { var frame = { parent: null, pc: 0, depth: 0, fn: function () { if (cb) cb(frame.retval); return null; } }; return frame; } function topCall(fn, cb) { U.assert(!!__this.board); U.assert(!__this.running); __this.setRunning(true); var topFrame = setupTopCore(cb); var frame = { parent: topFrame, fn: fn, depth: 0, pc: 0 }; loop(actionCall(frame)); } function checkResumeConsumed() { if (currResume) oops("getResume() not called"); } function setupResume(s, retPC) { currResume = buildResume(s, retPC); } function buildResume(s, retPC) { if (currResume) oops("already has resume"); s.pc = retPC; return function (v) { if (__this.dead) return; pxsim.runtime = __this; U.assert(s.pc == retPC); // TODO should loop() be called here using U.nextTick? // This matters if the simulator function calls cb() // synchronously. if (v instanceof pxsim.FnWrapper) { var w = v; var frame = { parent: s, fn: w.func, lambdaArgs: [w.a0, w.a1, w.a2], pc: 0, caps: w.caps, depth: s.depth + 1, finalCallback: w.cb, }; return loop(actionCall(frame)); } s.retval = v; return loop(s); }; } // tslint:disable-next-line eval(code); = function (cb) { return topCall(entryPoint, cb); }; this.getResume = function () { if (!currResume) oops("noresume"); var r = currResume; currResume = null; return r; }; this.setupTop = setupTop; this.handleDebuggerMsg = handleDebuggerMsg; this.entry = entryPoint; this.overwriteResume = function (retPC) { currResume = null; if (retPC >= 0) _this.currFrame.pc = retPC; _this.currFrame.overwrittenPC = true; }; pxsim.runtime = this; pxsim.initCurrentRuntime(); } Runtime.prototype.runningTime = function () { return - this.startTime; }; Runtime.prototype.runFiberAsync = function (a, arg0, arg1, arg2) { var _this = this; pxsim.incr(a); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return U.nextTick(function () { pxsim.runtime = _this; _this.setupTop(resolve); pxsim.pxtcore.runAction3(a, arg0, arg1, arg2); pxsim.decr(a); // if it's still running, has taken care of incrementing the counter }); }); }; Runtime.postMessage = function (data) { if (!data) return; // TODO: origins if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.parent && window.parent.postMessage) { window.parent.postMessage(data, "*"); } if (Runtime.messagePosted) Runtime.messagePosted(data); }; Runtime.prototype.kill = function () { this.dead = true; // TODO fix this this.setRunning(false); }; Runtime.prototype.updateDisplay = function () { this.board.updateView(); }; Runtime.prototype.queueDisplayUpdate = function () { this.numDisplayUpdates++; }; Runtime.prototype.maybeUpdateDisplay = function () { if (this.numDisplayUpdates) { this.numDisplayUpdates = 0; this.updateDisplay(); } }; Runtime.prototype.setRunning = function (r) { if (this.running != r) { this.running = r; if (this.running) { this.startTime =; Runtime.postMessage({ type: 'status', runtimeid:, state: 'running' }); } else { Runtime.postMessage({ type: 'status', runtimeid:, state: 'killed' }); } if (this.stateChanged) this.stateChanged(); } }; return Runtime; }()); pxsim.Runtime = Runtime; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { (function (SimulatorState) { SimulatorState[SimulatorState["Unloaded"] = 0] = "Unloaded"; SimulatorState[SimulatorState["Stopped"] = 1] = "Stopped"; SimulatorState[SimulatorState["Running"] = 2] = "Running"; SimulatorState[SimulatorState["Paused"] = 3] = "Paused"; })(pxsim.SimulatorState || (pxsim.SimulatorState = {})); var SimulatorState = pxsim.SimulatorState; (function (SimulatorDebuggerCommand) { SimulatorDebuggerCommand[SimulatorDebuggerCommand["StepInto"] = 0] = "StepInto"; SimulatorDebuggerCommand[SimulatorDebuggerCommand["StepOver"] = 1] = "StepOver"; SimulatorDebuggerCommand[SimulatorDebuggerCommand["StepOut"] = 2] = "StepOut"; SimulatorDebuggerCommand[SimulatorDebuggerCommand["Resume"] = 3] = "Resume"; SimulatorDebuggerCommand[SimulatorDebuggerCommand["Pause"] = 4] = "Pause"; })(pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand || (pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand = {})); var SimulatorDebuggerCommand = pxsim.SimulatorDebuggerCommand; var SimulatorDriver = (function () { function SimulatorDriver(container, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } this.container = container; this.options = options; this.themes = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"]; this.runId = ''; this.nextFrameId = 0; this.frameCounter = 0; this.runOptions = {}; this.state = SimulatorState.Unloaded; this.frameCleanupTimeout = 0; } SimulatorDriver.prototype.setHwDebugger = function (hw) { if (hw) { // TODO set some visual on the simulator frame // in future the simulator frame could reflect changes in the hardware this.hwdbg = hw; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); = "0.3"; } else { delete; this.hwdbg = null; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); this.stop(); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.handleHwDebuggerMsg = function (msg) { if (!this.hwdbg) return; this.handleMessage(msg); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.setThemes = function (themes) { pxsim.U.assert(themes && themes.length > 0); this.themes = themes; }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.setState = function (state) { if (this.state != state) { this.state = state; if (this.options.onStateChanged) this.options.onStateChanged(this.state); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.postMessage = function (msg, source) { if (this.hwdbg) { this.hwdbg.postMessage(msg); return; } // dispatch to all iframe besides self var frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (source && (msg.type === 'eventbus' || msg.type == 'radiopacket')) { if (frames.length < 2) { this.container.appendChild(this.createFrame()); frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); } else if (frames[1].dataset['runid'] != this.runId) { this.startFrame(frames[1]); } } for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { var frame = frames[i]; if (source && frame.contentWindow == source) continue; frame.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, "*"); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.createFrame = function () { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.className = 'simframe'; var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'sim-frame-' + this.nextId(); frame.allowFullscreen = true; frame.setAttribute('sandbox', 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts'); frame.sandbox.value = "allow-scripts allow-same-origin"; var simUrl = this.options.simUrl || (window.pxtConfig || {}).simUrl || "/sim/simulator.html"; if (this.runOptions.aspectRatio) = (100 / this.runOptions.aspectRatio) + "%"; frame.src = simUrl + '#' +; frame.frameBorder = "0"; frame.dataset['runid'] = this.runId; wrapper.appendChild(frame); return wrapper; }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.stop = function (unload) { if (unload === void 0) { unload = false; } this.postMessage({ type: 'stop' }); this.setState(SimulatorState.Stopped); if (unload) this.unload(); else { var frames_2 = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < frames_2.length; ++i) { var frame = frames_2[i]; if (!/grayscale/.test(frame.className)) pxsim.U.addClass(frame, "grayscale"); } this.scheduleFrameCleanup(); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.unload = function () { this.cancelFrameCleanup(); this.container.innerHTML = ''; this.setState(SimulatorState.Unloaded); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.mute = function (mute) { this.postMessage({ type: 'mute', mute: mute }); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.cancelFrameCleanup = function () { if (this.frameCleanupTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.frameCleanupTimeout); this.frameCleanupTimeout = 0; } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.scheduleFrameCleanup = function () { var _this = this; this.cancelFrameCleanup(); this.frameCleanupTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _this.frameCleanupTimeout = 0; _this.cleanupFrames(); }, 5000); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.applyAspectRatio = function () { var frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { frames[i] = (100 / this.runOptions.aspectRatio) + "%"; } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.cleanupFrames = function () { // drop unused extras frames after 5 seconds var frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 1; i < frames.length; ++i) { var frame = frames[i]; if (this.state == SimulatorState.Stopped || frame.dataset['runid'] != this.runId) { if (this.options.removeElement) this.options.removeElement(frame.parentElement); else frame.parentElement.remove(); } } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.hide = function (completeHandler) { if (!this.options.removeElement) return; var frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { var frame = frames[i]; this.options.removeElement(frame.parentElement, completeHandler); } // Execute the complete handler if there are no frames in sim view if (frames.length == 0 && completeHandler) { completeHandler(); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.unhide = function () { if (!this.options.unhideElement) return; var frames = this.container.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) { var frame = frames[i]; this.options.unhideElement(frame.parentElement); } }; = function (js, opts) { if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; } this.runOptions = opts; this.runId = this.nextId(); this.addEventListeners(); // store information this.currentRuntime = { type: 'run', boardDefinition: opts.boardDefinition, parts:, fnArgs: opts.fnArgs, code: js, partDefinitions: opts.partDefinitions, mute: opts.mute, }; this.applyAspectRatio(); this.scheduleFrameCleanup(); // first frame var frame = this.container.querySelector("iframe"); // lazy allocate iframe if (!frame) { var wrapper = this.createFrame(); this.container.appendChild(wrapper); frame = wrapper.firstElementChild; } else this.startFrame(frame); this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.startFrame = function (frame) { var msg = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.currentRuntime)); var mc = ''; var m = /player=([A-Za-z0-9]+)/i.exec(window.location.href); if (m) mc = m[1]; msg.frameCounter = ++this.frameCounter; msg.options = { theme: this.themes[this.nextFrameId++ % this.themes.length], player: mc }; = msg.options.theme + "-" + this.nextId(); frame.dataset['runid'] = this.runId; frame.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, "*"); pxsim.U.removeClass(frame, "grayscale"); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.removeEventListeners = function () { if (this.listener) { window.removeEventListener('message', this.listener, false); this.listener = undefined; } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.handleMessage = function (msg, source) { switch (msg.type || '') { case 'ready': var frameid = msg.frameid; var frame = document.getElementById(frameid); if (frame) { this.startFrame(frame); if (this.options.revealElement) this.options.revealElement(frame); } break; case 'simulator': this.handleSimulatorCommand(msg); break; //handled elsewhere case 'serial': break; //handled elsewhere case 'pxteditor': case 'custom': break; //handled elsewhere case 'debugger': this.handleDebuggerMessage(msg); break; default: if (msg.type == 'radiopacket') { // assign rssi noisy? msg.rssi = 10; } this.postMessage(msg, source); break; } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.addEventListeners = function () { var _this = this; if (!this.listener) { this.listener = function (ev) { if (_this.hwdbg) return; _this.handleMessage(, ev.source); }; window.addEventListener('message', this.listener, false); } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.resume = function (c) { var msg; switch (c) { case SimulatorDebuggerCommand.Resume: msg = 'resume'; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); break; case SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepInto: msg = 'stepinto'; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); break; case SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepOut: msg = 'stepout'; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); break; case SimulatorDebuggerCommand.StepOver: msg = 'stepover'; this.setState(SimulatorState.Running); break; case SimulatorDebuggerCommand.Pause: msg = 'pause'; break; default: console.debug('unknown command'); return; } this.postMessage({ type: 'debugger', subtype: msg }); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.setBreakpoints = function (breakPoints) { this.postDebuggerMessage("config", { setBreakpoints: breakPoints }); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.handleSimulatorCommand = function (msg) { if (this.options.onSimulatorCommand) this.options.onSimulatorCommand(msg); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.handleDebuggerMessage = function (msg) { console.log("DBG-MSG", msg.subtype, msg); switch (msg.subtype) { case "warning": if (this.options.onDebuggerWarning) this.options.onDebuggerWarning(msg); break; case "breakpoint": var brk = msg; if (this.state == SimulatorState.Running) { if (brk.exceptionMessage) this.stop(); else this.setState(SimulatorState.Paused); if (this.options.onDebuggerBreakpoint) this.options.onDebuggerBreakpoint(brk); } else { console.error("debugger: trying to pause from " + this.state); } break; } }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.postDebuggerMessage = function (subtype, data) { if (data === void 0) { data = {}; } var msg = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); msg.type = "debugger"; msg.subtype = subtype; this.postMessage(msg); }; SimulatorDriver.prototype.nextId = function () { return this.nextFrameId++ + (Math.random() + '' + Math.random()).replace(/[^\d]/, ''); }; return SimulatorDriver; }()); pxsim.SimulatorDriver = SimulatorDriver; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { ; ; function mkRange(a, b) { var res = []; for (; a < b; a++) res.push(a); return res; } pxsim.mkRange = mkRange; function parseQueryString() { var qs =; var getQsVal = function (key) { return decodeURIComponent((qs.split(key + "=")[1] || "").split("&")[0] || ""); }; //.replace(/\+/g, " "); return getQsVal; } pxsim.parseQueryString = parseQueryString; var EventBus = (function () { function EventBus(runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; this.queues = {}; } EventBus.prototype.listen = function (id, evid, handler) { var k = id + ":" + evid; var queue = this.queues[k]; if (!queue) queue = this.queues[k] = new pxsim.EventQueue(this.runtime); queue.handler = handler; }; EventBus.prototype.queue = function (id, evid, value) { if (value === void 0) { value = 0; } var k = id + ":" + evid; var queue = this.queues[k]; if (queue) queue.push(value); }; return EventBus; }()); pxsim.EventBus = EventBus; var AnimationQueue = (function () { function AnimationQueue(runtime) { var _this = this; this.runtime = runtime; this.queue = []; this.process = function () { var top = _this.queue[0]; if (!top) return; if (_this.runtime.dead) return; runtime = _this.runtime; var res = top.frame(); runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); runtime.maybeUpdateDisplay(); if (res === false) { _this.queue.shift(); // if there is already something in the queue, start processing if (_this.queue[0]) { _this.queue[0].setTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(_this.process, _this.queue[0].interval); } // this may push additional stuff top.whenDone(false); } else { top.setTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(_this.process, top.interval); } }; } AnimationQueue.prototype.cancelAll = function () { var q = this.queue; this.queue = []; for (var _i = 0, q_1 = q; _i < q_1.length; _i++) { var a = q_1[_i]; a.whenDone(true); if (a.setTimeoutHandle) { clearTimeout(a.setTimeoutHandle); } } }; AnimationQueue.prototype.cancelCurrent = function () { var top = this.queue[0]; if (top) { this.queue.shift(); top.whenDone(true); if (top.setTimeoutHandle) { clearTimeout(top.setTimeoutHandle); } } }; AnimationQueue.prototype.enqueue = function (anim) { if (!anim.whenDone) anim.whenDone = function () { }; this.queue.push(anim); // we start processing when the queue goes from 0 to 1 if (this.queue.length == 1) this.process(); }; AnimationQueue.prototype.executeAsync = function (anim) { var _this = this; pxsim.U.assert(!anim.whenDone); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { anim.whenDone = resolve; _this.enqueue(anim); }); }; return AnimationQueue; }()); pxsim.AnimationQueue = AnimationQueue; var AudioContextManager; (function (AudioContextManager) { var _frequency = 0; var _context; // AudioContext var _vco; // OscillatorNode; var _vca; // GainNode; var _mute = false; //mute audio function context() { if (!_context) _context = freshContext(); return _context; } function freshContext() { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; if (window.AudioContext) { try { // this call my crash. // SyntaxError: audio resources unavailable for AudioContext construction return new window.AudioContext(); } catch (e) { } } return undefined; } function mute(mute) { _mute = mute; stop(); } AudioContextManager.mute = mute; function stop() { if (_vca) _vca.gain.value = 0; _frequency = 0; } AudioContextManager.stop = stop; function frequency() { return _frequency; } AudioContextManager.frequency = frequency; function tone(frequency, gain) { if (_mute) return; if (frequency <= 0) return; _frequency = frequency; var ctx = context(); if (!ctx) return; if (_vco) { _vco.stop(); _vco.disconnect(); _vco = undefined; } gain = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, gain)); try { _vco = ctx.createOscillator(); _vca = ctx.createGain(); _vco.type = 'triangle'; _vco.connect(_vca); _vca.connect(ctx.destination); _vca.gain.value = gain; _vco.start(0); } catch (e) { _vco = undefined; _vca = undefined; return; } _vco.frequency.value = frequency; _vca.gain.value = gain; } AudioContextManager.tone = tone; })(AudioContextManager = pxsim.AudioContextManager || (pxsim.AudioContextManager = {})); pxsim.pointerEvents = typeof window != "undefined" && !!window.PointerEvent ? { up: "pointerup", down: "pointerdown", move: "pointermove", leave: "pointerleave" } : { up: "mouseup", down: "mousedown", move: "mousemove", leave: "mouseleave" }; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { function translateEl(el, xy) { //TODO append translation instead of replacing the full transform pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { transform: "translate(" + xy[0] + " " + xy[1] + ")" }); } visuals.translateEl = translateEl; function composeSVG(opts) { var _a = [opts.el1, opts.el2], a = _a[0], b = _a[1]; pxsim.U.assert(a.x == 0 && a.y == 0 && b.x == 0 && b.y == 0, "el1 and el2 x,y offsets not supported"); var setXY = function (e, x, y) { return pxsim.svg.hydrate(e, { x: x, y: y }); }; var setWH = function (e, w, h) { if (w) pxsim.svg.hydrate(e, { width: w }); if (h) pxsim.svg.hydrate(e, { height: h }); }; var setWHpx = function (e, w, h) { return pxsim.svg.hydrate(e, { width: w + "px", height: h + "px" }); }; var scaleUnit = opts.scaleUnit2; var aScalar = opts.scaleUnit2 / opts.scaleUnit1; var bScalar = 1.0; var aw = a.w * aScalar; var ah = a.h * aScalar; setWHpx(a.el, aw, ah); var bw = b.w * bScalar; var bh = b.h * bScalar; setWHpx(b.el, bw, bh); var _b = opts.margin, mt = _b[0], mr = _b[1], mb = _b[2], ml = _b[3]; var mm = opts.middleMargin; var innerW = Math.max(aw, bw); var ax = mr + (innerW - aw) / 2.0; var ay = mt; setXY(a.el, ax, ay); var bx = mr + (innerW - bw) / 2.0; var by = ay + ah + mm; setXY(b.el, bx, by); var edges = [ay, ay + ah, by, by + bh]; var w = mr + innerW + ml; var h = mt + ah + mm + bh + mb; var host = pxsim.svg.elt("svg", { "version": "1.0", "viewBox": "0 0 " + w + " " + h, "class": "sim-bb", }); setWH(host, opts.maxWidth, opts.maxHeight); setXY(host, 0, 0); var under = pxsim.svg.child(host, "g"); host.appendChild(a.el); host.appendChild(b.el); var over = pxsim.svg.child(host, "g"); var toHostCoord1 = function (xy) { var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; return [x * aScalar + ax, y * aScalar + ay]; }; var toHostCoord2 = function (xy) { var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; return [x * bScalar + bx, y * bScalar + by]; }; return { under: under, over: over, host: host, edges: edges, scaleUnit: scaleUnit, toHostCoord1: toHostCoord1, toHostCoord2: toHostCoord2, }; } visuals.composeSVG = composeSVG; function mkScaleFn(originUnit, targetUnit) { return function (n) { return n * (targetUnit / originUnit); }; } visuals.mkScaleFn = mkScaleFn; function mkImageSVG(opts) { var scaleFn = mkScaleFn(opts.imageUnitDist, opts.targetUnitDist); var w = scaleFn(opts.width); var h = scaleFn(opts.height); var img = pxsim.svg.elt("image", { width: w, height: h }); var href = img.setAttributeNS('', 'href', "" + opts.image); return { el: img, w: w, h: h, x: 0, y: 0 }; } visuals.mkImageSVG = mkImageSVG; function findDistSqrd(a, b) { var x = a[0] - b[0]; var y = a[1] - b[1]; return x * x + y * y; } visuals.findDistSqrd = findDistSqrd; function findClosestCoordIdx(a, bs) { var dists = (b) { return findDistSqrd(a, b); }); var minIdx = dists.reduce(function (prevIdx, currDist, currIdx, arr) { return currDist < arr[prevIdx] ? currIdx : prevIdx; }, 0); return minIdx; } visuals.findClosestCoordIdx = findClosestCoordIdx; function mkTxt(cx, cy, size, rot, txt, txtXOffFactor, txtYOffFactor) { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("text"); //HACK: these constants (txtXOffFactor, txtYOffFactor) tweak the way this algorithm knows how to center the text txtXOffFactor = txtXOffFactor || -0.33333; txtYOffFactor = txtYOffFactor || 0.3; var xOff = txtXOffFactor * size * txt.length; var yOff = txtYOffFactor * size; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { style: "font-size:" + size + "px;", transform: "translate(" + cx + " " + cy + ") rotate(" + rot + ") translate(" + xOff + " " + yOff + ")" }); pxsim.svg.addClass(el, "noselect"); el.textContent = txt; return el; } visuals.mkTxt = mkTxt; visuals.GPIO_WIRE_COLORS = ["pink", "orange", "yellow", "green", "purple"]; visuals.WIRE_COLOR_MAP = { black: "#514f4d", white: "#fcfdfc", gray: "#acabab", purple: "#a772a1", blue: "#01a6e8", green: "#3cce73", yellow: "#ece600", orange: "#fdb262", red: "#f44f43", brown: "#c89764", pink: "#ff80fa" }; function mapWireColor(clr) { return visuals.WIRE_COLOR_MAP[clr] || clr; } visuals.mapWireColor = mapWireColor; ; visuals.PIN_DIST = 15; //expects rgb from 0,255, gives h in [0,360], s in [0, 100], l in [0, 100] function rgbToHsl(rgb) { var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2]; var _a = [r / 255, g / 255, b / 255], r$ = _a[0], g$ = _a[1], b$ = _a[2]; var cMin = Math.min(r$, g$, b$); var cMax = Math.max(r$, g$, b$); var cDelta = cMax - cMin; var h, s, l; var maxAndMin = cMax + cMin; //lum l = (maxAndMin / 2) * 100; if (cDelta === 0) s = h = 0; else { //hue if (cMax === r$) h = 60 * (((g$ - b$) / cDelta) % 6); else if (cMax === g$) h = 60 * (((b$ - r$) / cDelta) + 2); else if (cMax === b$) h = 60 * (((r$ - g$) / cDelta) + 4); //sat if (l > 50) s = 100 * (cDelta / (2 - maxAndMin)); else s = 100 * (cDelta / maxAndMin); } return [Math.floor(h), Math.floor(s), Math.floor(l)]; } visuals.rgbToHsl = rgbToHsl; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var svg; (function (svg_1) { function parseString(xml) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "image/svg+xml").querySelector("svg"); } svg_1.parseString = parseString; function toDataUri(xml) { return 'data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeURI(xml); } svg_1.toDataUri = toDataUri; var pt; function cursorPoint(pt, svg, evt) { pt.x = evt.clientX; pt.y = evt.clientY; return pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse()); } svg_1.cursorPoint = cursorPoint; function rotateElement(el, originX, originY, degrees) { el.setAttribute('transform', "translate(" + originX + "," + originY + ") rotate(" + (degrees + 90) + ") translate(" + -originX + "," + -originY + ")"); } svg_1.rotateElement = rotateElement; function addClass(el, cls) { if (el.classList) el.classList.add(cls); else if (el.className.baseVal.indexOf(cls) < 0) el.className.baseVal += ' ' + cls; } svg_1.addClass = addClass; function removeClass(el, cls) { if (el.classList) el.classList.remove(cls); else el.className.baseVal = el.className.baseVal.replace(cls, '').replace(/\s{2,}/, ' '); } svg_1.removeClass = removeClass; function hydrate(el, props) { for (var k in props) { if (k == "title") { svg.title(el, props[k]); } else el.setAttributeNS(null, k, props[k]); } } svg_1.hydrate = hydrate; function elt(name, props) { var el = document.createElementNS("", name); if (props) svg.hydrate(el, props); return el; } svg_1.elt = elt; function child(parent, name, props) { var el = svg.elt(name, props); parent.appendChild(el); return el; } svg_1.child = child; function mkPath(cls, data, title) { var p = { class: cls, d: data }; if (title) p["title"] = title; var el = svg.elt("path"); svg.hydrate(el, p); return el; } svg_1.mkPath = mkPath; function path(parent, cls, data, title) { var el = mkPath(cls, data, title); parent.appendChild(el); return el; } svg_1.path = path; function fill(el, c) { = c; } svg_1.fill = fill; function filter(el, c) { = c; } svg_1.filter = filter; function fills(els, c) { els.forEach(function (el) { return = c; }); } svg_1.fills = fills; function buttonEvents(el, move, start, stop) { var captured = false; el.addEventListener('mousedown', function (ev) { captured = true; if (start) start(ev); return true; }); el.addEventListener('mousemove', function (ev) { if (captured) { move(ev); ev.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; }); el.addEventListener('mouseup', function (ev) { captured = false; if (stop) stop(ev); }); el.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (ev) { captured = false; if (stop) stop(ev); }); } svg_1.buttonEvents = buttonEvents; function mkLinearGradient(id) { var gradient = svg.elt("linearGradient"); svg.hydrate(gradient, { id: id, x1: "0%", y1: "0%", x2: "0%", y2: "100%" }); var stop1 = svg.child(gradient, "stop", { offset: "0%" }); var stop2 = svg.child(gradient, "stop", { offset: "100%" }); var stop3 = svg.child(gradient, "stop", { offset: "100%" }); var stop4 = svg.child(gradient, "stop", { offset: "100%" }); return gradient; } svg_1.mkLinearGradient = mkLinearGradient; function linearGradient(defs, id) { var lg = mkLinearGradient(id); defs.appendChild(lg); return lg; } svg_1.linearGradient = linearGradient; function setGradientColors(lg, start, end) { if (!lg) return; lg.childNodes[0].style.stopColor = start; lg.childNodes[1].style.stopColor = start; lg.childNodes[2].style.stopColor = end; lg.childNodes[3].style.stopColor = end; } svg_1.setGradientColors = setGradientColors; function setGradientValue(lg, percent) { if (lg.childNodes[1].getAttribute("offset") != percent) { lg.childNodes[1].setAttribute("offset", percent); lg.childNodes[2].setAttribute("offset", percent); } } svg_1.setGradientValue = setGradientValue; function animate(el, cls) { svg.addClass(el, cls); var p = el.parentElement; if (p) { p.removeChild(el); p.appendChild(el); } } svg_1.animate = animate; function mkTitle(txt) { var t = svg.elt("title"); t.textContent = txt; return t; } svg_1.mkTitle = mkTitle; function title(el, txt) { var t = mkTitle(txt); el.appendChild(t); return t; } svg_1.title = title; function toHtmlColor(c) { var b = c & 0xFF; var g = (c >> 8) & 0xFF; var r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF; var a = (c >> 24) & 0xFF / 255; return "rgba(" + r + ", " + g + ", " + b + ", " + a + ")"; } svg_1.toHtmlColor = toHtmlColor; })(svg = pxsim.svg || (pxsim.svg = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var Button = (function () { function Button(id) { = id; } return Button; }()); pxsim.Button = Button; var ButtonPairState = (function () { function ButtonPairState(props) { this.props = props; this.usesButtonAB = false; this.aBtn = new Button(this.props.ID_BUTTON_A); this.bBtn = new Button(this.props.ID_BUTTON_B); this.abBtn = new Button(this.props.ID_BUTTON_AB); this.abBtn.virtual = true; } return ButtonPairState; }()); pxsim.ButtonPairState = ButtonPairState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var CompassState = (function () { function CompassState() { this.usesHeading = false; this.heading = 90; } return CompassState; }()); pxsim.CompassState = CompassState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { (function (PinFlags) { PinFlags[PinFlags["Unused"] = 0] = "Unused"; PinFlags[PinFlags["Digital"] = 1] = "Digital"; PinFlags[PinFlags["Analog"] = 2] = "Analog"; PinFlags[PinFlags["Input"] = 4] = "Input"; PinFlags[PinFlags["Output"] = 8] = "Output"; PinFlags[PinFlags["Touch"] = 16] = "Touch"; })(pxsim.PinFlags || (pxsim.PinFlags = {})); var PinFlags = pxsim.PinFlags; var Pin = (function () { function Pin(id) { = id; this.touched = false; this.value = 0; this.period = 0; this.servoAngle = 0; this.mode = PinFlags.Unused; this.pitch = false; this.pull = 0; // PullDown } Pin.prototype.digitalReadPin = function () { this.mode = PinFlags.Digital | PinFlags.Input; return this.value > 100 ? 1 : 0; }; Pin.prototype.digitalWritePin = function (value) { this.mode = PinFlags.Digital | PinFlags.Output; this.value = value > 0 ? 200 : 0; pxsim.runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }; Pin.prototype.setPull = function (pull) { this.pull = pull; }; Pin.prototype.analogReadPin = function () { this.mode = PinFlags.Analog | PinFlags.Input; return this.value || 0; }; Pin.prototype.analogWritePin = function (value) { this.mode = PinFlags.Analog | PinFlags.Output; this.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1023, value)); pxsim.runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }; Pin.prototype.analogSetPeriod = function (micros) { this.mode = PinFlags.Analog | PinFlags.Output; this.period = micros; pxsim.runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }; Pin.prototype.servoWritePin = function (value) { this.analogSetPeriod(20000); this.servoAngle = Math.max(0, Math.min(180, value)); pxsim.runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }; Pin.prototype.servoSetPulse = function (pinId, micros) { // TODO }; Pin.prototype.isTouched = function () { this.mode = PinFlags.Touch | PinFlags.Analog | PinFlags.Input; return this.touched; }; return Pin; }()); pxsim.Pin = Pin; var EdgeConnectorState = (function () { function EdgeConnectorState(props) { this.props = props; this.pins = (id) { return id != undefined ? new Pin(id) : null; }); } EdgeConnectorState.prototype.getPin = function (id) { return this.pins.filter(function (p) { return p && == id; })[0] || null; }; return EdgeConnectorState; }()); pxsim.EdgeConnectorState = EdgeConnectorState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var FileSystemState = (function () { function FileSystemState() { this.files = {}; } FileSystemState.prototype.append = function (file, content) { this.files[file] = (this.files[file] || "") + content; }; FileSystemState.prototype.remove = function (file) { delete this.files[file]; }; return FileSystemState; }()); pxsim.FileSystemState = FileSystemState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var LightSensorState = (function () { function LightSensorState() { this.usesLightLevel = false; this.lightLevel = 128; } return LightSensorState; }()); pxsim.LightSensorState = LightSensorState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { (function (NeoPixelMode) { NeoPixelMode[NeoPixelMode["RGB"] = 0] = "RGB"; NeoPixelMode[NeoPixelMode["RGBW"] = 1] = "RGBW"; })(pxsim.NeoPixelMode || (pxsim.NeoPixelMode = {})); var NeoPixelMode = pxsim.NeoPixelMode; ; var NeoPixelState = (function () { function NeoPixelState() { this.buffers = {}; this.colors = {}; this.dirty = {}; } NeoPixelState.prototype.updateBuffer = function (buffer, pin) { this.buffers[pin] = buffer; this.dirty[pin] = true; }; NeoPixelState.prototype.getColors = function (pin, mode) { var outColors = this.colors[pin] || (this.colors[pin] = []); if (this.dirty[pin]) { var buf = this.buffers[pin] || (this.buffers[pin] = []); this.readNeoPixelBuffer(buf, outColors, mode); this.dirty[pin] = false; } return outColors; }; NeoPixelState.prototype.readNeoPixelBuffer = function (inBuffer, outColors, mode) { var buf = inBuffer; var stride = mode === NeoPixelMode.RGBW ? 4 : 3; var pixelCount = Math.floor(buf.length / stride); for (var i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++) { // NOTE: for whatever reason, NeoPixels pack GRB not RGB var r = buf[i * stride + 1]; var g = buf[i * stride + 0]; var b = buf[i * stride + 2]; var w = 0; if (stride === 4) w = buf[i * stride + 3]; outColors[i] = [r, g, b, w]; } }; return NeoPixelState; }()); pxsim.NeoPixelState = NeoPixelState; })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { visuals.mkBoardView = function (opts) { var boardVis = opts.visual; return new visuals.GenericBoardSvg({ visualDef: boardVis, wireframe: opts.wireframe, }); }; var BoardHost = (function () { function BoardHost(view, opts) { var _this = this; = []; this.boardView = view; this.state = opts.state; var activeComponents = opts.partsList; this.useCrocClips = opts.boardDef.useCrocClips; var useBreadboard = 0 < activeComponents.length || opts.forceBreadboardLayout; if (useBreadboard) { this.breadboard = new visuals.Breadboard({ wireframe: opts.wireframe, }); var bMarg = opts.boardDef.marginWhenBreadboarding || [0, 0, 40, 0]; var composition = visuals.composeSVG({ el1: this.boardView.getView(), scaleUnit1: this.boardView.getPinDist(), el2: this.breadboard.getSVGAndSize(), scaleUnit2: this.breadboard.getPinDist(), margin: [bMarg[0], bMarg[1], 20, bMarg[3]], middleMargin: bMarg[2], maxWidth: opts.maxWidth, maxHeight: opts.maxHeight, }); var under = composition.under; var over = composition.over; this.view =; var edges = composition.edges; this.fromMBCoord = composition.toHostCoord1; this.fromBBCoord = composition.toHostCoord2; var pinDist = composition.scaleUnit; this.partGroup = over; this.partOverGroup = pxsim.svg.child(this.view, "g"); = pxsim.svg.child(this.view, "style", {}); this.defs = pxsim.svg.child(this.view, "defs", {}); this.wireFactory = new visuals.WireFactory(under, over, edges,, this.getLocCoord.bind(this)); var allocRes = pxsim.allocateDefinitions({ boardDef: opts.boardDef, partDefs: opts.partDefs, fnArgs: opts.fnArgs, getBBCoord: this.breadboard.getCoord.bind(this.breadboard), partsList: activeComponents, }); this.addAll(allocRes); if (!allocRes.requiresBreadboard && !opts.forceBreadboardRender) this.breadboard.hide(); } else { var el = this.boardView.getView().el; this.view = el; this.partGroup = pxsim.svg.child(this.view, "g"); this.partOverGroup = pxsim.svg.child(this.view, "g"); if (opts.maxWidth) pxsim.svg.hydrate(this.view, { width: opts.maxWidth }); if (opts.maxHeight) pxsim.svg.hydrate(this.view, { height: opts.maxHeight }); } this.state.updateSubscribers.push(function () { return _this.updateState(); }); } BoardHost.prototype.highlightBoardPin = function (pinNm) { this.boardView.highlightPin(pinNm); }; BoardHost.prototype.highlightBreadboardPin = function (rowCol) { this.breadboard.highlightLoc(rowCol); }; BoardHost.prototype.highlightWire = function (wire) { //TODO: move to wiring.ts //underboard wires wire.wires.forEach(function (e) { pxsim.svg.addClass(e, "highlight");["visibility"] = "visible"; }); //un greyed out pxsim.svg.addClass(wire.endG, "highlight"); }; BoardHost.prototype.getView = function () { return this.view; }; BoardHost.prototype.updateState = function () { (c) { return c.updateState(); }); }; BoardHost.prototype.getBBCoord = function (rowCol) { var bbCoord = this.breadboard.getCoord(rowCol); return this.fromBBCoord(bbCoord); }; BoardHost.prototype.getPinCoord = function (pin) { var boardCoord = this.boardView.getCoord(pin); pxsim.U.assert(!!boardCoord, "Unable to find coord for pin: " + pin); return this.fromMBCoord(boardCoord); }; BoardHost.prototype.getLocCoord = function (loc) { var coord; if (loc.type === "breadboard") { var rowCol = loc; coord = this.getBBCoord(rowCol); } else { var pinNm =; coord = this.getPinCoord(pinNm); } if (!coord) { console.error("Unknown location: " + name); return [0, 0]; } return coord; }; BoardHost.prototype.addPart = function (partInst) { var _this = this; var part = null; var colOffset = 0; if (partInst.simulationBehavior) { //TODO: seperate simulation behavior from builtin visual var builtinBehavior = partInst.simulationBehavior; var cnstr = this.state.builtinVisuals[builtinBehavior]; var stateFn = this.state.builtinParts[builtinBehavior]; part = cnstr(); part.init(this.state.bus, stateFn, this.view, partInst.params); } else { var vis = partInst.visual; part = new visuals.GenericPart(vis); }; this.partGroup.appendChild(part.element); if (part.overElement) this.partOverGroup.appendChild(part.overElement); if (part.defs) part.defs.forEach(function (d) { return _this.defs.appendChild(d); }); += || ""; var colIdx = partInst.startColumnIdx; var rowIdx = partInst.startRowIdx; var row = visuals.getRowName(rowIdx); var col = visuals.getColumnName(colIdx); var xOffset = partInst.bbFit.xOffset / partInst.visual.pinDistance; var yOffset = partInst.bbFit.yOffset / partInst.visual.pinDistance; var rowCol = { type: "breadboard", row: row, col: col, xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset }; var coord = this.getBBCoord(rowCol); part.moveToCoord(coord); var getCmpClass = function (type) { return ("sim-" + type + "-cmp"); }; var cls = getCmpClass(; pxsim.svg.addClass(part.element, cls); pxsim.svg.addClass(part.element, "sim-cmp"); part.updateTheme(); part.updateState(); return part; }; BoardHost.prototype.addWire = function (inst) { return this.wireFactory.addWire(inst.start, inst.end, inst.color, this.useCrocClips); }; BoardHost.prototype.addAll = function (allocRes) { var _this = this; allocRes.partsAndWires.forEach(function (pAndWs) { var part = pAndWs.part; if (part) _this.addPart(part); var wires = pAndWs.wires; if (wires) wires.forEach(function (w) { return _this.addWire(w); }); }); }; return BoardHost; }()); visuals.BoardHost = BoardHost; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { // The distance between the center of two pins. This is the constant on which everything else is based. var PIN_DIST = 15; // CSS styling for the breadboard var BLUE = "#1AA5D7"; var RED = "#DD4BA0"; var BREADBOARD_CSS = "\n /* bread board */\n .sim-bb-background {\n fill:#E0E0E0;\n }\n .sim-bb-pin {\n fill:#999;\n }\n .sim-bb-pin-hover {\n visibility: hidden;\n pointer-events: all;\n stroke-width: " + PIN_DIST / 2 + "px;\n stroke: transparent;\n fill: #777;\n }\n .sim-bb-pin-hover:hover {\n visibility: visible;\n fill:#444;\n }\n .sim-bb-group-wire {\n stroke: #999;\n stroke-width: " + PIN_DIST / 4 + "px;\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-bb-pin-group {\n pointer-events: all;\n }\n .sim-bb-label,\n .sim-bb-label-hover {\n font-family:\"Lucida Console\", Monaco, monospace;\n fill:#555;\n pointer-events: all;\n stroke-width: 0;\n cursor: default;\n }\n .sim-bb-label-hover {\n visibility: hidden;\n fill:#000;\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n .sim-bb-bar {\n stroke-width: 0;\n }\n .sim-bb-blue {\n fill:" + BLUE + ";\n stroke:" + BLUE + "\n }\n .sim-bb-red {\n fill:" + RED + ";\n stroke:" + RED + ";\n }\n .sim-bb-pin-group:hover .sim-bb-pin-hover,\n .sim-bb-pin-group:hover .sim-bb-group-wire,\n .sim-bb-pin-group:hover .sim-bb-label-hover {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n .sim-bb-pin-group:hover .sim-bb-label {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n /* outline mode */\n .sim-bb-outline .sim-bb-background {\n stroke-width: " + PIN_DIST / 7 + "px;\n fill: #FFF;\n stroke: #000;\n }\n .sim-bb-outline .sim-bb-mid-channel {\n fill: #FFF;\n stroke: #888;\n stroke-width: 2px;\n }\n /* grayed out */\n .grayed .sim-bb-background {\n stroke-width: " + PIN_DIST / 5 + "px;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-red,\n .grayed .sim-bb-blue {\n fill: #BBB;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-bar {\n fill: #FFF;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-pin {\n fill: #000;\n stroke: #FFF;\n stroke-width: 3px;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-label {\n fill: none;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-background {\n stroke-width: " + PIN_DIST / 2 + "px;\n stroke: #555;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-group-wire {\n stroke: #DDD;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-channel {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n /* highlighted */\n .sim-bb-label.highlight {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-bb-label-hover.highlight {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n .sim-bb-blue.highlight {\n fill:" + BLUE + ";\n }\n .sim-bb-red.highlight {\n fill:" + RED + ";\n }\n .sim-bb-bar.highlight {\n stroke-width: 0px;\n }\n "; // Pin rows and coluns visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS = 10; visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS = 30; var MID_ROW_GAPS = [4, 4]; var MID_ROW_AND_GAPS = visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS + MID_ROW_GAPS.length; var BAR_ROWS = 2; var BAR_COLS = 25; var POWER_ROWS = BAR_ROWS * 2; var POWER_COLS = BAR_COLS * 2; var BAR_COL_GAPS = [4, 9, 14, 19]; var BAR_COL_AND_GAPS = BAR_COLS + BAR_COL_GAPS.length; // Essential dimensions var WIDTH = PIN_DIST * (visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS + 3); var HEIGHT = PIN_DIST * (MID_ROW_AND_GAPS + POWER_ROWS + 5.5); var MID_RATIO = 2.0 / 3.0; var BAR_RATIO = (1.0 - MID_RATIO) * 0.5; var MID_HEIGHT = HEIGHT * MID_RATIO; var BAR_HEIGHT = HEIGHT * BAR_RATIO; // Pin grids var MID_GRID_WIDTH = (visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS - 1) * PIN_DIST; var MID_GRID_HEIGHT = (MID_ROW_AND_GAPS - 1) * PIN_DIST; var MID_GRID_X = (WIDTH - MID_GRID_WIDTH) / 2.0; var MID_GRID_Y = BAR_HEIGHT + (MID_HEIGHT - MID_GRID_HEIGHT) / 2.0; var BAR_GRID_HEIGHT = (BAR_ROWS - 1) * PIN_DIST; var BAR_GRID_WIDTH = (BAR_COL_AND_GAPS - 1) * PIN_DIST; var BAR_TOP_GRID_X = (WIDTH - BAR_GRID_WIDTH) / 2.0; var BAR_TOP_GRID_Y = (BAR_HEIGHT - BAR_GRID_HEIGHT) / 2.0; var BAR_BOT_GRID_X = BAR_TOP_GRID_X; var BAR_BOT_GRID_Y = BAR_TOP_GRID_Y + BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT; // Individual pins var PIN_HOVER_SCALAR = 1.3; var PIN_WIDTH = PIN_DIST / 2.5; var PIN_ROUNDING = PIN_DIST / 7.5; // Labels var PIN_LBL_SIZE = PIN_DIST * 0.7; var PIN_LBL_HOVER_SCALAR = 1.3; var PLUS_LBL_SIZE = PIN_DIST * 1.7; var MINUS_LBL_SIZE = PIN_DIST * 2; var POWER_LBL_OFFSET = PIN_DIST * 0.8; var MINUS_LBL_EXTRA_OFFSET = PIN_DIST * 0.07; var LBL_ROTATION = -90; // Channels var CHANNEL_HEIGHT = PIN_DIST * 1.0; var SMALL_CHANNEL_HEIGHT = PIN_DIST * 0.05; // Background var BACKGROUND_ROUNDING = PIN_DIST * 0.3; // Row and column helpers var alphabet = "abcdefghij".split("").reverse(); function getColumnName(colIdx) { return "" + (colIdx + 1); } visuals.getColumnName = getColumnName; ; function getRowName(rowIdx) { return alphabet[rowIdx]; } visuals.getRowName = getRowName; ; ; ; function mkGrid(opts) { var xOff = opts.xOffset || 0; var yOff = opts.yOffset || 0; var allPins = []; var grid = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var colIdxOffset = opts.colStartIdx || 0; var rowIdxOffset = opts.rowStartIdx || 0; var copyArr = function (arr) { return arr ? arr.slice(0, arr.length) : []; }; var removeAll = function (arr, e) { var res = 0; var idx; while (0 <= (idx = arr.indexOf(e))) { arr.splice(idx, 1); res += 1; } return res; }; var rowGaps = 0; var rowIdxsWithGap = copyArr(opts.rowIdxsWithGap); var _loop_3 = function(i) { var colGaps = 0; var colIdxsWithGap = copyArr(opts.colIdxsWithGap); var cy = yOff + i * opts.pinDist + rowGaps * opts.pinDist; var rowIdx = i + rowIdxOffset; var _loop_4 = function(j) { var cx = xOff + j * opts.pinDist + colGaps * opts.pinDist; var colIdx = j + colIdxOffset; var addEl = function (pin) { var pinX = cx - pin.w * 0.5; var pinY = cy - pin.h * 0.5; pxsim.svg.hydrate(pin.el, { x: pinX, y: pinY }); grid.appendChild(pin.el); return pin.el; }; var el = addEl(opts.mkPin()); var hoverEl = addEl(opts.mkHoverPin()); var row = opts.getRowName(rowIdx); var col = opts.getColName(colIdx); var group = opts.getGroupName ? opts.getGroupName(rowIdx, colIdx) : null; var gridPin = { el: el, hoverEl: hoverEl, cx: cx, cy: cy, row: row, col: col, group: group }; allPins.push(gridPin); //column gaps colGaps += removeAll(colIdxsWithGap, colIdx); }; for (var j = 0; j < opts.colCount; j++) { _loop_4(j); } //row gaps rowGaps += removeAll(rowIdxsWithGap, rowIdx); }; for (var i = 0; i < opts.rowCount; i++) { _loop_3(i); } return { g: grid, allPins: allPins }; } visuals.mkGrid = mkGrid; function mkBBPin() { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var width = PIN_WIDTH; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-bb-pin", rx: PIN_ROUNDING, ry: PIN_ROUNDING, width: width, height: width }); return { el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0 }; } function mkBBHoverPin() { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var width = PIN_WIDTH * PIN_HOVER_SCALAR; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-bb-pin-hover", rx: PIN_ROUNDING, ry: PIN_ROUNDING, width: width, height: width, }); return { el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0 }; } ; function mkBBLabel(cx, cy, size, rotation, txt, group, extraClasses) { //lbl var el = visuals.mkTxt(cx, cy, size, rotation, txt); pxsim.svg.addClass(el, "sim-bb-label"); if (extraClasses) extraClasses.forEach(function (c) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(el, c); }); //hover lbl var hoverEl = visuals.mkTxt(cx, cy, size * PIN_LBL_HOVER_SCALAR, rotation, txt); pxsim.svg.addClass(hoverEl, "sim-bb-label-hover"); if (extraClasses) extraClasses.forEach(function (c) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(hoverEl, c); }); var lbl = { el: el, hoverEl: hoverEl, txt: txt, group: group }; return lbl; } ; var Breadboard = (function () { function Breadboard(opts) { //truth this.allPins = []; this.allLabels = []; this.allPowerBars = []; //quick lookup caches this.rowColToPin = {}; this.rowColToLbls = {}; this.buildDom(); if (opts.wireframe) pxsim.svg.addClass(, "sim-bb-outline"); } Breadboard.prototype.hide = function () { = 'none'; }; Breadboard.prototype.updateLocation = function (x, y) { pxsim.svg.hydrate(, { x: x + "px", y: y + "px", }); }; Breadboard.prototype.getPin = function (row, col) { var colToPin = this.rowColToPin[row]; if (!colToPin) return null; var pin = colToPin[col]; if (!pin) return null; return pin; }; Breadboard.prototype.getCoord = function (rowCol) { var row = rowCol.row, col = rowCol.col, xOffset = rowCol.xOffset, yOffset = rowCol.yOffset; var pin = this.getPin(row, col); if (!pin) return null; var xOff = (xOffset || 0) * PIN_DIST; var yOff = (yOffset || 0) * PIN_DIST; return [ + xOff, + yOff]; }; Breadboard.prototype.getPinDist = function () { return PIN_DIST; }; Breadboard.prototype.buildDom = function () { var _this = this; = pxsim.svg.elt("svg", { "version": "1.0", "viewBox": "0 0 " + WIDTH + " " + HEIGHT, "class": "sim-bb", "width": WIDTH + "px", "height": HEIGHT + "px", }); this.styleEl = pxsim.svg.child(, "style", {}); this.styleEl.textContent += BREADBOARD_CSS; this.defs = pxsim.svg.child(, "defs", {}); //background pxsim.svg.child(, "rect", { class: "sim-bb-background", width: WIDTH, height: HEIGHT, rx: BACKGROUND_ROUNDING, ry: BACKGROUND_ROUNDING }); //mid channel var channelGid = "sim-bb-channel-grad"; var channelGrad = pxsim.svg.elt("linearGradient"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(channelGrad, { id: channelGid, x1: "0%", y1: "0%", x2: "0%", y2: "100%" }); this.defs.appendChild(channelGrad); var channelDark = "#AAA"; var channelLight = "#CCC"; var stop1 = pxsim.svg.child(channelGrad, "stop", { offset: "0%", style: "stop-color: " + channelDark + ";" }); var stop2 = pxsim.svg.child(channelGrad, "stop", { offset: "20%", style: "stop-color: " + channelLight + ";" }); var stop3 = pxsim.svg.child(channelGrad, "stop", { offset: "80%", style: "stop-color: " + channelLight + ";" }); var stop4 = pxsim.svg.child(channelGrad, "stop", { offset: "100%", style: "stop-color: " + channelDark + ";" }); var mkChannel = function (cy, h, cls) { var channel = pxsim.svg.child(, "rect", { class: "sim-bb-channel " + (cls || ""), y: cy - h / 2, width: WIDTH, height: h }); channel.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + channelGid + ")"); return channel; }; mkChannel(BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT / 2, CHANNEL_HEIGHT, "sim-bb-mid-channel"); mkChannel(BAR_HEIGHT, SMALL_CHANNEL_HEIGHT, "sim-bb-sml-channel"); mkChannel(BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT, SMALL_CHANNEL_HEIGHT), "sim-bb-sml-channel"; //-----pins var getMidTopOrBot = function (rowIdx) { return rowIdx < visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS / 2.0 ? "b" : "t"; }; var getBarTopOrBot = function (colIdx) { return colIdx < POWER_COLS / 2.0 ? "b" : "t"; }; var getMidGroupName = function (rowIdx, colIdx) { var botOrTop = getMidTopOrBot(rowIdx); var colNm = getColumnName(colIdx); return "" + botOrTop + colNm; }; var getBarRowName = function (rowIdx) { return rowIdx === 0 ? "-" : "+"; }; var getBarGroupName = function (rowIdx, colIdx) { var botOrTop = getBarTopOrBot(colIdx); var rowName = getBarRowName(rowIdx); return "" + rowName + botOrTop; }; //mid grid var midGridRes = mkGrid({ xOffset: MID_GRID_X, yOffset: MID_GRID_Y, rowCount: visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS, colCount: visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS, pinDist: PIN_DIST, mkPin: mkBBPin, mkHoverPin: mkBBHoverPin, getRowName: getRowName, getColName: getColumnName, getGroupName: getMidGroupName, rowIdxsWithGap: MID_ROW_GAPS, }); var midGridG = midGridRes.g; this.allPins = this.allPins.concat(midGridRes.allPins); //bot bar var botBarGridRes = mkGrid({ xOffset: BAR_BOT_GRID_X, yOffset: BAR_BOT_GRID_Y, rowCount: BAR_ROWS, colCount: BAR_COLS, pinDist: PIN_DIST, mkPin: mkBBPin, mkHoverPin: mkBBHoverPin, getRowName: getBarRowName, getColName: getColumnName, getGroupName: getBarGroupName, colIdxsWithGap: BAR_COL_GAPS, }); var botBarGridG = botBarGridRes.g; this.allPins = this.allPins.concat(botBarGridRes.allPins); //top bar var topBarGridRes = mkGrid({ xOffset: BAR_TOP_GRID_X, yOffset: BAR_TOP_GRID_Y, rowCount: BAR_ROWS, colCount: BAR_COLS, colStartIdx: BAR_COLS, pinDist: PIN_DIST, mkPin: mkBBPin, mkHoverPin: mkBBHoverPin, getRowName: getBarRowName, getColName: getColumnName, getGroupName: getBarGroupName, colIdxsWithGap: (g) { return g + BAR_COLS; }), }); var topBarGridG = topBarGridRes.g; this.allPins = this.allPins.concat(topBarGridRes.allPins); //tooltip this.allPins.forEach(function (pin) { var el = pin.el, row = pin.row, col = pin.col, hoverEl = pin.hoverEl; var title = "(" + row + "," + col + ")"; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { title: title }); pxsim.svg.hydrate(hoverEl, { title: title }); }); //catalog pins this.allPins.forEach(function (pin) { var colToPin = _this.rowColToPin[pin.row]; if (!colToPin) colToPin = _this.rowColToPin[pin.row] = {}; colToPin[pin.col] = pin; }); //-----labels var mkBBLabelAtPin = function (row, col, xOffset, yOffset, txt, group) { var size = PIN_LBL_SIZE; var rotation = LBL_ROTATION; var loc = _this.getCoord({ type: "breadboard", row: row, col: col }); var cx = loc[0], cy = loc[1]; var t = mkBBLabel(cx + xOffset, cy + yOffset, size, rotation, txt, group); return t; }; //columns for (var colIdx = 0; colIdx < visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS; colIdx++) { var colNm = getColumnName(colIdx); //top var rowTIdx = 0; var rowTNm = getRowName(rowTIdx); var groupT = getMidGroupName(rowTIdx, colIdx); var lblT = mkBBLabelAtPin(rowTNm, colNm, 0, -PIN_DIST, colNm, groupT); this.allLabels.push(lblT); //bottom var rowBIdx = visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS - 1; var rowBNm = getRowName(rowBIdx); var groupB = getMidGroupName(rowBIdx, colIdx); var lblB = mkBBLabelAtPin(rowBNm, colNm, 0, +PIN_DIST, colNm, groupB); this.allLabels.push(lblB); } //rows for (var rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_ROWS; rowIdx++) { var rowNm = getRowName(rowIdx); //top var colTIdx = 0; var colTNm = getColumnName(colTIdx); var lblT = mkBBLabelAtPin(rowNm, colTNm, -PIN_DIST, 0, rowNm); this.allLabels.push(lblT); //top var colBIdx = visuals.BREADBOARD_MID_COLS - 1; var colBNm = getColumnName(colBIdx); var lblB = mkBBLabelAtPin(rowNm, colBNm, +PIN_DIST, 0, rowNm); this.allLabels.push(lblB); } //+- labels var botPowerLabels = [ //BL mkBBLabel(0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET + MINUS_LBL_EXTRA_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, MINUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "-", getBarGroupName(0, 0), ["sim-bb-blue"]), mkBBLabel(0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT + BAR_HEIGHT - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, PLUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "+", getBarGroupName(1, 0), ["sim-bb-red"]), //BR mkBBLabel(WIDTH - POWER_LBL_OFFSET + MINUS_LBL_EXTRA_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, MINUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "-", getBarGroupName(0, BAR_COLS - 1), ["sim-bb-blue"]), mkBBLabel(WIDTH - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT + MID_HEIGHT + BAR_HEIGHT - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, PLUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "+", getBarGroupName(1, BAR_COLS - 1), ["sim-bb-red"]), ]; this.allLabels = this.allLabels.concat(botPowerLabels); var topPowerLabels = [ //TL mkBBLabel(0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET + MINUS_LBL_EXTRA_OFFSET, 0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, MINUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "-", getBarGroupName(0, BAR_COLS), ["sim-bb-blue"]), mkBBLabel(0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, PLUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "+", getBarGroupName(1, BAR_COLS), ["sim-bb-red"]), //TR mkBBLabel(WIDTH - POWER_LBL_OFFSET + MINUS_LBL_EXTRA_OFFSET, 0 + POWER_LBL_OFFSET, MINUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "-", getBarGroupName(0, POWER_COLS - 1), ["sim-bb-blue"]), mkBBLabel(WIDTH - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, BAR_HEIGHT - POWER_LBL_OFFSET, PLUS_LBL_SIZE, LBL_ROTATION, "+", getBarGroupName(1, POWER_COLS - 1), ["sim-bb-red"]), ]; this.allLabels = this.allLabels.concat(topPowerLabels); //catalog lbls var lblNmToLbls = {}; this.allLabels.forEach(function (lbl) { var el = lbl.el, txt = lbl.txt; var lbls = lblNmToLbls[txt] = lblNmToLbls[txt] || []; lbls.push(lbl); }); var isPowerPin = function (pin) { return pin.row === "-" || pin.row === "+"; }; this.allPins.forEach(function (pin) { var row = pin.row, col = pin.col, group =; var colToLbls = _this.rowColToLbls[row] || (_this.rowColToLbls[row] = {}); var lbls = colToLbls[col] || (colToLbls[col] = []); if (isPowerPin(pin)) { //power pins var isBot = Number(col) <= BAR_COLS; if (isBot) botPowerLabels.filter(function (l) { return ==; }).forEach(function (l) { return lbls.push(l); }); else topPowerLabels.filter(function (l) { return ==; }).forEach(function (l) { return lbls.push(l); }); } else { //mid pins var rowLbls = lblNmToLbls[row]; rowLbls.forEach(function (l) { return lbls.push(l); }); var colLbls = lblNmToLbls[col]; colLbls.forEach(function (l) { return lbls.push(l); }); } }); //-----blue & red lines var lnLen = BAR_GRID_WIDTH + PIN_DIST * 1.5; var lnThickness = PIN_DIST / 5.0; var lnYOff = PIN_DIST * 0.6; var lnXOff = (lnLen - BAR_GRID_WIDTH) / 2.0; var mkPowerLine = function (x, y, group, cls) { var ln = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(ln, { class: "sim-bb-bar " + cls, x: x, y: y - lnThickness / 2.0, width: lnLen, height: lnThickness }); var bar = { el: ln, group: group }; return bar; }; var barLines = [ //top mkPowerLine(BAR_BOT_GRID_X - lnXOff, BAR_BOT_GRID_Y - lnYOff, getBarGroupName(0, POWER_COLS - 1), "sim-bb-blue"), mkPowerLine(BAR_BOT_GRID_X - lnXOff, BAR_BOT_GRID_Y + PIN_DIST + lnYOff, getBarGroupName(1, POWER_COLS - 1), "sim-bb-red"), //bot mkPowerLine(BAR_TOP_GRID_X - lnXOff, BAR_TOP_GRID_Y - lnYOff, getBarGroupName(0, 0), "sim-bb-blue"), mkPowerLine(BAR_TOP_GRID_X - lnXOff, BAR_TOP_GRID_Y + PIN_DIST + lnYOff, getBarGroupName(1, 0), "sim-bb-red"), ]; this.allPowerBars = this.allPowerBars.concat(barLines); //attach power bars this.allPowerBars.forEach(function (b) { return; }); //-----electrically connected groups //make groups var allGrpNms = (p) { return; }).filter(function (g, i, a) { return a.indexOf(g) == i; }); var groups = (grpNm) { var g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); return g; }); groups.forEach(function (g) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(g, "sim-bb-pin-group"); }); groups.forEach(function (g, i) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(g, "group-" + allGrpNms[i]); }); var grpNmToGroup = {}; allGrpNms.forEach(function (g, i) { return grpNmToGroup[g] = groups[i]; }); //group pins and add connecting wire var grpNmToPins = {}; this.allPins.forEach(function (p, i) { var g =; var pins = grpNmToPins[g] || (grpNmToPins[g] = []); pins.push(p); }); //connecting wire allGrpNms.forEach(function (grpNm) { var pins = grpNmToPins[grpNm]; var _a = [ (p) { return; }), (p) { return; })], xs = _a[0], ys = _a[1]; var minFn = function (arr) { return arr.reduce(function (a, b) { return a < b ? a : b; }); }; var maxFn = function (arr) { return arr.reduce(function (a, b) { return a > b ? a : b; }); }; var _b = [minFn(xs), maxFn(xs), minFn(ys), maxFn(ys)], minX = _b[0], maxX = _b[1], minY = _b[2], maxY = _b[3]; var wire = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var width = Math.max(maxX - minX, 0.0001 /*rects with no width aren't displayed*/); var height = Math.max(maxY - minY, 0.0001); pxsim.svg.hydrate(wire, { x: minX, y: minY, width: width, height: height }); pxsim.svg.addClass(wire, "sim-bb-group-wire"); var g = grpNmToGroup[grpNm]; g.appendChild(wire); }); //group pins this.allPins.forEach(function (p) { var g = grpNmToGroup[]; g.appendChild(p.el); g.appendChild(p.hoverEl); }); //group lbls var miscLblGroup = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(miscLblGroup, { class: "sim-bb-group-misc" }); groups.push(miscLblGroup); this.allLabels.forEach(function (l) { if ( { var g = grpNmToGroup[]; g.appendChild(l.el); g.appendChild(l.hoverEl); } else { miscLblGroup.appendChild(l.el); miscLblGroup.appendChild(l.hoverEl); } }); //attach to bb groups.forEach(function (g) { return; }); //attach to breadboard }; Breadboard.prototype.getSVGAndSize = function () { return { el:, y: 0, x: 0, w: WIDTH, h: HEIGHT }; }; Breadboard.prototype.highlightLoc = function (rowCol) { var row = rowCol.row, col = rowCol.col; var pin = this.rowColToPin[row][col]; var cx =, cy =; var lbls = this.rowColToLbls[row][col]; var highlightLbl = function (lbl) { pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl.el, "highlight"); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl.hoverEl, "highlight"); }; lbls.forEach(highlightLbl); }; return Breadboard; }()); visuals.Breadboard = Breadboard; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { function mkBtnSvg(xy) { var _a = ["sim-button", "sim-button-outer"], innerCls = _a[0], outerCls = _a[1]; var tabSize = visuals.PIN_DIST / 2.5; var pegR = visuals.PIN_DIST / 5; var btnR = visuals.PIN_DIST * .8; var pegMargin = visuals.PIN_DIST / 8; var plateR = visuals.PIN_DIST / 12; var pegOffset = pegMargin + pegR; var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; var left = x - tabSize / 2; var top = y - tabSize / 2; var plateH = 3 * visuals.PIN_DIST - tabSize; var plateW = 2 * visuals.PIN_DIST + tabSize; var plateL = left; var plateT = top + tabSize; var btnCX = plateL + plateW / 2; var btnCY = plateT + plateH / 2; var btng = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); //tabs var mkTab = function (x, y) { pxsim.svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: "sim-button-tab", x: x, y: y, width: tabSize, height: tabSize }); }; mkTab(left, top); mkTab(left + 2 * visuals.PIN_DIST, top); mkTab(left, top + 3 * visuals.PIN_DIST); mkTab(left + 2 * visuals.PIN_DIST, top + 3 * visuals.PIN_DIST); //plate pxsim.svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: outerCls, x: plateL, y: plateT, rx: plateR, ry: plateR, width: plateW, height: plateH }); //pegs var mkPeg = function (x, y) { pxsim.svg.child(btng, "circle", { class: "sim-button-nut", cx: x, cy: y, r: pegR }); }; mkPeg(plateL + pegOffset, plateT + pegOffset); mkPeg(plateL + plateW - pegOffset, plateT + pegOffset); mkPeg(plateL + pegOffset, plateT + plateH - pegOffset); mkPeg(plateL + plateW - pegOffset, plateT + plateH - pegOffset); //inner btn var innerBtn = pxsim.svg.child(btng, "circle", { class: innerCls, cx: btnCX, cy: btnCY, r: btnR }); //return return { el: btng, y: top, x: left, w: plateW, h: plateH + 2 * tabSize }; } visuals.mkBtnSvg = mkBtnSvg; visuals.BUTTON_PAIR_STYLE = "\n .sim-button {\n pointer-events: none;\n fill: #000;\n }\n .sim-button-outer:active ~ .sim-button,\n .sim-button-virtual:active {\n fill: #FFA500;\n }\n .sim-button-outer {\n cursor: pointer;\n fill: #979797;\n }\n .sim-button-outer:hover {\n stroke:gray;\n stroke-width: " + visuals.PIN_DIST / 5 + "px;\n }\n .sim-button-nut {\n fill:#000;\n pointer-events:none;\n }\n .sim-button-nut:hover {\n stroke:" + visuals.PIN_DIST / 15 + "px solid #704A4A;\n }\n .sim-button-tab {\n fill:#FFF;\n pointer-events:none;\n }\n .sim-button-virtual {\n cursor: pointer;\n fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);\n stroke: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);\n stroke-width: " + visuals.PIN_DIST / 5 + "px;\n }\n .sim-button-virtual:hover {\n stroke: rgba(128, 128, 128, 1);\n }\n .sim-text-virtual {\n fill: #000;\n pointer-events:none;\n }\n "; var ButtonPairView = (function () { function ButtonPairView() { = visuals.BUTTON_PAIR_STYLE; } ButtonPairView.prototype.init = function (bus, state) { this.state = state; this.bus = bus; this.defs = []; this.element = this.mkBtns(); this.updateState(); this.attachEvents(); }; ButtonPairView.prototype.moveToCoord = function (xy) { var btnWidth = visuals.PIN_DIST * 3; var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; visuals.translateEl(this.aBtn, [x, y]); visuals.translateEl(this.bBtn, [x + btnWidth, y]); visuals.translateEl(this.abBtn, [x + visuals.PIN_DIST * 1.5, y + visuals.PIN_DIST * 4]); }; ButtonPairView.prototype.updateState = function () { var stateBtns = [this.state.aBtn, this.state.bBtn, this.state.abBtn]; var svgBtns = [this.aBtn, this.bBtn, this.abBtn]; if (this.state.usesButtonAB && != "visible") { = "visible"; } }; ButtonPairView.prototype.updateTheme = function () { }; ButtonPairView.prototype.mkBtns = function () { this.aBtn = mkBtnSvg([0, 0]).el; this.bBtn = mkBtnSvg([0, 0]).el; var mkVirtualBtn = function () { var numPins = 2; var w = visuals.PIN_DIST * 2.8; var offset = (w - (numPins * visuals.PIN_DIST)) / 2; var corner = visuals.PIN_DIST / 2; var cx = 0 - offset + w / 2; var cy = cx; var txtSize = visuals.PIN_DIST * 1.3; var x = -offset; var y = -offset; var txtXOff = visuals.PIN_DIST / 7; var txtYOff = visuals.PIN_DIST / 10; var btng = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var btn = pxsim.svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: "sim-button-virtual", x: x, y: y, rx: corner, ry: corner, width: w, height: w }); var btnTxt = visuals.mkTxt(cx + txtXOff, cy + txtYOff, txtSize, 0, "A+B"); pxsim.svg.addClass(btnTxt, "sim-text"); pxsim.svg.addClass(btnTxt, "sim-text-virtual"); btng.appendChild(btnTxt); return btng; }; this.abBtn = mkVirtualBtn(); = "hidden"; var el = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); pxsim.svg.addClass(el, "sim-buttonpair"); el.appendChild(this.aBtn); el.appendChild(this.bBtn); el.appendChild(this.abBtn); return el; }; ButtonPairView.prototype.attachEvents = function () { var _this = this; var btnStates = [this.state.aBtn, this.state.bBtn]; var btnSvgs = [this.aBtn, this.bBtn]; btnSvgs.forEach(function (btn, index) { btn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.down, function (ev) { btnStates[index].pressed = true; }); btn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.leave, function (ev) { btnStates[index].pressed = false; }); btn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.up, function (ev) { btnStates[index].pressed = false; _this.bus.queue(btnStates[index].id, _this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_UP); _this.bus.queue(btnStates[index].id, _this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_CLICK); }); }); var updateBtns = function (s) { btnStates.forEach(function (b) { return b.pressed = s; }); }; this.abBtn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.down, function (ev) { updateBtns(true); }); this.abBtn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.leave, function (ev) { updateBtns(false); }); this.abBtn.addEventListener(pxsim.pointerEvents.up, function (ev) { updateBtns(false); _this.bus.queue(, _this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_UP); _this.bus.queue(, _this.state.props.BUTTON_EVT_CLICK); }); }; return ButtonPairView; }()); visuals.ButtonPairView = ButtonPairView; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); /// var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { visuals.BOARD_SYTLE = "\n .noselect {\n -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */\n -webkit-user-select: none; /* Chrome/Safari/Opera */\n -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror */\n -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */\n -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */\n user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently\n not supported by any browser */\n }\n\n .sim-board-pin {\n fill:#999;\n stroke:#000;\n stroke-width:" + visuals.PIN_DIST / 3.0 + "px;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl {\n fill: #333;\n }\n .gray-cover {\n fill:#FFF;\n opacity: 0.3;\n stroke-width:0;\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-hover {\n visibility: hidden;\n pointer-events: all;\n stroke-width:" + visuals.PIN_DIST / 6.0 + "px;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-hover:hover {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-lbl {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl {\n fill: #555;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover {\n fill: red;\n }\n .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover {\n fill: black;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl,\n .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover {\n font-family:\"Lucida Console\", Monaco, monospace;\n pointer-events: all;\n stroke-width: 0;\n }\n .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-hover:hover + .sim-board-pin-lbl,\n .sim-board-pin-lbl.highlight {\n visibility: hidden;\n }\n .sim-board-outline .sim-board-pin-hover:hover + * + .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover,\n .sim-board-pin-lbl-hover.highlight {\n visibility: visible;\n }\n /* Graying out */\n .grayed .sim-board-pin-lbl:not(.highlight) {\n fill: #AAA;\n }\n .grayed .sim-board-pin:not(.highlight) {\n fill:#BBB;\n stroke:#777;\n }\n .grayed .gray-cover {\n visibility: inherit;\n }\n .grayed .sim-cmp:not(.notgrayed) {\n opacity: 0.3;\n }\n /* Highlighting */\n .sim-board-pin-lbl.highlight {\n fill: #000;\n font-weight: bold;\n }\n .sim-board-pin.highlight {\n fill:#999;\n stroke:#000;\n }\n "; var PIN_LBL_SIZE = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.7; var PIN_LBL_HOVER_SIZE = PIN_LBL_SIZE * 1.5; var SQUARE_PIN_WIDTH = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.66666; var SQUARE_PIN_HOVER_WIDTH = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.66666 + visuals.PIN_DIST / 3.0; var nextBoardId = 0; var GenericBoardSvg = (function () { function GenericBoardSvg(props) { var _this = this; this.props = props; // pins & labels //(truth) this.allPins = []; this.allLabels = []; //(cache) this.pinNmToLbl = {}; this.pinNmToPin = {}; //TODO: handle wireframe mode = nextBoardId++; var visDef = props.visualDef; var imgHref = props.wireframe ? visDef.outlineImage : visDef.image; var boardImgAndSize = visuals.mkImageSVG({ image: imgHref, width: visDef.width, height: visDef.height, imageUnitDist: visDef.pinDist, targetUnitDist: visuals.PIN_DIST }); var scaleFn = visuals.mkScaleFn(visDef.pinDist, visuals.PIN_DIST); this.width = boardImgAndSize.w; this.height = boardImgAndSize.h; var img = boardImgAndSize.el; this.element = pxsim.svg.elt("svg"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(this.element, { "version": "1.0", "viewBox": "0 0 " + this.width + " " + this.height, "class": "sim sim-board-id-" +, "x": "0px", "y": "0px" }); if (props.wireframe) pxsim.svg.addClass(this.element, "sim-board-outline"); = pxsim.svg.child(this.element, "style", {}); += visuals.BOARD_SYTLE; this.defs = pxsim.svg.child(this.element, "defs", {}); this.g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); this.element.appendChild(this.g); // main board this.g.appendChild(img); this.background = img; pxsim.svg.hydrate(img, { class: "sim-board" }); var backgroundCover = this.mkGrayCover(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.g.appendChild(backgroundCover); // ----- pins var mkSquarePin = function () { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var width = SQUARE_PIN_WIDTH; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-board-pin", width: width, height: width, }); return { el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0 }; }; var mkSquareHoverPin = function () { var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var width = SQUARE_PIN_HOVER_WIDTH; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { class: "sim-board-pin-hover", width: width, height: width }); return { el: el, w: width, h: width, x: 0, y: 0 }; }; var mkPinBlockGrid = function (pinBlock, blockIdx) { var xOffset = scaleFn(pinBlock.x) + visuals.PIN_DIST / 2.0; var yOffset = scaleFn(pinBlock.y) + visuals.PIN_DIST / 2.0; var rowCount = 1; var colCount = pinBlock.labels.length; var getColName = function (colIdx) { return pinBlock.labels[colIdx]; }; var getRowName = function () { return ("" + (blockIdx + 1)); }; var getGroupName = function () { return pinBlock.labels.join(" "); }; var gridRes = visuals.mkGrid({ xOffset: xOffset, yOffset: yOffset, rowCount: rowCount, colCount: colCount, pinDist: visuals.PIN_DIST, mkPin: mkSquarePin, mkHoverPin: mkSquareHoverPin, getRowName: getRowName, getColName: getColName, getGroupName: getGroupName, }); var pins = gridRes.allPins; var pinsG = gridRes.g; pxsim.svg.addClass(gridRes.g, "sim-board-pin-group"); return gridRes; }; var pinBlocks =; var pinToBlockDef = []; pinBlocks.forEach(function (blk, blkIdx) { return blk.allPins.forEach(function (p, pIdx) { _this.allPins.push(p); pinToBlockDef.push(visDef.pinBlocks[blkIdx]); }); }); //tooltip this.allPins.forEach(function (p) { var tooltip = p.col; pxsim.svg.hydrate(p.el, { title: tooltip }); pxsim.svg.hydrate(p.hoverEl, { title: tooltip }); }); //catalog pins this.allPins.forEach(function (p) { _this.pinNmToPin[p.col] = p; }); // ----- labels var mkLabelTxtEl = function (pinX, pinY, size, txt, pos) { //TODO: extract constants var lblY; var lblX; if (pos === "below") { var lblLen = size * 0.25 * txt.length; lblX = pinX; lblY = pinY + 12 + lblLen; } else { var lblLen = size * 0.32 * txt.length; lblX = pinX; lblY = pinY - 11 - lblLen; } var el = visuals.mkTxt(lblX, lblY, size, -90, txt); return el; }; var mkLabel = function (pinX, pinY, txt, pos) { var el = mkLabelTxtEl(pinX, pinY, PIN_LBL_SIZE, txt, pos); pxsim.svg.addClass(el, "sim-board-pin-lbl"); var hoverEl = mkLabelTxtEl(pinX, pinY, PIN_LBL_HOVER_SIZE, txt, pos); pxsim.svg.addClass(hoverEl, "sim-board-pin-lbl-hover"); var label = { el: el, hoverEl: hoverEl, txt: txt }; return label; }; this.allLabels = (p, pIdx) { var blk = pinToBlockDef[pIdx]; return mkLabel(,, p.col, blk.labelPosition); }); //catalog labels this.allPins.forEach(function (pin, pinIdx) { var lbl = _this.allLabels[pinIdx]; _this.pinNmToLbl[pin.col] = lbl; }); //attach pins & labels this.allPins.forEach(function (p, idx) { var lbl = _this.allLabels[idx]; //pins and labels must be adjacent for hover CSS _this.g.appendChild(p.el); _this.g.appendChild(p.hoverEl); _this.g.appendChild(lbl.el); _this.g.appendChild(lbl.hoverEl); }); } GenericBoardSvg.prototype.getCoord = function (pinNm) { var pin = this.pinNmToPin[pinNm]; if (!pin) return null; return [,]; }; GenericBoardSvg.prototype.mkGrayCover = function (x, y, w, h) { var rect = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); pxsim.svg.hydrate(rect, { x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, class: "gray-cover" }); return rect; }; GenericBoardSvg.prototype.getView = function () { return { el: this.element, w: this.width, h: this.height, x: 0, y: 0 }; }; GenericBoardSvg.prototype.getPinDist = function () { return visuals.PIN_DIST; }; GenericBoardSvg.prototype.highlightPin = function (pinNm) { var lbl = this.pinNmToLbl[pinNm]; var pin = this.pinNmToPin[pinNm]; if (lbl && pin) { pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl.el, "highlight"); pxsim.svg.addClass(lbl.hoverEl, "highlight"); pxsim.svg.addClass(pin.el, "highlight"); pxsim.svg.addClass(pin.hoverEl, "highlight"); } }; return GenericBoardSvg; }()); visuals.GenericBoardSvg = GenericBoardSvg; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { function mkGenericPartSVG(partVisual) { var imgAndSize = visuals.mkImageSVG({ image: partVisual.image, width: partVisual.width, height: partVisual.height, imageUnitDist: partVisual.pinDistance, targetUnitDist: visuals.PIN_DIST }); return imgAndSize; } visuals.mkGenericPartSVG = mkGenericPartSVG; var GenericPart = (function () { function GenericPart(partVisual) { = ""; this.defs = []; var imgAndSize = mkGenericPartSVG(partVisual); var img = imgAndSize.el; this.element = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); this.element.appendChild(img); } GenericPart.prototype.moveToCoord = function (xy) { visuals.translateEl(this.element, xy); }; //unused GenericPart.prototype.init = function (bus, state, svgEl) { }; GenericPart.prototype.updateState = function () { }; GenericPart.prototype.updateTheme = function () { }; return GenericPart; }()); visuals.GenericPart = GenericPart; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { function mkMicroServoPart(xy) { if (xy === void 0) { xy = [0, 0]; } // TODO return { el: null, y: 0, x: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }; } visuals.mkMicroServoPart = mkMicroServoPart; var MicroServoView = (function () { function MicroServoView() { = ""; this.overElement = undefined; this.defs = []; this.currentAngle = 0; this.targetAngle = 0; this.lastAngleTime = 0; } MicroServoView.prototype.init = function (bus, state, svgEl, otherParams) { this.state = state; = this.state.props.servos[pxsim.readPin(otherParams["name"] || otherParams["pin"])]; this.bus = bus; this.defs = []; this.initDom(); this.updateState(); }; MicroServoView.prototype.initDom = function () { this.element = pxsim.svg.parseString("\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ").firstElementChild; this.crankEl = this.element.querySelector("#crank"); this.crankTransform = this.crankEl.getAttribute("transform"); }; MicroServoView.prototype.moveToCoord = function (xy) { var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; visuals.translateEl(this.element, [x, y]); }; MicroServoView.prototype.updateState = function () { this.targetAngle = this.state.getPin(; if (this.targetAngle != this.currentAngle) { var now =; var cx = 56.661; var cy = 899.475; var speed = 300; // 0.1s/60 degree var dt = Math.min(now - this.lastAngleTime, 50) / 1000; var delta = this.targetAngle - this.currentAngle; this.currentAngle += Math.min(Math.abs(delta), speed * dt) * (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1); this.crankEl.setAttribute("transform", this.crankTransform + (" rotate(" + this.currentAngle + ", " + cx + ", " + cy + ")")); this.lastAngleTime = now; setTimeout(function () { return pxsim.runtime.updateDisplay(); }, 20); } }; MicroServoView.prototype.updateTheme = function () { }; return MicroServoView; }()); visuals.MicroServoView = MicroServoView; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {})); var pxsim; (function (pxsim) { var visuals; (function (visuals) { var WIRE_WIDTH = visuals.PIN_DIST / 2.5; var BB_WIRE_SMOOTH = 0.7; var INSTR_WIRE_SMOOTH = 0.8; var WIRE_PART_CURVE_OFF = 15; var WIRE_PART_LENGTH = 100; visuals.WIRES_CSS = "\n .sim-bb-wire {\n fill:none;\n stroke-linecap: round;\n stroke-width:" + WIRE_WIDTH + "px;\n pointer-events: none;\n }\n .sim-bb-wire-end {\n stroke:#333;\n fill:#333;\n }\n .sim-bb-wire-bare-end {\n fill: #ccc;\n }\n .sim-bb-wire-hover {\n stroke-width: " + WIRE_WIDTH + "px;\n visibility: hidden;\n stroke-dasharray: " + visuals.PIN_DIST / 10.0 + "," + visuals.PIN_DIST / 1.5 + ";\n /*stroke-opacity: 0.4;*/\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-wire-ends-g:not(.highlight) .sim-bb-wire-end {\n stroke: #777;\n fill: #777;\n }\n .grayed .sim-bb-wire:not(.highlight) {\n stroke: #CCC;\n }\n .sim-bb-wire-ends-g:hover .sim-bb-wire-end {\n stroke: red;\n fill: red;\n }\n .sim-bb-wire-ends-g:hover .sim-bb-wire-bare-end {\n stroke: #FFF;\n fill: #FFF;\n }\n "; function cssEncodeColor(color) { //HACK/TODO: do real CSS encoding. return color .replace(/\#/g, "-") .replace(/\(/g, "-") .replace(/\)/g, "-") .replace(/\,/g, "-") .replace(/\./g, "-") .replace(/\s/g, ""); } (function (WireEndStyle) { WireEndStyle[WireEndStyle["BBJumper"] = 0] = "BBJumper"; WireEndStyle[WireEndStyle["OpenJumper"] = 1] = "OpenJumper"; WireEndStyle[WireEndStyle["Croc"] = 2] = "Croc"; })(visuals.WireEndStyle || (visuals.WireEndStyle = {})); var WireEndStyle = visuals.WireEndStyle; function mkWirePart(cp, clr, croc) { if (croc === void 0) { croc = false; } var g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var cx = cp[0], cy = cp[1]; var offset = WIRE_PART_CURVE_OFF; var p1 = [cx - offset, cy - WIRE_PART_LENGTH / 2]; var p2 = [cx + offset, cy + WIRE_PART_LENGTH / 2]; clr = visuals.mapWireColor(clr); var e1; if (croc) e1 = mkCrocEnd(p1, true, clr); else e1 = mkOpenJumperEnd(p1, true, clr); var s = mkWirePartSeg(p1, p2, clr); var e2 = mkOpenJumperEnd(p2, false, clr); g.appendChild(s.el); g.appendChild(e1.el); g.appendChild(e2.el); var l = Math.min(e1.x, e2.x); var r = Math.max(e1.x + e1.w, e2.x + e2.w); var t = Math.min(e1.y, e2.y); var b = Math.max(e1.y + e1.h, e2.y + e2.h); return { el: g, x: l, y: t, w: r - l, h: b - t }; } visuals.mkWirePart = mkWirePart; function mkCurvedWireSeg(p1, p2, smooth, clrClass) { var coordStr = function (xy) { return xy[0] + ", " + xy[1]; }; var x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1]; var x2 = p2[0], y2 = p2[1]; var yLen = (y2 - y1); var c1 = [x1, y1 + yLen * smooth]; var c2 = [x2, y2 - yLen * smooth]; var w = pxsim.svg.mkPath("sim-bb-wire", "M" + coordStr(p1) + " C" + coordStr(c1) + " " + coordStr(c2) + " " + coordStr(p2)); pxsim.svg.addClass(w, "wire-stroke-" + clrClass); return w; } function mkWirePartSeg(p1, p2, clr) { //TODO: merge with mkCurvedWireSeg var coordStr = function (xy) { return xy[0] + ", " + xy[1]; }; var x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1]; var x2 = p2[0], y2 = p2[1]; var yLen = (y2 - y1); var c1 = [x1, y1 + yLen * .8]; var c2 = [x2, y2 - yLen * .8]; var e = pxsim.svg.mkPath("sim-bb-wire", "M" + coordStr(p1) + " C" + coordStr(c1) + " " + coordStr(c2) + " " + coordStr(p2));["stroke"] = clr; return { el: e, x: Math.min(x1, x2), y: Math.min(y1, y2), w: Math.abs(x1 - x2), h: Math.abs(y1 - y2) }; } function mkWireSeg(p1, p2, clrClass) { var coordStr = function (xy) { return xy[0] + ", " + xy[1]; }; var w = pxsim.svg.mkPath("sim-bb-wire", "M" + coordStr(p1) + " L" + coordStr(p2)); pxsim.svg.addClass(w, "wire-stroke-" + clrClass); return w; } function mkBBJumperEnd(p, clrClass) { var endW = visuals.PIN_DIST / 4; var w = pxsim.svg.elt("circle"); var x = p[0]; var y = p[1]; var r = WIRE_WIDTH / 2 + endW / 2; pxsim.svg.hydrate(w, { cx: x, cy: y, r: r, class: "sim-bb-wire-end" }); pxsim.svg.addClass(w, "wire-fill-" + clrClass);["stroke-width"] = endW + "px"; return w; } function mkOpenJumperEnd(p, top, clr) { var k = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.24; var plasticLength = k * 10; var plasticWidth = k * 2; var metalLength = k * 6; var metalWidth = k; var strokeWidth = visuals.PIN_DIST / 4.0; var cx = p[0], cy = p[1]; var o = top ? -1 : 1; var g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var h1 = plasticLength; var w1 = plasticWidth; var x1 = cx - w1 / 2; var y1 = cy - (h1 / 2); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { x: x1, y: y1, width: w1, height: h1, rx: 0.5, ry: 0.5, class: "sim-bb-wire-end" });["stroke-width"] = strokeWidth + "px"; var el2 = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var h2 = metalLength; var w2 = metalWidth; var cy2 = cy + o * (h1 / 2 + h2 / 2); var x2 = cx - w2 / 2; var y2 = cy2 - (h2 / 2); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el2, { x: x2, y: y2, width: w2, height: h2, class: "sim-bb-wire-bare-end" });["fill"] = "#bbb"; g.appendChild(el2); g.appendChild(el); return { el: g, x: x1 - strokeWidth, y: Math.min(y1, y2), w: w1 + strokeWidth * 2, h: h1 + h2 }; } function mkSmallMBPinEnd(p, top, clr) { //HACK //TODO: merge with mkOpenJumperEnd() var k = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.24; var plasticLength = k * 4; var plasticWidth = k * 1.2; var metalLength = k * 10; var metalWidth = k; var strokeWidth = visuals.PIN_DIST / 4.0; var cx = p[0], cy = p[1]; var yOffset = 10; var o = top ? -1 : 1; var g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var el = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var h1 = plasticLength; var w1 = plasticWidth; var x1 = cx - w1 / 2; var y1 = cy + yOffset - (h1 / 2); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { x: x1, y: y1, width: w1, height: h1, rx: 0.5, ry: 0.5, class: "sim-bb-wire-end" });["stroke-width"] = strokeWidth + "px"; var el2 = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var h2 = metalLength; var w2 = metalWidth; var cy2 = cy + yOffset + o * (h1 / 2 + h2 / 2); var x2 = cx - w2 / 2; var y2 = cy2 - (h2 / 2); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el2, { x: x2, y: y2, width: w2, height: h2, class: "sim-bb-wire-bare-end" });["fill"] = "#bbb"; g.appendChild(el2); g.appendChild(el); return { el: g, x: x1 - strokeWidth, y: Math.min(y1, y2), w: w1 + strokeWidth * 2, h: h1 + h2 }; } function mkCrocEnd(p, top, clr) { //TODO: merge with mkOpenJumperEnd() var k = visuals.PIN_DIST * 0.24; var plasticWidth = k * 4; var plasticLength = k * 10.0; var metalWidth = k * 3.5; var metalHeight = k * 3.5; var pointScalar = .15; var baseScalar = .3; var taperScalar = .7; var strokeWidth = visuals.PIN_DIST / 4.0; var cx = p[0], cy = p[1]; var o = top ? -1 : 1; var g = pxsim.svg.elt("g"); var el = pxsim.svg.elt("polygon"); var h1 = plasticLength; var w1 = plasticWidth; var x1 = cx - w1 / 2; var y1 = cy - (h1 / 2); var mkPnt = function (xy) { return (xy[0] + "," + xy[1]); }; var mkPnts = function () { var xys = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { xys[_i - 0] = arguments[_i]; } return (xy) { return mkPnt(xy); }).join(" "); }; var topScalar = top ? pointScalar : baseScalar; var midScalar = top ? taperScalar : (1 - taperScalar); var botScalar = top ? baseScalar : pointScalar; pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { points: mkPnts([x1 + w1 * topScalar, y1], //TL [x1 + w1 * (1 - topScalar), y1], //TR [x1 + w1, y1 + h1 * midScalar], //MR [x1 + w1 * (1 - botScalar), y1 + h1], //BR [x1 + w1 * botScalar, y1 + h1], //BL [x1, y1 + h1 * midScalar]) //ML }); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el, { rx: 0.5, ry: 0.5, class: "sim-bb-wire-end" });["stroke-width"] = strokeWidth + "px"; var el2 = pxsim.svg.elt("rect"); var h2 = metalWidth; var w2 = metalHeight; var cy2 = cy + o * (h1 / 2 + h2 / 2); var x2 = cx - w2 / 2; var y2 = cy2 - (h2 / 2); pxsim.svg.hydrate(el2, { x: x2, y: y2, width: w2, height: h2, class: "sim-bb-wire-bare-end" }); g.appendChild(el2); g.appendChild(el); return { el: g, x: x1 - strokeWidth, y: Math.min(y1, y2), w: w1 + strokeWidth * 2, h: h1 + h2 }; } //TODO: make this stupid class obsolete var WireFactory = (function () { function WireFactory(underboard, overboard, boardEdges, styleEl, getLocCoord) { this.nextWireId = 0; this.styleEl = styleEl; this.styleEl.textContent += visuals.WIRES_CSS; this.underboard = underboard; this.overboard = overboard; this.boardEdges = boardEdges; this.getLocCoord = getLocCoord; } WireFactory.prototype.indexOfMin = function (vs) { var minIdx = 0; var min = vs[0]; for (var i = 1; i < vs.length; i++) { if (vs[i] < min) { min = vs[i]; minIdx = i; } } return minIdx; }; WireFactory.prototype.closestEdgeIdx = function (p) { var dists = (e) { return Math.abs(p[1] - e); }); var edgeIdx = this.indexOfMin(dists); return edgeIdx; }; WireFactory.prototype.closestEdge = function (p) { return this.boardEdges[this.closestEdgeIdx(p)]; }; WireFactory.prototype.drawWire = function (pin1, pin2, color) { var _this = this; var wires = []; var g = pxsim.svg.child(this.overboard, "g", { class: "sim-bb-wire-group" }); var closestPointOffBoard = function (p) { var offset = visuals.PIN_DIST / 2; var e = _this.closestEdge(p); var y; if (e - p[1] < 0) y = e - offset; else y = e + offset; return [p[0], y]; }; var wireId = this.nextWireId++; var clrClass = cssEncodeColor(color); var end1 = mkBBJumperEnd(pin1, clrClass); var end2 = mkBBJumperEnd(pin2, clrClass); var endG = pxsim.svg.child(g, "g", { class: "sim-bb-wire-ends-g" }); endG.appendChild(end1); endG.appendChild(end2); var edgeIdx1 = this.closestEdgeIdx(pin1); var edgeIdx2 = this.closestEdgeIdx(pin2); if (edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx2) { var seg = mkWireSeg(pin1, pin2, clrClass); g.appendChild(seg); wires.push(seg); } else { var offP1 = closestPointOffBoard(pin1); var offP2 = closestPointOffBoard(pin2); var offSeg1 = mkWireSeg(pin1, offP1, clrClass); var offSeg2 = mkWireSeg(pin2, offP2, clrClass); var midSeg = void 0; var midSegHover = void 0; var isBetweenMiddleTwoEdges = (edgeIdx1 == 1 || edgeIdx1 == 2) && (edgeIdx2 == 1 || edgeIdx2 == 2); if (isBetweenMiddleTwoEdges) { midSeg = mkCurvedWireSeg(offP1, offP2, BB_WIRE_SMOOTH, clrClass); midSegHover = mkCurvedWireSeg(offP1, offP2, BB_WIRE_SMOOTH, clrClass); } else { midSeg = mkWireSeg(offP1, offP2, clrClass); midSegHover = mkWireSeg(offP1, offP2, clrClass); } pxsim.svg.addClass(midSegHover, "sim-bb-wire-hover"); g.appendChild(offSeg1); wires.push(offSeg1); g.appendChild(offSeg2); wires.push(offSeg2); this.underboard.appendChild(midSeg); wires.push(midSeg); g.appendChild(midSegHover); wires.push(midSegHover); //set hover mechanism var wireIdClass_1 = "sim-bb-wire-id-" + wireId; var setId = function (e) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(e, wireIdClass_1); }; setId(endG); setId(midSegHover); this.styleEl.textContent += "\n ." + wireIdClass_1 + ":hover ~ ." + wireIdClass_1 + ".sim-bb-wire-hover {\n visibility: visible;\n }"; } // wire colors var colorCSS = "\n .wire-stroke-" + clrClass + " {\n stroke: " + visuals.mapWireColor(color) + ";\n }\n .wire-fill-" + clrClass + " {\n fill: " + visuals.mapWireColor(color) + ";\n }\n "; this.styleEl.textContent += colorCSS; return { endG: endG, end1: end1, end2: end2, wires: wires }; }; WireFactory.prototype.drawWireWithCrocs = function (pin1, pin2, color, smallPin) { var _this = this; if (smallPin === void 0) { smallPin = false; } //TODO: merge with drawWire() var PIN_Y_OFF = 40; var CROC_Y_OFF = -17; var wires = []; var g = pxsim.svg.child(this.overboard, "g", { class: "sim-bb-wire-group" }); var closestPointOffBoard = function (p) { var offset = visuals.PIN_DIST / 2; var e = _this.closestEdge(p); var y; if (e - p[1] < 0) y = e - offset; else y = e + offset; return [p[0], y]; }; var wireId = this.nextWireId++; var clrClass = cssEncodeColor(color); var end1 = mkBBJumperEnd(pin1, clrClass); var pin2orig = pin2; var x2 = pin2[0], y2 = pin2[1]; pin2 = [x2, y2 + PIN_Y_OFF]; //HACK x2 = pin2[0], y2 = pin2[1]; var endCoord2 = [x2, y2 + CROC_Y_OFF]; var end2AndSize; if (smallPin) end2AndSize = mkSmallMBPinEnd(endCoord2, true, color); else end2AndSize = mkCrocEnd(endCoord2, true, color); var end2 = end2AndSize.el; var endG = pxsim.svg.child(g, "g", { class: "sim-bb-wire-ends-g" }); endG.appendChild(end1); //endG.appendChild(end2); var edgeIdx1 = this.closestEdgeIdx(pin1); var edgeIdx2 = this.closestEdgeIdx(pin2orig); if (edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx2) { var seg = mkWireSeg(pin1, pin2, clrClass); g.appendChild(seg); wires.push(seg); } else { var offP1 = closestPointOffBoard(pin1); //let offP2 = closestPointOffBoard(pin2orig); var offSeg1 = mkWireSeg(pin1, offP1, clrClass); //let offSeg2 = mkWireSeg(pin2, offP2, clrClass); var midSeg = void 0; var midSegHover = void 0; var isBetweenMiddleTwoEdges = (edgeIdx1 == 1 || edgeIdx1 == 2) && (edgeIdx2 == 1 || edgeIdx2 == 2); if (isBetweenMiddleTwoEdges) { midSeg = mkCurvedWireSeg(offP1, pin2, BB_WIRE_SMOOTH, clrClass); midSegHover = mkCurvedWireSeg(offP1, pin2, BB_WIRE_SMOOTH, clrClass); } else { midSeg = mkWireSeg(offP1, pin2, clrClass); midSegHover = mkWireSeg(offP1, pin2, clrClass); } pxsim.svg.addClass(midSegHover, "sim-bb-wire-hover"); g.appendChild(offSeg1); wires.push(offSeg1); // g.appendChild(offSeg2); // wires.push(offSeg2); this.underboard.appendChild(midSeg); wires.push(midSeg); //g.appendChild(midSegHover); //wires.push(midSegHover); //set hover mechanism var wireIdClass_2 = "sim-bb-wire-id-" + wireId; var setId = function (e) { return pxsim.svg.addClass(e, wireIdClass_2); }; setId(endG); setId(midSegHover); this.styleEl.textContent += "\n ." + wireIdClass_2 + ":hover ~ ." + wireIdClass_2 + ".sim-bb-wire-hover {\n visibility: visible;\n }"; } endG.appendChild(end2); //HACK // wire colors var colorCSS = "\n .wire-stroke-" + clrClass + " {\n stroke: " + visuals.mapWireColor(color) + ";\n }\n .wire-fill-" + clrClass + " {\n fill: " + visuals.mapWireColor(color) + ";\n }\n "; this.styleEl.textContent += colorCSS; return { endG: endG, end1: end1, end2: end2, wires: wires }; }; WireFactory.prototype.addWire = function (start, end, color, withCrocs) { if (withCrocs === void 0) { withCrocs = false; } var startLoc = this.getLocCoord(start); var endLoc = this.getLocCoord(end); var wireEls; if (withCrocs && end.type == "dalboard") { var boardPin =; if (boardPin == "P0" || boardPin == "P1" || boardPin == "P2" || boardPin == "GND" || boardPin == "+3v3") { //HACK wireEls = this.drawWireWithCrocs(startLoc, endLoc, color); } else { wireEls = this.drawWireWithCrocs(startLoc, endLoc, color, true); } } else { wireEls = this.drawWire(startLoc, endLoc, color); } return wireEls; }; return WireFactory; }()); visuals.WireFactory = WireFactory; })(visuals = pxsim.visuals || (pxsim.visuals = {})); })(pxsim || (pxsim = {}));