# Function Parameters How to use parameters to pass info in and out of an function. ### @parent javascript/function A [function](/js/function) can have multiple input parameters and/or a single output parameter. The parameters must be one of the supported variable [types](/js/types). When you first [create a function](/js/function), it looks like this: ``` export function doStuff() { } ``` ### Add a function parameter 1. Open your script (if needed) and then click `script` in the upper-right corner. 2. Under **code** click your function name. 3. Click the function name in your code (this opens the function panel). 4. Click **add input parameter** or **add output parameter**. The parameter is added to your function. #### Input parameters The default type for an input parameter is [Number](/types/number): ``` export function oneInput(p: number) { } ``` To change the default type, click the type ([Number](/types/number) in this case) and change it to [String](/types/string), [Boolean](/types/boolean), or [Image](/reference/image/image). You can add multiple input parameters to a function. #### Output parameter the default type for an output parameter is [Number](/types/number): ``` export function output() : number { let r: number return 42 return r } ``` To change the default type, click the type ([Number](/types/number) in this case) and change it to [String](/types/string), [Boolean](/types/boolean), or [Image](/reference/image/image). ### Inputs and output function The following sample function has two inputs and one output parameter (all are the Number type): ``` export function inputsAndOutput(p: number, q: number) : number { let r: number return p + q return r } ``` ### See also [call a function](/js/call), [create a function](/js/function), [return](/js/return)