# Setup and procedure ## Setup 1. Plan and design the experiments. 2. Use the radio and the [MakeCode app][makecode-app] for the data collection method. 3. Plan and design data collection documents. 4. Program the @boardname@s. 5. Experiment with different data collection scenarios. 6. Report on the findings and observations in the experiments. ## Code and Data Collection This project will explore 2 different methods of data collection. The first uses a single @boardname@ with the [Windows 10 MakeCode app][makecode-app] to record the data over a serial connection. The second uses the radio on the @boardname@ in the nose cone to transmit the acceleration values back to another @boardname@ connected to the computer to collect and record data using the Windows 10 MakeCode app. ### Option 1: Windows 10 MakeCode app and a USB connection The [Windows 10 MakeCode app][makecode-app] allows data to be directly read from the @boardname@ when it is attached using USB cable. Data can be sent from the @boardname@ to the Windows 10 MakeCode app using a serial data connection. The data collected over the serial connection can be graphed and the data can be downloaded. The data can be downloaded as a _data.csv_ file. This allows the collection of data in real time. This file can be opened in a spreadsheet for further analysis. Many different kinds of experiments can be performed using this data logging technique. ### Option 2: Remote collecting unit sending to receiving unit over radio Two @boardname@s can be used to collect and record data using the radio commands. One @boardname@ can be setup remotely and the other @boardname@ can be used to observe the data. The first @boardname@ can send the data it observes to the second @boardname@ for the observer to record. Setup 2 @boardname@s so they can communicate over the radio they need to be on the same radio group. For additional information see the [Data Collection](/courses/ucp-science/data-collection) lesson. Use 2 @boardname@s to collect the data on one and send it to another that is connect to the Windows 10 MakeCode app using a USB cable the experiment to collect and record data remotely. This allows the collection of acceleration data at a distance. ## Coding the Radios Method ### Sender @boardname@ Code The sender @boardname@ uses the ``||basic:on start||`` event to set up the title on the @boardname@ when started and the radio group. 1. Code the first @boardname@ using Windows 10 MakeCode app. 2. Name the project, “Rocket Launch Sender”. 3. The ``||basic:on start||`` event will display the title and function of the @boardname@ in all caps, “ACCEL Z”. 4. Add comments to the ``||basic:on start||`` event: name of the project, creator, and date created. 5. Set up a radio group by giving it a number, or channel, to work on (group `10` is used in this example). ```blocks // Rocket Acceleration z sender // by C Lyman // May 2018 basic.showString("Z ACCEL SENDER") radio.setGroup(10) ``` Inside the ``||basic:forever||`` loop, the acceleration of ``z`` is recorded and sent as a number over the radio to the receiver @boardname@. The ``||radio:radio send number||`` block is used to send the acceleration sensed in the ``z`` direction. When the @boardname@ is face up the ``z`` direction is up and down. The ``x`` direction is right and left. The ``y`` direction is forward and backward. The number is sent to all @boardname@s on the same channel or group. ```blocks // forever loop to read z acceleration basic.forever(() => { radio.sendNumber(input.acceleration(Dimension.Z)) }) ``` ### Reciever @boardname@ Code This receiver @boardname@ uses the ``||basic:on start||`` event to set up the title on the @boardname@ when started, the radio group. 1. Code the first @boardname@ using Windows 10 MakeCode app for @boardname@s. 2. Name the project, "Rocket Launch Receiver". 3. The ``||basic:on start||`` event will display the title and function of the @boardname@ in all caps, "ACCEL Z RECEIVER". 4. Add comments to the ``||basic:on start||`` event: Name the project, creator, and date created. 5. Set up a radio group by giving it a number or channel to work on. (Group 10 is used in this example.) 6. A ``||serial:serial write line||`` is used to send the text ``"Acceleration"``. This opens up the serial port in the Windows 10 MakeCode app so the purple **Show Data Device** button shows up below the simulator in the MakeCode app. Clicking this button allows the observation and downloading of the collected data. ```blocks basic.showString("ACCEL Z RECEIVER") radio.setGroup(10) serial.writeLine("Acceleration") ``` The ``||radio:on radio received||`` event reads the number value from the sending @boardname@. The number is then stored in the variable ``receivedNumber``. The last line uses the serial write command to send the text ``"z"`` label and the value of ``receivedNumber`` variable back to the Windows 10 MakeCode app. The data is sampled and send from 10 to 20 times per second. ```blocks // onRadio receive & write z value to serial radio.onDataPacketReceived(({ receivedNumber }) => { serial.writeValue("z", receivedNumber) }) ``` ## Data Analysis Sample Graphed data in the Windows MakeCode app:  Download the data collected and observed using the purple download button. Sample data from the downloaded _data.csv_ file:  Try graphing the data in different ways in the spreadsheet. ## Rocket Launch Video Watch the demostration [rocket launch](https://drive.google.com/open?id=10h-uL7ajoS4_M7vZWW5LqdqSgt7PCj7Q) video. ## Questions 1. Can you observe relationships between the different forces of acceleration? 2. Is there a difference between the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` acceleration forces measured by a @boardname@? 3. When is the strength of the signal stronger? 4. What is micro gravity unit of measurement. 5. In a spreadsheet, does graphing few seconds compared to several seconds give a different picture of what is happening? ## Extensions ### Monitoring Freefall Set up the experiment to collect data when a @boardname@ is drown several feet or meters. ### Develop Other Hypotheses and Experiments Research what acceleration on a skateboard at a skatepark or other types of movement as in a car. What about a ride at an amusement park? ```package radio ``` <br/> | | | | |-|-|-| | Adapted from "[Rocket Acceleration z Radios](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IyhCPdYQevKh3kHNgukSxlgdvZIKuzmIBjLSRnFS36o)" by [C Lyman](http://utahcoding.org) | | [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) | [makecode-app]: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9PJC7SV48LCX