# Examples Here are some fun programs for your @boardname@! ## Fun stuff ```codecard [{ "name": "Blinky", "description": "A blinking LED", "url":"/examples/blinky" }, { "name": "Name Tag", "description": "Scroll your name on the screen", "url":"/examples/name-tag" }, { "name": "Rando", "description": "Randomly blinking LEDs", "url":"/examples/rando" }, { "name": "Game of Life", "description": "Simulation in LEDs. Use button A for next stage. Button B for reset.", "url":"/examples/gameofLife" } ] ``` ## Sensors ```codecard [{ "name": "Plot Acceleration", "description": "chart acceleration on the LED screen", "url":"/examples/plot-acceleration" }, { "name": "Plot Light Level", "description": "chart light level on the LED screen", "url":"/examples/plot-light-level" }, { "name": "Plot Analog Pin", "description": "chart analog input on the LED screen", "url":"/examples/plot-analog-pin" }] ``` ## Actuators ```codecard [{ "name": "Servo Calibrator", "description": "calibrates a servo", "url":"/examples/servo-calibrator" }] ```