# Science Experiments

* [Watch Playlist on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMMBk9hE-SepXDy_290SeRmEpGA2u1pwW)

## Videos

        "name": "Data Collection",
        "description": "Collect, view, and analyze the data from your experiments.",
        "youTubeId": "tZy9Ev21B4c",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/data-collection.jpg"
        "name": "Population Trait Counter",
        "description": "Observe population traits by collecting survey data from people, analyze and track the genetic traits.",
        "youTubeId": "NNZEMiJHY2o",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/population-trait.jpg"
        "name": "Temperature Sensor",
        "description": "Chart temperature data in and out of direct sunlight using a sun shield, see if using a windshield sun shade in your car really makes it cooler.",
        "youTubeId": "pHDYsy6xyE4",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/temperature-sensor.jpg"
        "name": "Soil Moisture Sensor",
        "description": "Watch this video to find out how you can create a soil moisture sensor to measure the health of your plants!",
        "youTubeId": "n0WRQf11Pzo",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/soil-moisture.jpg"
        "name": "EMG Muscle Sensor",
        "description": "Monitor the movement of your muscles and measure the signals to them",
        "youTubeId": "vxlPQZIwYRc",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/emg-muscle-sensor.jpg"
        "name": "Egg Drop",
        "description": "Can the egg survive a drop, test the drop force on an egg to find out when it might crack",
        "youTubeId": "tnDJFdC3Nd4",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/egg-drop.jpg"
        "name": "Battery Tester",
        "description": "See if your batteries still have their voltage with this battery tester",
        "youTubeId": "gdlc34nhjK4",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/battery-tester.jpg"
        "name": "Rocket Acceleration",
        "description": "Have a blast building, launching, and tracking your own rocket!",
        "youTubeId": "m9ntqxh8FvQ",
        "imageUrl": "/static/mb/science-experiments/rocket-acceleration.jpg"