# on Logo Event Run some code in your program when the @boardname@ logo is pressed, touched, or released. ```sig input.onLogoEvent(TouchButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {}) ``` ### ~ reminder ![works with micro:bit V2 only image](/static/v2/v2-only.png) This block requires the [micro:bit V2](/device/v2) hardware. If you use this block with a micro:bit v1 board, you will see the **927** error code on the screen. ### ~ The logo on the @boardname@ works just like a touch pin. The logo will detect your touch. You can have code inside an event that will run when the logo is pressed. ## Parameters * **action**: the logo event to run your code for. The events are ``released``, ``pressed``, ``touched`` or ``long pressed``. ## Example Show a message on the LEDs when the @boardname@ logo is pressed. ```blocks input.onLogoEvent(TouchButtonEvent.Pressed, function () { basic.showString("I was pressed!") }) ``` ## See also [micro:bit V2](/device/v2), [logo is pressed](/reference/input/logo-is-pressed), [on pin pressed](/reference/input/on-logo-released), [touch set mode](/referene/inpu/touch-set-mode)