# Examples

Here are some fun programs for your @boardname@!

## Fun stuff

  "name": "Blinky",
  "description": "A blinking pattern of LEDs",
  "cardType": "example"
  "name": "Name Tag",
  "description": "Scroll your name on the screen",
  "cardType": "example"
  "name": "Rando",
  "description": "Randomly blinking LEDs",
  "cardType": "example"
  "name": "Game of Life",
  "description": "A Game of Life simulation in LEDs",
  "cardType": "example"
  "name": "Pi Monte Carlo",
  "description": "Approximate the number Pi",
  "url": "/examples/pi-montecarlo",
  "cardType": "example"

## Sensors

  "name": "Egg & Spoon race",
  "description": "Balance a micro:bit like an egg and spoon race",
  "cardType": "example"
  "name": "Plot Acceleration",
  "description": "Chart acceleration on the LED screen",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Plot Light Level",
  "description": "Chart light level on the LED screen",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Plot Analog Pin",
  "description": "Chart analog input on the LED screen",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Stop Watch",
  "description": "Easily track time",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Radio Dashboard",
  "description": "A dashboard for radio clients",
  "cardType": "example"

## Actuators

  "name": "Servo Calibrator",
  "description": "Calibrate a servo",
  "cardType": "example"

## Turtle graphics

  "name": "Turtle Square",
  "description": "Move in a square",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Turtle Spiral",
  "description": "Move in a spiral",
  "cardType": "example"
}, {
  "name": "Turtle Scanner",
  "description": "Scan down the screen",
  "cardType": "example"