# Introduction Computer programs are instructions telling the computer how to process input and deliver output. An important part of programming is telling the computer WHEN to perform a certain task. For this, we use something called ‘conditionals’.  Conditionals get their name because a certain Condition or Rule has to be met. Students are all already familiar with the concept of conditionals in their daily lives! Have they ever had their parents say..? * “If you clean your room, you can go out with your friends.” * “If your homework is done, you can play video games.” * “If you do your chores all week, you get your allowance, else you are grounded.” These are all conditionals! Conditionals follow the format of IF this, THEN that. >**IF** (condition is met), **THEN** (action performed) Have the students share a few conditionals from their own lives with the class or within small groups. Note: For older students, you can have them add the ELSE portion of a conditional. >**IF** (condition is met), **THEN** (action performed), **ELSE** (different action performed) Example: * IF it is snowing, THEN wear boots, ELSE wear shoes. The ELSE portion makes sure that a different action is performed in either case. Without the ELSE action, your students might be barefoot! ![If-Then workflow](/static/courses/csintro/conditionals/flowchart.PNG) Tell the students that they will be acting out some conditionals as though the whole class is a computer program for a game. Each student will perform a described action if the indicated condition is met. **Note:** This activity can be done as a whole class or in smaller groups or as a pencil and paper activity.