# Educator materials preview

The materials are designed to allow educators to deliver a Computer Science curriculum to students in a structured format that introduces them to new concepts with engaging activites and projects. In addtion to the individual lesson materials, there are course guides, overviews, and assessment guides help the teacher along in presenting the course.

These materials give the teacher who's new to the subject an already prepared lesson series which they can start to teach with right away. For educators that have wanted to introduce a Computer Science course into their classroom but have yet to develop the course material for one, use these materials and start teaching now!

## Classroom presentation

Each lesson has classroom presentation slides that let you introduce students to what they will learn in that lesson and it gives an overview of the activities and lesson flow.

![Example classroom presentation slide](/static/courses/csintro-educator/class-present-example.jpg)

## Educator guides

Every lesson has a complete guide to describe the lesson goals, activities, and indended outcomes.

![Example lesson page](/static/courses/csintro-educator/lesson-example.jpg)

## Student workbook

The student workbook is for the student to follow. It sets the lesson goals and clearly describes the making and coding activites.

![Example student workbook page](/static/courses/csintro-educator/workbook-example.jpg)

## Quick start video

There's a quick start video for each lesson sequence to help spark the student's interest and get them thinking about the lessons they'll be working on.

![Example student workbook page](/static/courses/csintro-educator/qs-video-example.gif)