# pogo lesson create a game that relies on precise instincts and timing reflexes #if #. ## Topic Running Time ## Quick Links * [activity](/microbit/lessons/pogo/activity) ## Prior learning/place of lesson in scheme of work Learn how to use running time. We will be learning how to create a pogo game using variables, forever loop, conditionals, on button pressed, as well as simple commands, such as show LEDs and clear screen. ## Documentation ```cards let jumps = 0 let acc = input.acceleration(Dimension.Y) basic.showNumber(0) radio.receiveNumber() led.stopAnimation() radio.sendNumber(0) basic.forever(() => { }) basic.showLeds(` . . . . . . # . # . . . # . . # . . . # . # # # . `) basic.clearScreen() if (true) {} radio.onDataReceived(() => { }) ``` ## Objectives * learn how to create a function as a unit of code that performs a specific task and returns a result * learn how arithmetic operators operate on numbers and return a number * learn how to repeat code in the background forever * learn how to conditionally run code depending on whether a condition is true or not * learn how to run code when an input button is pressed * learn how to pause your code for the specified number of milliseconds