# temperature challenges Coding challenges for zoomer. ## Before we get started Complete the following guided [temperature activity](/microbit/lessons/temperature/activity). At the end of the activity, your code should look like this: ```blocks input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => { let temp = input.temperature() basic.showNumber(temp) }) ``` ### Challenge 1 Let's add the code to display the text `C IS THE TEMP` with a `show string` block. Modify the `show string` block to slowly display the text by an interval of `300`. ```blocks input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => { let temp = input.temperature() basic.showNumber(temp) basic.showString("C IS THE TEMP") }) ``` * Run the code to see if it works as expected. ### Challenge 2 Let's add code to display the temperature gauge image with a `show LEDs` block.