# truth or dare lesson create a love meter with the BBC micro:bit #button #pressed #math #random #var #string #if #docs ### @video td/videos/truth-or-dare-0 ## Topic If (Conditionals) ## Quick Links * [activity](/microbit/lessons/truth-or-dare/activity) * [challenges](/microbit/lessons/truth-or-dare/challenges) ## Prior learning/place of lesson in scheme of work Learn how to use an if statement to run code run code depending on whether a condition is true or not. We will be learning how to create the game truth or dare using input an if statement, a local variable, math random as well as simple commands, such as show string and show LEDs. ## Documentation ```docs basic.showLeds(` . . . . . . . . . . . . # . . . . . . . . . . . . `) input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => { }) let x = 0 Math.random(3) if (true) { } basic.showString("Hello!") ``` ## Objectives * learn how to display an image on the BBC micro:bit * learn how to run code when an input button is pressed * learn how to a create a variable for a place where you can store and retrieve data * learn how to declare a new local variable or update the value of a variable * learn how to return a random number * learn how to conditionally run code depending on whether a condition is true or not * learn how to show a string on the LED screen one character at a time (scrolling from left to right)