#include "pxt.h" #include "MESEvents.h" using namespace pxt; //% color=#0082FB weight=20 namespace bluetooth { /** * Starts the Bluetooth IO pin service */ //% help=bluetooth/start-io-pin-service //% blockId=bluetooth_start_io_pin_service block="bluetooth io pin service" void startIOPinService() { new MicroBitIOPinService(*uBit.ble, uBit.io); } /** * Starts the Bluetooth LED service */ //% help=bluetooth/start-led-service //% blockId=bluetooth_start_led_service block="bluetooth led service" void startLEDService() { new MicroBitLEDService(*uBit.ble, uBit.display); } /** * Starts the temperature service */ //% help=bluetooth/start-temperature-service //% blockId=bluetooth_start_temperature_service block="bluetooth temperature service" void startTemperatureService() { new MicroBitTemperatureService(*uBit.ble, uBit.thermometer); } }