#include "pxt.h"
#include "MESEvents.h"
#include "MicroBitUARTService.h"

using namespace pxt;

 * Support for additional Bluetooth services.
//% color=#0082FB weight=96 icon="\uf294"
namespace bluetooth {
    MicroBitUARTService *uart = NULL;

    *  Starts the Bluetooth accelerometer service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-accelerometer-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_accelerometer_service block="bluetooth accelerometer service"
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=90 blockGap=8
    void startAccelerometerService() {
        new MicroBitAccelerometerService(*uBit.ble, uBit.accelerometer);        

    *  Starts the Bluetooth button service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-button-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_button_service block="bluetooth button service" blockGap=8
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=89
    void startButtonService() {
        new MicroBitButtonService(*uBit.ble);      

    *  Starts the Bluetooth IO pin service.
    //% help=bluetooth/start-io-pin-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_io_pin_service block="bluetooth io pin service" blockGap=8
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=88
    void startIOPinService() {
        new MicroBitIOPinService(*uBit.ble, uBit.io);

    *  Starts the Bluetooth LED service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-led-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_led_service block="bluetooth led service" blockGap=8
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=87
    void startLEDService() {
        new MicroBitLEDService(*uBit.ble, uBit.display);

    *  Starts the Bluetooth temperature service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-temperature-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_temperature_service block="bluetooth temperature service" blockGap=8
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=86
    void startTemperatureService() {    
        new MicroBitTemperatureService(*uBit.ble, uBit.thermometer);        

    *  Starts the Bluetooth magnetometer service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-magnetometer-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_magnetometer_service block="bluetooth magnetometer service"
    //% parts="bluetooth" weight=85
    void startMagnetometerService() {    
        new MicroBitMagnetometerService(*uBit.ble, uBit.compass); 

    *  Starts the Bluetooth UART service
    //% help=bluetooth/start-uart-service
    //% blockId=bluetooth_start_uart_service block="bluetooth uart service"
    //% parts="bluetooth" advanced=true
    void startUartService() {
        if (uart) return;
        // 61 octet buffer size is 3 x (MTU - 3) + 1
        // MTU on nRF51822 is 23 octets. 3 are used by Attribute Protocol header data leaving 20 octets for payload
        // So we allow a RX buffer that can contain 3 x max length messages plus one octet for a terminator character
        uart = new MicroBitUARTService(*uBit.ble, 61, 60);
    void uartWriteString(String data) {

    String uartReadUntil(String del) {
        return PSTR(uart->readUntil(MSTR(del)));

    * Registers an event to be fired when one of the delimiter is matched.
    * @param delimiters the characters to match received characters against.
    //% help=bluetooth/on-uart-data-received
    //% weight=18 blockId=bluetooth_on_data_received block="bluetooth|on data received %delimiters=serial_delimiter_conv"
    void onUartDataReceived(String delimiters, Action body) {

     * Register code to run when the micro:bit is connected to over Bluetooth
     * @param body Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is established
    //% help=bluetooth/on-bluetooth-connected weight=20
    //% blockId=bluetooth_on_connected block="on bluetooth connected" blockGap=8
    //% parts="bluetooth"
    void onBluetoothConnected(Action body) {

     * Register code to run when a bluetooth connection to the micro:bit is lost
     * @param body Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is lost
    //% help=bluetooth/on-bluetooth-disconnected weight=19
    //% blockId=bluetooth_on_disconnected block="on bluetooth disconnected"
    //% parts="bluetooth"
    void onBluetoothDisconnected(Action body) {

    const int8_t CALIBRATED_POWERS[] = {-49, -37, -33, -28, -25, -20, -15, -10};
    * Advertise an Eddystone URL
	* @param url the url to transmit. Must be no longer than the supported eddystone url length, eg: "https://makecode.com"
	* @param power power level between 0 and 7, eg: 7
    * @param connectable true to keep bluetooth connectable for other services, false otherwise.
    //% blockId=eddystone_advertise_url block="bluetooth advertise url %url|with power %power|connectable %connectable"
    //% parts=bluetooth weight=11 blockGap=8
    //% help=bluetooth/advertise-url blockExternalInputs=1
    void advertiseUrl(String url, int power, bool connectable) {
        power = min(MICROBIT_BLE_POWER_LEVELS-1, max(0, power));
        int8_t level = CALIBRATED_POWERS[power];
        uBit.bleManager.advertiseEddystoneUrl(MSTR(url), level, connectable);

    * Advertise an Eddystone UID
	* @param nsAndInstance 16 bytes buffer of namespace (bytes 0-9) and instance (bytes 10-15)
	* @param power power level between 0 and 7, eg: 7
    * @param connectable true to keep bluetooth connectable for other services, false otherwise.
    //% parts=bluetooth weight=12 advanced=true
    void advertiseUidBuffer(Buffer nsAndInstance, int power, bool connectable) {
        auto buf = nsAndInstance;
        if (buf->length != 16) return;

        power = min(MICROBIT_BLE_POWER_LEVELS-1, max(0, power));
        int8_t level = CALIBRATED_POWERS[power];
        uBit.bleManager.advertiseEddystoneUid((const char*)buf->data, (const char*)buf->data + 10, level, connectable);

    * Sets the bluetooth transmit power between 0 (minimal) and 7 (maximum).
    * @param power power level between 0 (minimal) and 7 (maximum), eg: 7.
    //% parts=bluetooth weight=5 help=bluetooth/set-transmit-power advanced=true
    //% blockId=bluetooth_settransmitpower block="bluetooth set transmit power %power"
    void setTransmitPower(int power) {
        uBit.bleManager.setTransmitPower(min(MICROBIT_BLE_POWER_LEVELS-1, max(0, power)));

    * Stops advertising Eddystone end points
    //% blockId=eddystone_stop_advertising block="bluetooth stop advertising"
    //% parts=bluetooth weight=10
    //% help=bluetooth/stop-advertising advanced=true
    void stopAdvertising() {