# lucky 7 challenges

Coding challenges for the lucky 7 tutorial. #docs

## Before we get started

Complete the [lucky 7](/microbit/lessons/lucky-7/activity) activity and your code will look like this:

basic.showNumber(7, 150)

### Challenge 1

But we also should pause before showing another number. Let's add a pause of 500 milliseconds.

basic.showNumber(7, 150)
basic.pause(500) // ***

### Challenge 2

### @video td/videos/lucky-7-1-2

What about other multiples of 7? Let's display the next multiple of 7 on the screen!

basic.showNumber(7, 150)
basic.showNumber(14, 150) // ***

* Run the code to see if it works as expected.

### Challenge 3

Keep displaying multiples of 7 such as 21 and 28, but don't forget to add pauses between the numbers!