#include "pxt.h"

using namespace pxt;


// Packet Spec:
// | 0              | 1 ... 4       | 5 ... 8           | 9 ... 28
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// | packet type    | system time   | serial number     | payload
// Serial number defaults to 0 unless enabled by user

// payload: number (9 ... 12)

// payload: number (9 ... 12), name length (13), name (14 ... 26)

// payload: string length (9), string (10 ... 28)

//% color=270 weight=34 icon="\uf012"
namespace radio {

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Radio
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    bool radioEnabled = false;
    bool transmitSerialNumber = false;

    PacketBuffer packet;

    uint8_t type;
    uint32_t time;
    uint32_t serial;
    int value;
    StringData* msg;

    int radioEnable() {
        int r = uBit.radio.enable();
        if (r != MICROBIT_OK) {
            return r;
        if (!radioEnabled) {
            radioEnabled = true;
        return r;

    void broadcastMessage(int message) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        uBit.radio.event.eventReceived(MicroBitEvent(MES_BROADCAST_GENERAL_ID, message, CREATE_ONLY));

    void onBroadcastMessageReceived(int message, Action f) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        registerWithDal(MES_BROADCAST_GENERAL_ID, message, f);

    void setPacketPrefix(uint8_t* buf, int type) {
        // prefix: type (0), time (1..4), serial (5..8)
        uint32_t t = system_timer_current_time();
        uint32_t sn = transmitSerialNumber ? microbit_serial_number() : 0;

        buf[0] = (uint8_t) type;
        memcpy(buf + 1, &t, 4);
        memcpy(buf + 5, &sn, 4);

    uint8_t copyStringValue(uint8_t* buf, StringData* data, uint8_t maxLength) {
        ManagedString s(data);
        uint8_t len = min(maxLength, s.length());

        // One byte for length of the string
        buf[0] = len;

        if (len > 0) {
            memcpy(buf + 1, s.toCharArray(), len);
        return len + 1;

    StringData* getStringValue(uint8_t* buf, uint8_t maxLength) {
        // First byte is the string length
        uint8_t len = min(maxLength, buf[0]);

        if (len) {
            char name[maxLength + 1];
            memcpy(name, buf + 1, len);
            name[len] = 0;
            return ManagedString(name).leakData();
        return ManagedString().leakData();

    void writePacketAsJSON(uint8_t tp, int v, int s, int t, StringData* m) {
        // Convert the packet to JSON and send over serial
        if (tp == PACKET_TYPE_STRING || tp == PACKET_TYPE_VALUE) {
        if (tp == PACKET_TYPE_NUMBER || tp == PACKET_TYPE_VALUE) {

     * Takes a packet from the micro:bit radio queue.
     * @param writeToSerial if true, write the received packet to serial without updating the global packet;
                            if false, update the global packet instead
    void receivePacket(bool writeToSerial) {
        PacketBuffer p = uBit.radio.datagram.recv();

        uint8_t* buf = p.getBytes();
        uint8_t tp;
        int t;
        int s;
        int v;
        StringData* m;

        memcpy(&tp, buf, 1);
        memcpy(&t, buf + 1, 4);
        memcpy(&s, buf + 5, 4);

        if (tp == PACKET_TYPE_STRING) {
            v = 0;
            m = getStringValue(buf + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH, MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH - 1);
        else {
            memcpy(&v, buf + 9, 4);
            if (tp == PACKET_TYPE_VALUE) {
                m = getStringValue(buf + VALUE_PACKET_NAME_LEN_OFFSET, MAX_FIELD_NAME_LENGTH);
            else {
                m = ManagedString().leakData();

        if (!writeToSerial) {
            // Refresh global packet
            packet = p;
            type = tp;
            time = t;
            serial = s;
            value = v;
            msg = m;
        else {
            writePacketAsJSON(tp, v, s, t, m);

     * Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.
    //% help=radio/send-number
    //% weight=60
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_send block="radio send number %value" blockGap=8
    void sendNumber(int value) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        uint8_t length = PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH + sizeof(uint32_t);
        uint8_t buf[length];
        memset(buf, 0, length);

        setPacketPrefix(buf, PACKET_TYPE_NUMBER);
        memcpy(buf + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH, &value, 4);

        uBit.radio.datagram.send(buf, length);

    * Broadcasts a name / value pair along with the device serial number
    * and running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.
    * @param name the field name (max 12 characters), eg: "name"
    * @param value the numberic value
    //% help=radio/send-value
    //% weight=59
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_send_value block="radio send|value %name|= %value" blockGap=8
    void sendValue(StringData* name, int value) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;

        ManagedString n(name);
        uint8_t buf[32];
        memset(buf, 0, 32);

        setPacketPrefix(buf, PACKET_TYPE_VALUE);
        memcpy(buf + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH, &value, 4);

        int stringLen = copyStringValue(buf + VALUE_PACKET_NAME_LEN_OFFSET, name, MAX_FIELD_NAME_LENGTH);

        uBit.radio.datagram.send(buf, VALUE_PACKET_NAME_LEN_OFFSET + stringLen);

     * Broadcasts a string along with the device serial number
     * and running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.
    //% help=radio/send-string
    //% weight=58
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_send_string block="radio send string %msg"
    void sendString(StringData* msg) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;

        uint8_t buf[32];
        memset(buf, 0, 32);

        setPacketPrefix(buf, PACKET_TYPE_STRING);
        int stringLen = copyStringValue(buf + PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH, msg, MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH - 1);

        uBit.radio.datagram.send(buf, PACKET_PREFIX_LENGTH + stringLen);

    * Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial
    * as JSON.
    //% help=radio/write-value-to-serial
    //% weight=3
    //% blockId=radio_write_value_serial block="radio write value to serial"
    //% deprecated=true
    void writeValueToSerial() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;

    * Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called
    * within an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.
    //% help=radio/write-received-packet-to-serial
    //% weight=3
    //% blockId=radio_write_packet_serial block="radio write received packet to serial"
    //% advanced=true
    void writeReceivedPacketToSerial() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        writePacketAsJSON(type, value, (int) serial, (int) time, msg);

     * Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number
     * payload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.
    //% help=radio/receive-number
    //% weight=46
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_receive block="radio receive number" blockGap=8
    //% deprecated=true
    int receiveNumber()
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return 0;
        return value;

     * Registers code to run when a packet is received over radio.
    //% help=radio/on-data-received
    //% weight=50
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_received_event block="radio on data received" blockGap=8
    //% deprecated=true
    void onDataReceived(Action body) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        // make sure the receive buffer has a free spot

     * Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string
     * payload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_receive_string block="radio receive string" blockGap=8
    //% weight=44
    //% help=radio/receive-string
    //% deprecated=true
    StringData* receiveString() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return ManagedString().leakData();
        return msg;

     * Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken
     * from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.
     * namespace=radio
    //% help=radio/received-signal-strength
    //% weight=40
    //% blockId=radio_datagram_rssi block="radio received signal strength"
    //% deprecated=true
    int receivedSignalStrength() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return 0;
        return packet.getRSSI();

     * Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.
     * @ param id the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, 1 eg
    //% help=radio/set-group
    //% weight=10 blockGap=8 advanced=true
    //% blockId=radio_set_group block="radio set group %ID"
    void setGroup(int id) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;

     * Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.
    * @param power a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest. eg: 7
    //% help=radio/set-transmit-power
    //% weight=9 blockGap=8
    //% blockId=radio_set_transmit_power block="radio set transmit power %power"
    //% advanced=true
    void setTransmitPower(int power) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;

    * Set the radio to transmit the serial number in each message.
    * @param transmit value indicating if the serial number is transmitted, eg: true
    //% help=radio/set-transmit-serial-number
    //% weight=8 blockGap=8
    //% blockId=radio_set_transmit_serial_number block="radio set transmit serial number %transmit"
    //% advanced=true
    void setTransmitSerialNumber(bool transmit) {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return;
        transmitSerialNumber = transmit;

     * Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue
     * (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not
     * contain a number.
    //% help=radio/received-number
    int receivedNumber() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return 0;
        return value;

     * Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken
     * from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if
     * that packet did not send a serial number.
    //% help=radio/received-serial
    uint32_t receivedSerial() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return 0;
        return serial;

     * Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue
     * (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that
     * packet did not contain a string.
    //% help=radio/received-string
    StringData* receivedString() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return ManagedString().leakData();
        return msg;

     * Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the
     * last packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,
     * ``receiveString``, etc).
    //% help=radio/received-time
    uint32_t receivedTime() {
        if (radioEnable() != MICROBIT_OK) return 0;
        return time;