# Conditional statements

![Board game example](/static/courses/csintro/conditionals/cover.jpg)

This lesson introduces the Logic blocks such as 'If...then' and 'If...then...else'.
Students practice skills of creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration.

## Lesson objectives
Students will...

* Understand what conditional statements are, and why and when to use them in a program.
* Learn how to use the Logic blocks 'If...then' and 'If…then...else'.
* Practice using the Logic blocks so different conditions yield specified outcomes.
* Demonstrate understanding and apply skill by collaborating with classmates to create a game that uses a micro:bit and a program that correctly and effectively uses conditionals. 

## Lesson plan

1. [**Overview**: Conditional statements](/courses/csintro/conditionals/overview)
2. [**Unplugged**: Red light, green light](/courses/csintro/conditionals/unplugged)
3. [**Activity**: Rock, paper, scissors](/courses/csintro/conditionals/activity)
4. [**Project**: Board game](/courses/csintro/conditionals/project)

## Related standards

[Targeted CSTA standards](/courses/csintro/conditionals/standards)