# Set Accelerometer Range

Set up the part of the @boardname@ that measures
[acceleration](/reference/input/acceleration) (how much the microbit
is speeding up or slowing down), in case you need to measure high
or low acceleration.


### Parameters

* ``range`` means the biggest number of gravities of acceleration you
  will be measuring (either `1g`, `2g`, `4g`, or `8g`).  Any bigger numbers
  will be ignored by your @boardname@, both when you are picking a
  number of gravities, and when you are measuring acceleration.

### Example

This program sets the highest acceleration that your @boardname@
will measure is 4G. Then it shows acceleration from side to side
until you stop the program.

basic.forever(() => {

#### ~hint

This program does not work in the simulator, only in a @boardname@.

#### ~

### See Also

[compass heading](/reference/input/compass-heading),
[light level](/reference/input/light-level)