import * as React from "react"; export function renderUsbPairDialog(firmwareUrl?: string, failedOnce?: boolean): JSX.Element { const boardName = pxt.appTarget.appTheme.boardName || "???"; const helpUrl = pxt.appTarget.appTheme.usbDocs; firmwareUrl = failedOnce && `${helpUrl}/webusb/troubleshoot`; // todo mo const instructions =
1 {lf("Connect the {0} to your computer with a USB cable", boardName)}
{lf("Use the microUSB port on the top of the {0}", boardName)}
2 {lf("Pair your {0}", boardName)}
{lf("Click 'Pair device' below and select 'Calliope mini' or 'DAPLink CMSIS-DAP' from the list")}
; if (!firmwareUrl) return instructions; return
{lf("Update Firmware")}
{lf("You must have version 0249 or above of the firmware")}
{lf("Check Firmware")}
; } export function renderBrowserDownloadInstructions(): JSX.Element { const boardName = pxt.appTarget.appTheme.boardName || lf("device"); const boardDriveName = pxt.appTarget.appTheme.driveDisplayName || pxt.appTarget.compile.driveName || "???"; return
1 {lf("Connect the {0} to your computer with a USB cable", boardName)}
{lf("Use the microUSB port on the top of the {0}", boardName)}
2 {lf("Move the .hex file to the {0}", boardName)}
{lf("Locate the downloaded .hex file and drag it to the {0} drive", boardDriveName)}
; } export function cantImportAsync(project: pxt.editor.IProjectView) { // this feature is support in v0 only return project.showModalDialogAsync({ header: lf("Can't import scripts..."), body: lf("Importing programs is not supported in this editor anymore. Please open this script in the editor."), buttons: [ { label: lf("Go to the old editor"), url: `` } ] }).then(() => project.openHome()) }