#include "pxt.h"

enum SerialPin {
    C16 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P2,
    C17 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P8,
    P0 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P12,
    P3 = MICROBIT_ID_IO_P16,

enum BaudRate {
  //% block=115200
  BaudRate115200 = 115200,
  //% block=57600
  BaudRate56700 = 57600,
  //% block=9600
  BaudRate9600 = 9600

enum Delimiters {
    //% block="new line"
    NewLine = 1,
    //% block=","
    Comma = 2,
    //% block="$"
    Dollar = 3,
    //% block=":"
    Colon = 4,
    //% block="."
    Fullstop = 5,
    //% block="#"
    Hash = 6,

//% weight=2 color=30
//% advanced=true
namespace serial {
    // note that at least one // followed by % is needed per declaration!

     * Reads a line of text from the serial port and returns the buffer when the delimiter is met.
     * @param delimiter text delimiter that separates each text chunk
    //% help=serial/read-until
    //% blockId=serial_read_until block="serial|read until %delimiter=serial_delimiter_conv"
    //% weight=19
    StringData* readUntil(StringData* delimiter) {
      return uBit.serial.readUntil(ManagedString(delimiter)).leakData();

    * Reads the buffered received data as a string
    //% blockId=serial_read_buffer block="serial|read string"
    //% weight=18
    StringData* readString() {
      int n = uBit.serial.getRxBufferSize();
      if (n == 0) return ManagedString("").leakData();
      return ManagedString(uBit.serial.read(n, MicroBitSerialMode::ASYNC)).leakData();

    * Registers an event to be fired when one of the delimiter is matched.
    * @param delimiters the characters to match received characters against.
    //% help=serial/on-data-received
    //% weight=18 blockId=serial_on_data_received block="serial|on data received %delimiters=serial_delimiter_conv"
    void onDataReceived(StringData* delimiters, Action body) {
      // lazy initialization of serial buffers

     * Sends a piece of text through Serial connection.
    //% help=serial/write-string
    //% weight=87
    //% blockId=serial_writestring block="serial|write string %text"
    void writeString(StringData *text) {

    * Dynamically configuring the serial instance to use pins other than USBTX and USBRX.
    * @param tx the new transmission pins, eg: SerialPin.P0
    * @param rx the new reception pin, eg: SerialPin.P1
    * @param rate the new baud rate. eg: 115200
    //% weight=10
    //% help=serial/redirect-to
    //% blockId=serial_redirect block="serial|redirect to|TX %tx|RX %rx|at baud rate %rate"
    //% blockExternalInputs=1
    void redirect(SerialPin tx, SerialPin rx, BaudRate rate) {
      MicroBitPin* txp = getPin(tx); if (!tx) return;
      MicroBitPin* rxp = getPin(rx); if (!rx) return;

      uBit.serial.redirect(txp->name, rxp->name);