# References We have included some additional reference books and materials if you are interested in learning more about the maker mindset. ## Maker Education, Physical Computing or Design Thinking in the Classroom ### [Invent To Learn](http://inventtolearn.com/) by **Sylvia Libow Martinez and Gary Stager** Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom [](http://inventtolearn.com/) ### [Launch](http://thelaunchcycle.com/) by **John Spencer and AJ Juliani** Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student [](http://thelaunchcycle.com/) ### [The Innovator's Mindset](http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/5715) by **George Couros** Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity [](http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/5715) ### [The Big Book of Makerspace Projects](https://colleengraves.org/bigmakerbook/) by **Colleen Graves** Inspiring Makers to Experiment, Create, and Learn [](https://colleengraves.org/bigmakerbook/) ## Code and Computational Thinking ### [Code](http://www.charlespetzold.com/code/) by **Charles Petzold** The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software [](http://www.charlespetzold.com/code/) ### [Girl Code](https://www.girlcodethebook.com/) by **Andy Gonzales and Sophie Houser** Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting it Done [](https://www.girlcodethebook.com/) ### [Secret Coders](http://www.secret-coders.com/) by **Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes** Get with the PROGRAM! [](http://www.secret-coders.com/) ### [How to Count](https://stevenf.com/books/) by **Steven Frank** Programming for Mere Mortals, Vol. 1 [](https://stevenf.com/books/) ## Feedback If you have feedback for the Microsoft MakeCode team, you can fill out their survey form here: https://aka.ms/microbitfeedback The support site for the micro:bit is located here: [https://support.microbit.org](https://support.microbit.org/)