# Call a function The simplest way to get started in JavaScript with your micro:bit is to call one of the micro:bit's built-in JavaScript functions. Just like Blocks are organized into categories/drawers, the micro:bit functions are organized by namespaces. The `basic` namespace contains a number of very helpful functions: ```typescript basic.showString("Hello!") ``` If you want to see all functions available in a namespace, simply type `basic` followed by `.`; a list of all the functions will appear. ![](/static/mb/js/basicFuns.png) Continue typing to select one of the functions, or click on one of the functions to select. You also narrow down the set of functions by typing, as below: ![](/static/mb/js/basicIntell.png) ## Function arguments You might have noticed that the call `showString` above takes one argument, the string to be scrolled on the LED screen. There is a second (optional) argunment that controls the speed of the scroll. Try this: ```typescript basic.showString("Hello!",50) ``` If you don't give a value for an optional argument, where does its value come from? ## Left and right parentheses, please! Whenever you want to call a function, you give the name of the function followed by `(` and ending with `)`. Inbetween the left and right parentheses go the function arguments. If a function has zero arguments, you still need the parentheses. For example ```typescript basic.clearScreen() ``` ### ~button /js/sequence NEXT: Sequencing Commands ### ~