# Show Number

Show a number on the [LED screen](/device/screen). It will slide left if it has more than one digit.


### Parameters

* `value` is a [Number](/reference/types/number).
* `interval` is an optional [Number](/reference/types/number). It means the number of milliseconds before sliding the `value` left by one LED each time. Bigger intervals make the sliding slower.

### Examples:

To show the number 10:


To show the number stored in a variable:

let x = 1

### Example: count to 5

This example uses a [for](/blocks/loops/for) loop to show numbers ``0`` through ``5`` on the screen:

for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

### Other show functions

* Use [show string](/reference/basic/show-string) to show a [String](/reference/types/string) with letters on the screen.
* Use [show animation](/reference/basic/show-animation) to show a group of pictures on the screen, one after another.

### See also

[show string](/reference/basic/show-string), [show animation](/reference/basic/show-animation), [Number](/reference/types/number), [math](/blocks/math)