# Iteration & Looping

![Guitar Picture](/static/courses/csintro/iteration/guitar.jpg)

This lesson introduces the concept of looping and iteration. Presents the 'While' block as a combination of an iteration and a conditional statement.

## Lesson objectives

Students will...
* Understand the value of iteration in programming
* Understand looping as a form of iteration
* Learn how and when to use the Looping blocks ‘repeat’, ‘while’, and ‘for’
* Apply the above knowledge and skills to create a unique program that uses iteration and looping as an integral part of the program
## Lesson structure

* Introduction: Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
* Unplugged Activity: Walk a Square pseudocode
* micro:bit Activities: Code a sprite to walk a Square, travelling light, micro:bit alarm!
* Project: Get Loopy!
* Project Mods: Use servo motors to add a motion element to the project
* Assessment: Rubric 
* Standards: Listed

## Lesson plan

1. [**Overview**: Iteration and looping](/courses/csintro/iteration/overview)
2. [**Unplugged**: Walk a square](/courses/csintro/iteration/unplugged)
3. [**Activity**: Loops demos](/courses/csintro/iteration/activity)
4. [**Project**: Get loopy](/courses/csintro/iteration/project)

## Related standards

[Targeted CSTA standards](/courses/csintro/iteration/standards)